Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1496: Thousands of god-level formation materials

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"How is it possible? How could I lose in your hands?".

The little lion king couldn't accept that he had actually lost to Lin Feng's hands, and his eyes had turned blood red.

For his arrogant personality, being stepped under Lin Feng's feet now is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

The poisonous ancestor saw Lin Feng defeating the little lion king with great power, he grinned at the nineteenth grandfather of the golden lion clan who fought with him, and then cried repeatedly, "Your waste nephew has been given by my son Suppression, do you want to continue fighting? ".

This nineteen lord, called Xin Daoyuan, is like the poisonous ancestor, and he has the strength of the Great God Realm.

Moreover, the three-eyed golden lion clan itself has blood of the gods and beasts, so Xin Daoyuan is much stronger than many monks of the same level.

At this moment, Xin Daoyuan's face is extremely ugly. The little lion king is called Xin Qianlei. He is the elder brother of Xin Daoyuan and the youngest son of the three-eyed golden lion patriarch.

And Xin Qianlei is deeply loved by the elders of the family.

Talent is also quite evil.

So seeing that Xin Qianlei fell into Lin Feng's hands, Xin Daoyuan really dared not act lightly.

If Lin Feng really abolished Xin Qianlei and even killed Xin Qianlei, he would not be able to explain it back to his family.

"The monks fight, victory or defeat is a common thing. Today, my uncle and nephew were defeated and convinced. The conditions are up to you. If you can do it, you will be satisfied."

This Xin Daoyuan is also a person who can bend and stretch. Now that he has seen it, the two people in front of him are simply lawless masters and do not know where they came from. Xin Daoyuan guesses which star field might come out to experience the great power.

Such people can either kill them directly or try not to offend them.

It's like Lin Feng and Poison Ancestor.

If these two people really killed Xin Qianlei and walked away, the starry sky world is vast, even if their three-eyed golden lion tribe wants to avenge their hatred, they ca n’t start because they ca n’t find anyone at all. It is too easy to avoid chasing.

Xin Daoyuan repaired the road for 1.52 million years. The wind and rain, what kind of things have not been seen?

Therefore, now he will take the initiative to lower his posture and want to make peace with Lin Feng temporarily.

As for how to deal with Lin Feng later, that will be the future.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "I like dealing with people who understand the truth the best. It's so good. I let go of a thousand kinds of god-level formation materials."

The formation material is very precious, the god-level formation material is even more precious, and you can encounter something you can't find.

However, such a huge force as the Three-eyed Golden Lion Clan must have a lot of treasured Divine Formation materials.

"No problem, just wait for a while, I ordered people to go to my business in Lan Ruoxing to get it." Xin Daoyuan said.

Lin Feng nodded, why not wait for a moment for a thousand kinds of formation materials?

"Deacon Zhang, take my token to the treasure trove of the business to get a thousand kinds of god-level array materials"!

Xin Daoyuan said to a monk among the crowd.

"Yes, lord"! After receiving the token of Xin Daoyuan, the monk left quickly.

"A thousand kinds of Divine Array materials, this Xin Dao Yuan actually agreed. Those Divine Array materials are extremely precious. It is estimated that the thousands of Divine Array materials must be collected for tens of thousands of years before they can be collected? This kind of treasure, even major commercial companies will not sell it, because the forces behind this firm also need to use god-level array materials, such as some starry sky ancient ships, using god-level array materials The power of the ancient ship in the starry sky will increase immediately. "

"Hey ..., Xin Qianlei is in the hands of the young son, can Xin Daoyuan disagree? Even if it hurts, I have to agree."

"After all, the young man is really brave. He dared to speak so loudly. He came up and asked for a thousand kinds of god-level formation materials. Although Xin Daoyuan promised to honor him, did he think he hated him?".

"The young son is not a person in the Star God Realm at all. It is estimated that he is a child of the great forces who came out from other Star Domains. He is so powerful, and there are gods masters around him. There is no fear at all. Not afraid of the three-eyed golden lion, maybe there are some strong cards? ".

"I also guessed this way. The children of such top powers must have hidden terrible cards. If they are really fighting each other, even if they can kill the young son, I estimate that the three-eyed golden lion will have to pay a very heavy price." .

Many people are talking about it, and now everyone looks at Lin Feng with awe, and the strong will be respected by others everywhere.

It didn't take long for the deacon who went to get the materials of the god-level formation to return.

"Adult, a thousand kinds of god-level formation materials are put in this storage pocket." The deacon named Zhang gave Xin Daoyuan a storage pocket and tokens containing materials of Divine Array.

Xin Daoyuan collected the token and threw the storage pocket to Lin Feng.

Then he said, "Is it enough to count?"

Lin Feng smiled, "Your three-eyed golden lion family is also a big family in the starry sky anyway, still disdain to do things."

Lin Feng put away his storage pocket and moved his right foot on the head of the little lion king.

Then waved his hand and left with the poison ancestor.

The little lion king just got up from the ground, his eyes could almost breathe fire.

"Nineteen Uncle ...", the little lion king said something.

Xin Dao Yuan Dao, "This is not a place to speak, go back and say!"

The little lion king nodded somberly.

Then, along with Xin Daoyuan, he returned to the three-eye golden lion business established in Lan Ruoxing.

The little lion king turned into a young monk wearing a golden robe. His face was stern, and he said, "Nineteen Uncle, I can't swallow this breath. I wish I could stab the kid with thousands of swords."

Xin Daoyuan said, "I understand the anger and suffocation in your heart, but Lan Ruoxing is not the place to kill him, and the kid is not easy. It gives me the feeling that it is more dangerous than his guard."

"How is this possible! His guard can fight the nineteenth uncle, it must be the realm of the virtual **** realm, and the boy, in his twenties, how can he have such a terrible combat power?".

The little lion king said incredulously.

Xin Daoyuan's eyes flashed in the eyes of Sen Ranhan, and said, "I guess it may be because of some kind of powerful magic weapon? There must be a lot of babies in the boy. I will now send a letter to the family and let the family send masters. When the kid entered the starry sky, he died when Huang Quan died. "

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