Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1915: Iron Box

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A strong man in the realm of giant **** shouted, his body turned into a giant axe.

Then torn through the terror and pressure in the void, he quickly rushed towards the Huangnitai.

Seeing this scene, everyone's spirits were suddenly shocked, and all followed behind the giant **** realm monk.



A terrible force of destruction was radiated from the Huangni Platform, and then bombarded **** the Huangni Platform transformed by the Great God Realm monk.

The Great God Realm monk was beaten back to the prototype, and one arm exploded directly.

Everyone took a breath.

This is the existence of a giant **** realm, and it can't resist the destructive force that escaped from Huangnitai.

Huang Nitai is really too much against the sky.

Does anyone still have the hope of sealing Huang Nitai?

Even the most optimistic person.

At this moment, despair is born.

I really can't see any hope.

Bang Bang Bang ...

At this time, one strong person after another exploded in flesh, perhaps no need to wait for the evil spirits outside to rush in. Lin Feng and these people would be exterminated by the pressure from Huang Nitai.

However, no one chose to retreat.


They have no other choice.

Would rather die.

Never retreat.

"Infinite Dao Zun!"

As the old saying goes, his body exudes endless divine light, but his body begins to turn into a stone body.

Without much convention, the old man became a stone man.

Everyone looked at each other.

What is this means?

Could it be that the old deity is a stone man?

"This is big petrochemicals." Said a giant of the giant level.

Big petrification, one of the three thousand avenues.

This magical power is very strange, it is said to be able to petrify others.

But you can petrify yourself.

If others are petrified, they will be imprisoned and become stone people.

The petrified deity can move freely and its defense is greatly increased.

Just like what I saw.

Lao Dao exhibited the big petrification technique, turned into a stone man, and his defensive power rose to the peak.

He walked toward Huang Nitai step by step.

The horrible coercion emanating from Huang Nitai was blocked by the old man.


Suddenly, a force of destruction sprang out of the Huangni Terrace.

The power of destruction that has just flowed out of the Huangni Terrace has seriously injured the powerful person of the giant **** realm, so we can see how terrible the power of this power of destruction is.

So now the destroying power is pouring out of Huangni Terrace again.

Everyone was extremely worried that the old man could not resist the attack of the power of destruction.


That destructive force bombarded Lao Tao, and a clashing sound came out.

As if bombarded on the iron.

To everyone's surprise, the old Tao after petrification actually resisted the attack of that destructive force.

Everyone showed joy.

Everyone seems to see hope.

The old way speeds up.

Finally, he came to Huangnitai and slammed dense runes towards Huangnitai to suppress it.

But this time terrible things happened.

Among the Huangnitai.

Escape came out of the dense destruction power, the destruction power broke the rune hit by Lao Tao, and then bombed on Lao Tao.

After the old petrification, the defense is extremely powerful.

But it can't resist the attack of so many destructive forces.

So the old man was robbed.

Click, click!

His petrified body began to split.


The old man vomited blood and wanted to quit, but found that he had no way to quit.

"Namo Amitabha"!

The old monk folded his hands together, and there was a tremendous amount of Buddha light in his body. He rushed in and grabbed the old ways.

Then retreat quickly.


But a force of destruction swept away.

Cut off one leg of the old monk directly.

The blood spewed out suddenly.

The old monk lost one leg, the old mortal flesh broke, and both the old monk and the old monk had extraordinary means, and now they are also badly hit.


More terrible coercion permeated out of the yellow mud. Feeling that coercion, many people showed deep despair.

I really can't compete.

The giant **** cannot contend.

Old monks and old ways can't contend.

Not to mention others.

"this is?".

Suddenly, Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

Because he found out that the iron box he was carrying was changed again.

The iron box seemed to convey a sharp fluctuation, but this fluctuation was sealed by the iron box.

Did not escape.

"The iron box is too easy! The broken corpse inside the iron box is even easier!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Now that the iron box has changed here, Lin Feng couldn't help moving.

Is it possible to get close to the Huangni Terrace with the help of an iron box?

Today, this may be the only way.

"You guys, please burn your Shou Yuan or essence blood source as much as possible, bless all the energy into my body, and I will seal the Huangnitai!

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said.

He didn't know if the iron box could resist Huang Nitai's attack.

But now.

Time is running out.

The monks who fought against evil spirits outside would soon be unable to sustain it.

Evil spirits come in anytime and anywhere.

Once the evil spirits come in, they will face attacks from evil spirits.

But then the opportunity to seal Huang Nitai was lost.


Lin Feng found that Leicheng had not shaken violently for a long time.

Is it right?

The terrible evil spirit that has been suppressed under the thunder city has begun to brew out of the seal?

If this is the case, it will be terrible.

right now.

It's time to wait.

It's time to fight hard.

"You go?". Many people frowned.

"Is there a better way?". Lin Feng asked.

The others nodded somberly.

"Burn my Shouyuan! Burn my essence of blood!"

A famous monk started to burn Shou Yuan, and everyone was not stingy.

Burning millions of years of life yuan at a time blesses Lin Feng.

After burning Shouyuan, then burn the essence of essence and blood to bless Lin Feng.

Then began to burn Shouyuan for the second time, burning Lin Feng with the essence of burning blood.

Everyone is desperate.

The majestic energy poured into Lin Feng's body.

And Lin Feng is constantly driving these energy sources into the iron box.

The dark patterns on the iron box were actually twisted.

He walked toward Huangnitai.

When the pressure of terror spread out.

The iron box shook slightly, and all the coercion was dissipated.

The power of destruction swept away towards Lin Feng.

At this time, the dark pattern on the iron box exudes a force of engulfment.

Even the terrible destructive power was directly swallowed up.

"It was the iron box he was carrying that helped him resolve the Huangnitai attack ...".

Everyone exclaimed, looking at Lin Feng's black iron box carrying Lin Feng.

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