Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1986: Not allowed to act in front of me

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"Stop! Do I let you go?".

Suddenly, a cold voice came out, and a group of people suddenly froze.

Then many people showed a sneering expression.

The monk in a brown robe looked at Lin Feng contemptuously and said disdainfully, "Why? There is still something to call us?".

"Kneel down! Everyone knelt down for me! Knock ten loud heads, and then slap yourself in ten slaps, and I will spare you, otherwise, I will let you kneel in front of Wanhualou for three days and nights!"

Lin Feng said lightly.


One stone caused thousands of waves.

No one thought that Lin Feng would dare to be so arrogant.

"Who is that kid? How dare you let the people of Fire Scorpion Island and Evil Jiao Island kneel?".

Wanhualou was very lively before, and the conflict here has long attracted the attention of many people, and everyone was talking about it.

"People of Longmen Island, the young monk should be the master of Longmen Island, but the cultivation is not high. It has just been humiliated by the cold and evil air of Evil Jiao Island, and now it seems to want to get back the scene!"

"Are you able to set up a Dragon Gate if you don't have a high profile? Is there someone behind you? Is he just a puppet?".

"It is rumored that he relied on a few magic weapons to succeed, and some people said that there were people behind him, and the specific situation is unknown."

"Now there is a good show, I don't know how to close it!"

Many people whispered.

Everyone is watching the situation.

Longmen Island is a new force. As the owner of Longmen Island, Lin Feng has attracted much attention.

It's just that the realm displayed by Lin Feng is just the fire state, and many people can't help but scorn Lin Feng.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the people of Evil Scorpion Island and Evil Cattle Island gloomed down, their eyes flashed with cold light.

The man in the brown robe is the evil Jiaodao monk Leng Xiekong in the surrounding population. This person glared at Lin Feng and said sarcastically, "Why? The master of the forest gate still wants to get it done, if there are not a few around him My subordinates don't use magic words. A character like you, our group, can step on you under your feet, do you believe it? ".

"Grandson, what about looking for a cut?".

Sun Zhan looked coldly at Leng Xiekong, and he already could not bear the desire to start.

Lin Feng waved his hand and calmed Sun Zhan. He looked at Leng Xiekong lightly and said, "Only I can act in front of others, and others are not allowed to act in front of me! You are so good! Pretend to be in front of you? What is it? Today, Master I personally shot, even if no magic weapon is used, you guys, cats and dogs, Master, I can easily squeeze to death by moving my finger! "

After hearing the arrogant words of Lin Feng, the monks of Huojiao Island and Xiejiao Island became extremely gloomy. Are n’t cats and dogs saying that they made them extremely angry.

"Boy! Too arrogant! Break me a leg!"

Leng Xiekong said in a deep voice.


Immediately a tall and burly man stepped out and walked towards Lin Feng, this is a monk of the evil Jiaodao, from the evil Jiao family.

With a punch, there was a burst of sonic boom.


Lin Feng looked indifferent, stepped forward, and a line of formation condensed in the void, and suppressed towards the burly monk.

With a thump.

The burly monk of Xiaojiao Island kneeled directly on the ground.

"Let me go, boy, I want your life ...".

The burly monk roared angrily, his face twisted.

There were so many lively people around, kneeling down on the ground.

I just lost my face.

People live a breath, and the Buddha fights for incense sticks.

The monks themselves have a good face.

Losing such a big face today, the burly monk could not wait for Lin Feng to stab thousands of swords.

"Master of Formation!"

Many people exclaimed.

Whether Lin Feng's practice is really weak or not is a little bit unclear, but Lin Feng's formation level is indeed extremely powerful, which makes many people moved.

"You guys are a bunch of waste in front of me, don't waste my time, let's go together!"

Lin Feng sneered.

"court death!"

"Go together and teach him hard!"

Many monks on Fire Scorpion Island and Evil Jiao Island shouted in silence. Except for the two self-confident tenjin level masters of Nine-tailed Scorpion and Leng Xiekong, the rest of the more than 20 people all flew towards Lin Feng.

"Do not control yourself!"

Lin Feng sneered and waved his right hand.

The dense patterns intertwine in the void.

A series of patterns went toward suppressing the monks of Fire Scorpion Island and Evil Jiao Island.

No matter how powerful it is, it can't resist the suppression of Lin Feng's pattern.

Fluttering Fluttering ...

I saw a monk named Huo Xiedao and Evil Jiaodao all kneeling in front of Lin Feng.

One by one struggling violently, suffered humiliation.

But it is difficult to break free.

"What a terrible formation!"

Many people feel the scalp tingling.

The Master of Formation is actually the most troublesome figure for the monks.

Because the masters of formations master various powerful formations, they can display a variety of formations when confronting the enemy.

Maybe you haven't waited for your shot, but you have been trapped by the formation of the formation master.

How can we continue to fight that war?

In the eyes of many people, this is the case.

"The two of you are still left. You kneel in front of me and kowtow to apologize. I have spared you. This is your last chance!"

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Leng Xiekong and the Nine-Tailed Devil Scorpion were extremely gloomy, and it was naturally impossible for them to kneel. The two looked at each other, one left and one right, and flew towards Lin Feng.

"These two are powerful in the realm of Gods!"

"Leng Xiekong is the triple heaven of the God Realm! The Nine-Tailed Scorpion is the quadruple heaven of the God Realm! They shot, even if the Dragon Gate Master is a Master of Formation, is it not easy to deal with?".

Many people exclaimed.

But the next moment.

These people were completely dumbfounded.

I saw Lin Feng across the void, right hand, gently towards the two.

The two twisted patterns flew out, and they went straight to suppress the cold evil sky and the nine-tailed scorpion.

Leng Xiekong and the Nine-Tailed Devil Scorpion looked indifferent, sweeping away with two punches towards two lines.

They wanted to break the line formed by Lin Feng.


The magical power of the two was broken in an instant!

Then the two lines suppressed the two.

thump! thump!

Leng Xiekong and Nine-Tailed Devil Scorpion kneeled directly in front of Lin Feng.

"How could this be? How could this be?".

The two generally growled hysterically.

The two of them are not comparable to those just now.

Leng Xiekong is the clan brother of the owner of Xiejiao Island.

Nine-Tailed Scorpion is the owner of the five islands of Fire Scorpion Island.

Both of them are people with heads and faces in the ancient wasteland.

Now kneeling in front of Lin Feng in front of so many people.

This is simply a shame.

They were totally unacceptable, and their eyes became blood red.

In the throat, there was a low, roaring roar like a beast.

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