Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1992: Miao Keer fell in love with himself at first sight?

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Just like the first time to date Miao Kerr, the second time she came to Miao Kerr, Lin Feng still heard the beautiful piano sound.

The only different convenience is.

The first time Lin Feng met Miao Keer in the living room.

And this time.

He is in Miao Kerr's room.

This made Lin Feng very surprised.

You know, women's boudoirs can't let men enter them casually.

There is a saying like this.

Enter a woman's boudoir.

It is equivalent to entering the woman's inner world.

Whether this sentence is correct Lin Feng does not know.

But one thing is very clear, when a woman let you enter her boudoir.

It is to some extent that you have accepted this person.

"What's the reason why Miao Kerr asked the beautiful woman to bring herself to her boudoir?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but guess the reason.


He found a place to sit down, and the beautiful woman retreated and took the door.

In the room, only Lin Feng and Miao Kerr were left.

Qin Yin curled.

Very beautiful.

Lin Feng enjoys this rare quiet time.

Listen to this beautiful and pleasant piano sound.

Lin Feng felt relaxed and happy.

After the song was over, it was still endless.

He smiled and clapped his hands, saying, "Every time I listen to the fairy playing the piano, I can have a special feeling!"

"It's Kerer's greatest honor to be able to like him!"

Miao Keer smiled slightly, and her voice was soft and beautiful.

She immediately got up, came to the table, took out the tea set, tea leaves, teapot, and began to brew tea.

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking of the last time she drank tea at Fairy Maiden.

Butterfly Dance Fairy also knows tea art very well. Like Miao Kerr, she is proficient in tea ceremony.

Miao Ke'er also uses spiritual spring water. This kind of spiritual spring water is called "Magnolia Spring Water". Although it is not as good as the Tianshan Spirit Spring used by the Butterfly Dance Fairy to make tea, it is also extremely precious.

After making the Lingcha, Miao Kerr said with a smile, "Young Master, please taste the taste of Lingcha!"

Lin Feng took a sip and only felt a sweet smell, spreading from the tip of his tongue to the whole body.

It is indeed a very rare variety in Lingcha.

"The taste is elegant and the cheeks are fragrant, which is really good tea!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Miao Keer said, "This kind of tea is called Yu Lingxian. It is produced on the top of the snowy mountain deep in the Yuling Mountains. The output is very small, so it is very precious. Many tea masters like to buy this kind of spirit tea tasting!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Today, I had the blessing of a fairy to taste such a good tea!"

Miao Keer smiled slightly and said, "I still have some here. If the son likes it, you can take some away when the son leaves!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Gentlemen don't take everyone's love! These spirit teas are still kept by fairies. Besides, such good spirit tea was given to me. I also sucked the whale to drink it. With these good teas! "

Miao Keer smiled, and then shifted a topic, saying, "I invited my son to come here, but there is something I want to say to my son!"

Lin Feng had long guessed that Miao Kerr invited himself to come for other purposes, so now Miao Kerr said to invite himself to come, and there is something to say, Lin Feng is not surprised.

He said, "Although there is nothing a fairy can say, listen to the ears!"

Miao Keer's pretty face turned slightly red, and she immediately reached out and took off the veil.

Suddenly, an exquisite blown face appeared in front of Lin Feng.

After seeing this beautiful face, Lin Feng's mind flashed a poem instantly.

The appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, the appearance of closed moon and shame!

Perhaps only such poems can describe Miao Keer's suffocating beauty.

Miao Keer had been wearing a veil to show people before, but now she took off the veil in front of herself.

Reminiscent of Sikeer even invited herself to her boudoir to make an appointment.

Lin Feng suddenly came up with an idea.

But then Lin Feng felt that this seemed a little unrealistic.

I have never met Miao Kerr a few times.

How could a woman like Miao Keer like a man casually?

"Son, am I beautiful?". At this time Miao Kerr's voice interrupted Lin Feng's thoughts.

After asking these words, Miao Keer's pretty face was flushed.

Very shy in my heart.

But she gathered courage and looked up to Lin Feng.

"Really beautiful!"

Rao Yi Lin Feng's critical eyes can not find any shortcomings in Miao Keer.

This woman is simply synonymous with perfection.

He nodded and said, "The beauty of fairies is rare in the world!"

Miao Keer said, "Is the young man willing to live with me for two nights?"


After hearing Miao Kerr's words, Lin Feng just drank a sip of tea.

Directly sprayed out.

Miao Kerr looked at such a shy person, and asked so directly.

"Is the son unwilling to accept Kerr?"

Miao Kerr could not help but slightly frowned and asked Dai Mei.

have to say.

Beauty is a beauty.

Even if a beauty frowns, she doesn't have a flavor.

Lin Feng has seen too many beautiful women.

So it is not because Miao Kerr confessed to herself that she would promise her anything.

Because of this matter, it is too ridiculous.

Lin Feng admits that his charm is indeed very great.

But no matter how attractive it is.

Isn't it so great that Miao Keer can directly embrace her?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

This reason, Lin Feng is naturally very clear.

Lin Feng said, "I can be impressed by the admiration of the fairy, but I don't understand one thing, I don't know if the fairy can answer it?".

"What is it?" Miao Keer looked at Lin Feng doubtfully.

Lin Feng asked, "Why does the fairy want to live with me for two nights?"

"If I say it's love at first sight, do the sons believe it?". Miao Kerr said.

"Ghosts believe ...".

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

Of course, he didn't say these words in his heart.

He looked at Miao Keer with a smile, and said, "I naturally believe in the fairy, I know that I have a charm, but I did not expect the charm to be so great that the fairy fell in love at first sight.

Lin Feng grabbed Miao Kerr's jade hand.

It's really a pair of gentle hands like jade.

It was such a pair of wonderful hands that played beautiful music.

He pulled gently.

Miao Kerr stood up and was pulled to him by Lin Feng.

Miao Kerr fell into Lin Feng's arms.

"what are you doing?". Miao Kerr asked with a blush.

"I do nothing but just want to take a closer look at you." Lin Feng stretched out his hand and stroked Miao Kerr's pretty face.

Miao Ke'er blushed almost to drip.

Quickly broke free from Lin Feng's arms and stood up.

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