Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1494: The world is invincible to fight the king eight **** fist

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Hearing the words of the one-eyed monk, Lin Feng and the poison ancestor suddenly plumped.

If they don't bully others, they should burn incense.

How can someone be bullied and humiliated?

Poison ancestor pouted and said with a sneer, "Grandson, do you understand the reason why you arrived first? Did n’t you see that it was your grandfather and I went to the door first? If you give way, it is also you who give way, let you two grandpas go out first Go in ".

The one-eyed monk suddenly froze. He didn't expect the monk in front of him to be so arrogant.

Random Star Realm, who doesn't know the power of the three-eyed golden lion?

The one-eyed monk scolded Lin Feng and the poison ancestor arrogantly, but he did not represent himself.

It is the supreme majesty of the three-eyed golden lion.

But now, some people dare to offend the three-eyed golden lion.

Could this guy in front of him have never heard of the power of the three-eyed golden lion?

"Okay, it's good ... This son hasn't seen such an arrogant person in a long time. What are you called? Report your name." The three-eyed golden lion, which had closed its eyes, opened its eyes, and there was a burst of radiance in the eyes.

The poisonous ancestor pouted and said, "I want to know, but I won't tell you ...".

Hearing the poisonous ancestors obviously ridicule his answer.

The look of the three-eyed golden lion became more and more gloomy.

At this time, many people saw the conflict here. Many monks watching the outside of the restaurant and the restaurant were busy.

"Is that the little lion king of the three-eyed golden lion family? This little lion king cultivated his way for 1,500 years, and then broke through to the divine realm. The talent is against the sky. Who are those two people? Isn't it death? "

"Yeah, when Lan Ruoxing offended the three-eyed Golden Lion Clan, there is nothing to end."

Many people whispered and looked at Lin Feng and the poison ancestors with pity.

The three-eyed golden lion race is a terrible race.

This star field is called "Random of Stars".

There are five central protagonists in Chaos God Realm.

Lan Ruoxing is one of them.

Lion Star is also one of them.

The lion star is the three-eyed golden lion.

Able to control a central star.

It can be seen that the three-eyed golden lion is powerful.

and so.

No one dared to offend the three-eyed golden lion family in the chaos of God.

But now, Lin Feng and Zuzu offended the little lion king of the three-eyed golden lion clan. In the eyes of many people, this is basically the same as finding death.

"I don't know anything about life and death, so I broke the legs of these two people directly." The little lion's voice said coldly.

Lan Ruoxing does not allow private suicides.

Unless you are in the ring of life and death, you can kill each other.

If it is a private suicide, it will be besieged by the Lan Ruoxing monk army.

Therefore, the little lion king did not dare to kill people at will.

It's just that people interrupt Lin Feng and Duzu's legs.

After all, this is Lan Ruoxing, not a Lion star. No matter how extraordinary his identity is, he has to take care of one or two.

"Yes, son ...". The one-eyed monk responded, and then waved his hand, along with more than twenty other monks, gradually coming around.

"Fast battles and quick decisions, so as not to hinder the eyes of the son." Seeing a group of people rushing, Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, son"!

The poisonous ancestor responded and stepped out directly.


There was a terrifying divine power within the poison ancestor.

The pressure of the gods came out.

Bang Bang Bang ...

One-eyed monks and others could not bear the strong pressure from the poison ancestors, and were directly flew out.


Immediately afterwards, these one-eyed monks were all spitting blood on the ground from the divine power emanating from the poison ancestors, fell to the ground, and screamed with sorrow.

"Strong Realm"!

Many people exclaimed.

No one thought that the poison ancestor turned out to be a powerful god. Now many people have come back to God. No wonder this person dare to ignore the little lion king.

It turned out to be a **** monk.

Suddenly, everyone found something wrong.

A look.

All looked at the handsome young monk.

The young monk you see is naturally Lin Feng.

Because, the shot of the strong realm is obviously obedient to Lin Feng.

Was the strong man of God Realm the guard of the young son?

Many people can't help but have a thought in their minds.

Then, many people took a breath.

There is a strong man of gods around him as a guard. Who is that young son?

Many people are shocked and puzzled.

The gods are strong, smiling and proud.

Even in the starry sky world, they are all big names.

High above.

Let people look up.

As powerful as the little lion king family, there is no guardian of the **** monk around him, you can know how rare the **** monk is, and how lofty the status is.

But Lin Feng was surrounded by a **** guard.

Lin Feng's identity is worth pondering.

"court death……".

Seeing that all his guards were injured, the little lion king could not help roaring.

Playing dogs depends on the owner.

A group of men were hit hard, and the little lion king also felt dull and extremely angry.

The lion cub jumped up and stood in the void, waving huge claws, and one claw blasted towards the poison ancestor.

The moment the little lion king shot, the body also exuded a powerful divine power. The little lion king descended like a demon god, and the giant claws tore the sky and suddenly shot.

"Look uncle, my world is invincible to fight the king's eight gods fist."

The poison ancestor roared and moved towards the left side, avoiding the little lion's blow.

Then the poisonous ancestor quickly punched, hitting the lion king with a punch, and smashing the lion king out.

The body of the lion cub moved hundreds of meters away.

"Roar roar ...". The little lion roared angrily, and he despondently wanted to vomit blood, suffocating extremely.

Not just being hit with a punch and flying out.

And the name of the opponent's punch is simply Chi. Nude curse him as a king.

"Fuck, this guy is so wonderful!" Many people could not help whispering when they heard the name of Duzu's punch.

"Lion Roar Gong"!

The little lion king came again, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, looked up at the sky, and the sound wave collapsed into the void.

The power of sound waves, which contained the power of terror, swept toward the poison ancestor.

But the poison ancestor is really too easy to deal with the little lion king, because although this little lion king is a **** realm, it is only a triple sky of the virtual **** realm.

The poison ancestor is the perfect practice of the virtual **** realm.

Faced with the lion roar of the little lion king, the poison ancestors again hit the little lion king with a move of "the world is invincible to fight the king and eight gods fist".

The lion's condensed sonic attack was directly dissipated.

Then the violent punch hit the little lion king, smashing the little lion king away

The spitting blood of the little lion king was almost hateful.

The poison ancestor rushed up and stepped directly towards the little lion king.

I saw that the poisonous ancestor's right leg quickly became larger, and his blinking eyes became huge like mountains. He wanted to step the lion king under his feet.

"presumptuous……". Suddenly, a cold sound resounded through the sky, and a middle-aged monk came step by step.

This middle-aged monk is also a strong man of the three-eyed golden lion clan, but he turned into a human form. This strong man is very terrifying, and his palm is bombarded towards the poison ancestor. Was shocked to retreat again and again.

After seeing the person coming, the little lion king's expression slightly shook, he shouted loudly, "Nineteen Uncle, I will deal with another guy"!

Although the little lion king wished to poison the poisonous ancestor with thousands of swords, he knew that he was not the opponent of the poisonous ancestor, so he shifted his target to Lin Feng.

The lion king's cold eyes looked at Lin Feng, and said with a grin: "Boy, that guy was your guard just now? I care about who you are, but here is the Star God Realm, dare to offend me here, I will make you regret I will not kill you for a lifetime, but let you kneel in front of me and kowtow for mercy. "

When the words fell, the lion king exuded a terrifying divine power, oppressed toward Lin Feng, and even wanted to use his own pressure to kneel Lin Feng directly on the ground.

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