Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1493: Three-eyed golden lion

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Taikoo Dragon Elephant!

There are many races in the starry sky world, but the starry sky family can definitely be called one of the biggest races in the starry sky world.

This race has a great voice in the starry sky world, and also rules many star fields.

In the starry sky world, the starry tribe is probably equivalent to the status of the human tribe on the Tianwu Continent.

It belongs to the most powerful race.

The people of the Starry Clan are very unique, not only because of their height, but also because of their personality. The character of the Starry Clan is very open, and the Starry Clan is rich in beautiful women.

The beauty of the starry family is enthusiastic and bold, so along the way, many women of the starry family seduce Lin Feng at Lin Feng, and even a few beautiful starry women walked in various styles and handed over the written notes. For Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a look at the contents of these notes and basically wrote what was seen at first sight, hoping that at night, Lin Feng would go to a place to recount.

A young, handsome, chic, powerful, outstanding temperament man like Lin Feng can really become the focus of attention everywhere.

It is no wonder that there are so many beauties in the starry sky family to seduce Lin Feng.

"Peach Blossom is here, it seems that the old man can stroll again ...". The poisonous ancestor said with a smile.

Lin Feng shook his head involuntarily, and a flame burned those notes to ashes.

He had no intention of going to the banquet.

Although Lin Feng likes women.

But she likes women who can interest her.

There are many beautiful women in this world, but not many women can really arouse Lin Feng's interest.

Lin Feng and Duzu found a high-end inn, which belongs to the Beyuan District.

In the Beyond Garden, the environment is elegant.

Moreover, at every distance, there is a separate courtyard.

The courtyard where Lin Feng lives is located in a purple bamboo forest.

The purple bamboo forest here is very beautiful.

And there is a faint smell of bamboo in the air.

When the wind blows.

The bamboo leaves slap together, and there will be a pleasant burst of interwoven bamboo leaves.

A maidservant walked towards their small courtyard with Lin Feng and Zu Zu.

There are probably 13 or 4 small courtyards in this purple bamboo forest, which is the most high-end courtyard area among the inns.

Such a courtyard costs a thousand Needles a day, but not everyone can consume it.

When going to the residence, there were a group of guests in front, a total of more than a dozen people, all female nuns.

These female nuns wore white dresses and outlined their slim figure, which was very charming.

The stars held a woman wearing a gauze skirt and a veil.

The poisonous ancestor himself is the kind of character who is afraid of the chaos in the world. Seeing that the group of female cultivators have good figure and beautiful face, they whistled at the group of female cultivators in front.

This guy obviously wanted to tease those beautiful women.

Lin Feng is full of black lines, this time it is estimated to anger those female nuns.

As expected by Lin Feng, one of the female practitioners turned around and stared at the poison ancestor fiercely, saying, "Do you want to die?".

This female nun is about one and six meters tall.

Her height is not high.

But the female sister's upper body is extremely plump, and the clothes must be bursting.

And his face is extremely beautiful.

As can be seen from Meiyujian, this female nun is definitely that extremely spicy character.

The poisonous ancestor said, "Who said you want to die? If it weren't for the sake of your generation of women, my grandfather would have slapped it."

The woman's pretty face was very angry, and with her right hand, a sword flew out, hovering above her.

Uh ...

The light flickered.

The sword was instantly divided into three.

"Believe it or not, I will hack you now?". The female Xiu said coldly.

"Come on, good men don't fight with women, not to mention, it's up to you to cultivate something, and I don't have the qualification to let my uncle do it." The poisonous ancestor pouted.

Nun Xi was despised by the poisonous ancestor, and became more annoyed in her heart, and said, "Who wouldn't say big things? Seeing the real tricks under your hands, you know if you really have the ability"

The voice fell.

This nun wants to urge Feijian to hack to the poison ancestor.

Lin Feng hurriedly said, "This sister, please also be angry. My friend just spoke improperly. If she offended the sister, I apologized to him."

"Which onion do you count? Hurry up, otherwise, be careful your grandma cut you too."

The female Xiu said fiercely, it was really a hot temper, and the three-handed sword spitting out the cold awn, it seemed to be attacking anytime, anywhere.

At that time, the female nun who wore a gauze skirt said, "Sister Huo Yihan, you must be forgiving and forgiving. Since the other party has apologized, let's just forget about this matter."

The identity of the female cultivator wearing a gauze skirt was obviously very high. In her words, the female cultivator named Huo Yihan didn't seem to dare to violate it.

Although very unwilling.

But had to temporarily endure the anger in his heart.

She received three flying swords, glaring fiercely at Lin Feng and Duzu, and then turned to leave with her fellow doormen.

This group of people also lived in the Zizhu Forest, and they were very close to Lin Feng and the poison ancestor's residence, just over 300 meters apart.

"Lan Ruoxing is really a world of flowers. Look at the chicks, they are really stature, and their faces are beautiful ..." Du Zu sighed with emotion.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a rogue."

The poisonous ancestor said silently, "A man is a man, if any man says that he is not, I will now smoke his big mouth."

In fact, Lin Feng also quite agrees with the view of the poison ancestor.

Man character.

This is in line with the character of men.

It is estimated that every man wants to keep the red flag at home, but the colored flags flutter outside?

After a short break, Lin Feng went out with the poison ancestors. They planned to go for a big meal first, and then go to some businesses to find a way to sell more than 20 ancient ships in the starry sky, and then see if there was a way. Purchased god-level star stone.

In the past few months, the stars have been traveling in the sky. Lin Feng eats the fruit and eats the hunger, and his mouth can fade out a bird.

So Lin Feng and Du Zu ordered a large table of food and wine, and they ate and drank. Many people around them pointed at Lin Feng and Du Zu who were gorging on each other.

Many people are whispering, can these two guys be reborn after starving to death?

After eating and drinking, Lin Feng and the poison ancestor settled the bill, and then walked towards the outside of the restaurant, just came to the door, this time saw a crowd of people coming.

Lin Feng was very surprised that this group of people carried a white jade cold bed.

On top of Bai Yuhan's bed was a three-eyed golden lion.

The three-eyed golden lion is about two meters in length, and there is a devastating force in the body.

"Are you two blind? Didn't see that our son was about to enter the restaurant, and quickly rolled back into the restaurant, let our son go first." Suddenly, the one-eyed monk standing next to the white jade bed looked at Lin Feng and the poison ancestor who were about to walk out of the restaurant.

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