Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1916: Broken body

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Seeing Lin Feng carrying the iron box so extraordinary, everyone couldn't help getting excited.

This iron box helped Lin Feng withstand the terrorist attack of Huang Nitai.

So, can Lin Feng seal Huangnitai?

This is naturally what everyone is looking forward to.

This is about everyone's life and death.

More and more power of destruction is escaping.

Bombing towards Lin Feng.


The iron box that Lin Feng was carrying was really extraordinary, and the wrinkle pattern was twisting.

No matter how much power of destruction comes.

All are swallowed by the iron box.

The tin box was sealed in the pond in the courtyard of the ancient city of the starry sky.

I don't know who is the iron box that is being sealed.

Lin Feng knew the strangeness of the iron box when he got it.

Now Tin Box has given him too many surprises.

When Lin Feng opened the iron box, he only opened a gap and was robbed, almost falling.

After he sealed the tin box again, he thought about throwing it away.

But I did not expect that the iron box could not be thrown away at all, as if Lin Feng was stuck.

Actively entered his mountain river ring.

Now Lin Feng is somewhat lucky.

Fortunately, there was no success.

if not.

Perhaps he was robbed in the city of Thunder.

at last.

He successfully came to Huangni Terrace.

This Huangnitai exudes an ancient breath.

I don't know how many years it has existed.

It looks like it is made of ordinary yellow mud.

But Lin Feng found something special.

Huang Niitai seemed to incorporate an extremely scary blood.

After sensing the ancient blood that blended into Huangnitai.

The blood of the emperor in Lin Feng's body recovered.

"this is?".

Lin Feng's expression shook wildly.

He knew exactly how powerful and ancient he was as the ruler of emperor blood.

Now the blood that Huang Nitai melts into, can make the blood of the emperor emperor recover actively.

What level of blood is this?

Let Lin Feng also feel the heart shake.

Huang Nitai was bloodied.

Whose blood is it?

Could it be.

Is it also the blood of a contemporaries of Pangu and Nuwa?

All this is impossible to detect.


Of course, all ideas are generated between electro-optical flint.

Lin Feng didn't dare to hesitate, he hurriedly exhibited the eight seals of the forbidden **** of Tianshi Taoism and sealed Huang Nitai.

A series of divine patterns are intertwined and sealed on the yellow clay platform.

Lin Feng also exhibited the Emperor's Pattern while displaying the Eight Prohibitions.

The forbidden **** eight seals and the emperor patterns are combined to seal the Huangnitai.

Better results.

"This guy actually knows the emperor pattern!"

Many people are surprised, it is unbelievable.

The emperor's pattern is mysterious.

Without breaking through the realm of the emperor, it is almost impossible to grasp the emperor pattern.

of course.

There is no shortage of some amazing talents in this world, who may be able to master the emperor pattern in advance, but such people are really rare.

Such a figure does not necessarily appear in hundreds of millions of years.


Everyone sees Lin Feng holding the emperor's pattern, and naturally feels extremely shocked.



A sharp, screaming cry came underneath Thunder City.

This voice seems to be the voice from the suppressed evil spirit.

The evil spirit was unwilling to be suppressed.

Sonic attack was issued.


The screaming came out, and several monks with weaker strength, the soul of the monk collapsed directly and died on the spot.

Powerful people such as Ming Zi also hugged their heads and screamed in pain.

Even the face of the mighty giant is distorted, with a pained expression.

Lin Feng was the first to bear the brunt.

Because of that sonic attack.

The main target of the attack is Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's expression was fierce, and he felt that his soul was going to explode directly.

This is an unbearable pain.

Had his soul not been strong enough.

His soul had just broken apart just now.

"Chaotic Old Lamp! Protect me from my body!"

Lin Feng drank coldly.


The chaotic ancient lamp of his natal magic weapon flew out.

Last time Lin Feng got a chaotic ancient jade.

Later, Lin Feng integrated the ancient chaotic jade into his magical chaotic ancient lamp.

The chaotic ancient lamp integrated with the chaotic ancient jade immediately completed the transformation and was directly upgraded to the level of the **** god soldier.

The power is greatly increased.

Coupled with the precious materials of the ancient chaotic lamp, the Xuanhuang ancestry was integrated after the successful refining.

This Xuanhuang ancestry and chaotic ancestry were yin and yang.

After integrating Xuanhuang ancestry.

Able to circulate yin and yang.

Therefore, although the chaotic ancient lamp is still only a **** soldier, it is more powerful than many giant **** soldiers.

The ancient chaotic lamp fell down and the chaotic light protected Lin Feng.


The second sound wave rang again.

Clang clang!

This sonic attack was blocked by the Chaos Ancient Lamp.

Lin Feng took a breath.

He continued to seal Huang Nitai.

"Humble ants, dare you stop me from getting out of this seat?".

The roar came from below Thunder City.


Leicheng shook violently.

There was a burst of black gas.

That turned out to be the source gas.

The mass of source gas condensed into an illusory body.

Indistinctly it can be seen that it was a man with three dead eyes.

"Ghost fairy in the ghost world!"

When he saw the man, Lin Feng was trembling with fear.

Under the thunder city.


It turned out to be a ghost fairy.

This is terrible.

Lin Feng knows how terrifying ghost ghosts are.

Ghost fairy.

But be able to kill the existence of the emperor.

The ghost fairy stepped towards Lin Feng step by step, trying to kill Lin Feng.

"Stop him!" The old man shouted.

He rushed to the ghost fairy first.

His body burned up.

He is burning life.

Improve combat power.

Then the old monk with only one leg rushed to the ghost fairy.

Then there are the powerful ones of the giant **** realm.

An Keying.

Little fairy.


Master of Taishang Xianzong.

Master of Dragon Blood City.

Etc., etc.


All ignited the power of his own life, blessed the combat power, and killed the ghost.

"A group of ants!"

The ghost fairy sound is cold.

Although he was only transformed from the source gas.

But it is also terrible unimaginable.


Ghost fairy shot.

The ghosts of the sky condensed into a dense terror killing towards the people.

puff! puff! puff!

A burst of tears came out.

A strong man was beheaded by a ghost.

The ghost fairy is too powerful to fight.

"Go to hell!"

Ghost Fairy shouted.

Punched out with a punch, and enveloped the last dozen or so powerful men.


Guixian punched out dozens of powerful men.

Wow! Everyone vomited blood.

Several serious monks.

When he fell to the ground, he was already exhausted.

This battle was too tragic, and the casualties were also terrible.

"Boy, it's your turn!" Ghost Fairy grinned and killed Lin Feng.

"No!" The rest of the eyes were split.

If Lin Feng was cut.

Ghost fairy must be born.

By the time.

Everyone is going to die.

But they have been powerless to stop it.

"I want my life, I want your life first!"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and he removed the iron box.

Start to open this horrible iron box.

The iron box was once opened by Lin Feng, so he was very familiar with the ban on the iron box.

Lin Feng quickly broke the ban.

Then opened the tin box.

When the tin box opened, a breath of terror spread out from the tin box.

Lin Feng was spitting blood from the terror in the iron box.

After seeing the minced meat in the iron box, Guixian's face changed suddenly.

"Why? This turned out to be ...". Cried the ghost fairy.

Seems to know what this is.

But immediately afterwards, his body was shattered by a flash of blood sweeping from the minced meat.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate, and quickly covered the iron box when the ghost fairy was killed.

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