Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1987: Miao Kerr

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Lin Feng and Yixiu Monk, Sun Zhan, Wan Yanyang and others entered the Wanhua Tower.

Many people are still talking about the conflict just now and Lin Feng's cracking down on so many masters.

Obviously this incident will inevitably cause quite a stir.

Now the masters of Huo Xiedao and Xie Jiao Island are still kneeling in front of Wanhua Building.

A total of more than 20 people kneeled, and there were even nine-tailed scorpions and cold evil winds in the heavenly realm, so the scene was quite spectacular, and even attracted many people to watch.


After entering Wanhualou, he saw a beautiful woman approaching and saluted Lin Feng with a smile. The beautiful woman said, "I think this son is the famous master of the Longmen Gate, Lin Fenglin?"

Lin Feng nodded.

The woman said, "Several adults of the Sanxu Alliance are already waiting for Lin Gongzi to come, and he also invites Lin Gongzi to come with his slave!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Trouble this sister!"

The beautiful woman said with a smile, "It is the luck of the slave family to lead the way for the son!"

Lin Feng smiled, he naturally knew that this was just a polite word from the beautiful woman.

In the Accord on the third floor, Lin Feng saw these high-level leaders of the loose repair alliance.

There are a total of four masters who come to the Sanxue League this time.

The four senior leaders of the loose repair alliance are also the four elders who supported Lin Feng's entry into the round table.

Wu Blade said with a smile: "Haha, Brother Lin is here. I would like to introduce it to everyone. This is Brother Lin Feng!"

"This is Elder Guo Mochang!"

"This is Elder Wang Pengju!"

"This is Elder Li Zhongtang!"

"Nice to meet you!"

After Wu Jie's introduction, everyone politely clenched their fists and said hello to each other. Lin Feng introduced the next monk and Wan Yanyang.

Immediately after the two sides sat down, the conversation was quite speculative.

During the period, I also talked about tomorrow.

It was only after some conversation that it was learned that there were a total of twelve people in the Sanxian Alliance Elders.

Some people hold a wait-and-see attitude about Lin Feng becoming a member of the round table, while others are opposed.

This naturally contains all kinds of interest disputes, and it is not clear in three words.

So Lin Feng did not talk too much about this matter with several elders.

Come to Wanhualou, naturally, you can't live without beauty.

Wu blade called Ge Ji, Wu Ji, Le Ji.

It's really pleasant for everyone to enjoy these beautiful women's performances while drinking and chatting.

Halfway through the banquet, someone knocked on the door of the Accord, and then the beautiful woman walked in with a woman.

The beautiful woman said with a smile, "Masters! Our saints learned that you are here, and we came to toast you with a glass of wine!"

"Wanhualou maiden? Wanhualou maiden?".

Lin Feng looked at the woman in surprise.

I saw her in a white dress with a graceful figure, but with a veil, she couldn't see exactly what she looked like.

However, the woman's temperament is elegant and dusty, as holy as the Nine Heavens Fairy.

The identity of the Holy Lady in Wanhualou is not trivial. The senior leaders of the Sanxue Alliance did not dare to neglect.

The woman salutes everyone slightly.

She came forward and drank a glass of fine wine.

The crowd also drank the fine wine in the glass, and then invited the woman to sit down.

The woman never refused. After some conversation, she knew that the woman was called "Miao Kerr".

The meeting was quite happy. After the banquet was over, Lin Feng and everyone left.

At this time, the beautiful woman summoned Lin Feng and said, "Son, my saint, please!"

Lin Feng couldn't help moving, didn't know what Miao Kerr called himself to do at this time?

Lin Feng let the three monks Yixiu take the lead back.

He followed the beautiful woman to see Miao Keer.

Lin Feng was taken to a living room. When he came here, he found that Miao Kerr was playing the piano.

The piano sounds curled, very beautiful.

Miao Kerr's skill in the piano art is superb.

Lin Feng took a seat and sat down, listening carefully to the song.

The more you listen, the more familiar you feel.

After the song ends.

Miao Kerr looked at Lin Feng and said, "How do you feel about this song?"

"The mood is far away, and the fairy deserves the title of Qin Yi everyone!"

Lin Feng said.

Miao Keer said, "Young Master Miao praised!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "If I remember this song correctly, should it be called Xianyuepu?".

Miao Keer said, "Exactly! It seems that the son also has some understanding of the piano music?".

Lin Feng said, "I don't know much, but there was a friend who used to play this fairy moon spectrum, so I know it!"

Miao Kerr said, "But the friend's friend is white, and the name Fang is called Shengyi?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised, and said, "It is indeed Bai Shengyi! I wonder how the fairy knows?".

"Sister Bai Shengyi is a newly-disciplined disciple of Master Zun, and also my little sister. Before I heard from sisters, I talked about all kinds of things that happened on the mainland of Tianwu, and also about Matt. , Never expected to meet here today! "

Miao Keer said.

Lin Feng murmured in his heart, where does Bai Shengyi have his portrait?

Don't you know this matter? Could Bai Shengyi secretly love herself, so she secretly drew her portrait?

Take it out when you miss yourself?

Lin Feng couldn't help being proud.

It seems that his charm is quite big!

Lin Feng said, "Really speaking, there have been some white fairies that I haven't seen in some years. I don't know what the status is."

"Now follow Master to practice, so Master Lin does not need to worry!" Miao Kerr said.

Lin Feng then asked, "I don't know if the fairy knows Liu Huaxian?".

Miao Kerr nodded and said, "I also know Liu Sister, but I am not very familiar with them. They are all from Tianwu Continent. They are the saints in the branch of Wanwu Building in Tianwu Continent. After coming to Kyushu, they were successively accepted as apprentices by several landlords in Wanhua Building! "

Lin Feng nodded and heard that Liu Huaxian was okay, and also worshipped under the door of a landlord. The worry in his heart gradually dissipated.

This time Miao Kerr called himself mainly to tell himself about the Jinwu Clan and the evil dragon palace. Miao Kerr got the news that these two forces had contacted the people of Kyushu "Changsheng Camp", spent a lot of money, and issued a reward order. .

The Changsheng Camp has now taken over the task, and soon a master will be dispatched to obliterate himself.

Miao Kerr obviously told himself this because of Bai Shengyi's relationship.

Lin Feng said, "What kind of force is this longevity camp? Is the killer organization?".

Miao Keer said, "It is not a killer organization, but it is more terrible than a killer organization ...".

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