Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1495: Rolling

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"This little lion king is bullying and afraid of being tough. He picks up soft persimmons!"

"Yeah, that young son was only in his twenties. Cultivation was not many years. The cultivation practice should not be particularly high. The little lion king shot against him. It was not as simple as moving his fingers."

"As long as he catches the young son, does his guardian of the gods have to be obedient?".


Many people talked about it immediately.

Obviously, when the little lion king is going to deal with Lin Feng, no one is optimistic about Lin Feng.

In the eyes of many people, the disparity between the two sides is too great.

Everyone thought that under the terrible godly suppression of the little lion king.

Lin Feng is bound to be difficult to contend, and he may kneel down on the ground, oppressed by the little lion's divine power.

But soon everyone noticed something was wrong.

When the powerful coercion exuded from the little lion king was suppressed on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood on the spot and looked as usual.

It seems that the powerful divine coercion has no effect on Lin Feng.

"How is this going?". Many people are dumbfounded and don't understand what happened.

On the other side.

The strong man of the three-eyed golden lion clan is already at war with the poison ancestors.

The wars of the monks of the gods could not attract the attention of the onlookers.

Everyone's eyes turned to Lin Feng, and everyone was extremely puzzled. How did Lin Feng resolve the pressure of God?

"Huh? You have resolved the god's coercion? How did you do it?". The little lion's face sank slightly and asked aloud.

"Is it difficult to resolve the pressure caused by waste like you?". Lin Feng pouted.

Many people looked at Lin Feng with wry smiles.

The poison ancestors were arrogant enough before.

But Lin Feng seems to be more arrogant than the poison ancestor.

In the eyes of these onlookers, the poisonous ancestors have arrogant capital. After all, the poisonous ancestors have already shown their divine strength and crushed the little lion king.

Therefore, everyone does not think that the arrogance of the poisonous ancestors is unacceptable.

But Lin Feng, a young monk, was even more arrogant than the poisonous ancestor, and directly called the little lion king a waste.

"Is these second-generation ancestors all brain-damaged? The family is powerful, and there are **** guards around them, which can be arrogant, but now the key is that the **** guards around me are dragged by people, and now face lion alone It ’s such an arrogant person like Wang, who is too arrogant. Is it because he is too slow to die? ".

"I guess it's arrogant, I didn't change it for a while, you see the gloomy look of the little lion king, you know what he is like now, wait and see, I dare say, the little lion king will not let go Those who passed the young man, at least interrupted his limbs. "

Many people whispered and everyone felt that Lin Feng was playing with fire this time **.

Tieding will be miserable to be picked up by the little lion king.

At this time, the little lion king had already rushed to Lin Feng. He waved huge paws and patted Lin Feng one paw.

If this terrible blow is shot on the body, the bones of the whole body must not be broken?

Feeling the powerful breath from the body of the little lion king, many people could not help but take a breath.

Many people even whispered, the little lion king would not shoot the young son directly to death?

Seeing that the attack of the little lion king was about to bombard the young man.


Everyone's eyes widened, full of incredible eyes.

Because the young son, like a momentary movement, disappeared from his place.

The next moment, it appeared on the left side of the little lion king.

"Oh my god, what speed is this? Is this speed too fast? It's just abnormal!"

Many people exclaimed, shocked by the speed Lin Lin showed.

next moment!

Just listen to Peng's dull loud noise.

The little lion king was kicked out by Lin Feng directly.

Click, click!

The sound of bone fracture came out.

The little lion king did not know how many bones were directly kicked by Lin Feng.

"The little lion king is actually injured?". Many people looked at this scene in disbelief. This was something no one thought of.

Someone said, "That young man's speed is too fast, martial arts in the world, but he can't break it. Just now he shot it is very simple, just to avoid the attack of the little lion king at a speed that is unbelievable, and then instantly The little lion king was injured. "

Someone said, "Yeah, the speed is a bit ridiculous. The little lion king wants to deal with him, first he must limit his speed."

"Golden field"!

The little lion king roared, and the third eye in his eyebrows showed a slight gap.

Suddenly, a golden field condensed.

"This is the talented supernatural field of the three-eyed golden lion. It is said that the monks trapped in the golden field will be suppressed by the golden field. The speed, cultivation, perception, reaction, strength, etc. will be greatly reduced. The lion king has exhibited in this golden field, so the young son may be unable to resist this time? ".

Someone recognized the superlatives played by the little lion king and was immediately born and said.

Many people nodded one after another and agreed with the monk's point of view.

The little lion king is even more confident in his own gold field. He walks in the gold field and walks towards Lin Feng step by step.

The golden lion king said with a smile, "Do you feel fear now? Do you regret your stupid words before?"

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "Do you know what is the most ridiculous thing in this world? That is, I can't figure out how many pounds I am."

The words fell, Lin Feng stepped towards the little lion king in the golden field.

"Look, look, the young man walks freely in the golden realm."

"What's going on? It stands to reason that he should not be able to do anything."

"All of us are afraid to underestimate the young son."

Seeing that Lin Feng was not affected by the gold realm, many people shouted in shock and looked at Lin Feng in the gold realm without blinking.

These onlookers did not dare to look away, for fear of missing every scene that happened below.

"court death……".

The little lion snorted coldly, waved huge claws, and bombarded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's expression was indifferent. In the face of the attack of the little lion king, he waved his right fist and smashed it with a punch at the little lion king.


Accompanied by the dull collision sound.

Lin Feng collided with the little lion king.

Lin Feng stood on the spot.

The lines are not moving.

The little lion king was directly blown out like a lightning strike.

Click and click.

The giant claws that fought against Lin Feng were all directly broken.

That powerful concussion force even shocked the little lion king.

With a thud, the little lion king fell to the ground, trying to get up.

But this time,

Lin Feng descended from the sky and stepped on the head of the little lion king.

"Just like your waste, dare to jump in front of your son? Who gave you the courage?"

Lin Feng looked down at the little lion king with a condescending look.

Everyone couldn't believe what he was watching.

The little lion king is a powerful god.

It was defeated by a young monk in his twenties.

What did the young monk do? It was so terrifying.

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