Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1993: Arrive at Wuyuan Xianfu

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"Did the fairy burst out in the Tang Dynasty?". Lin Feng asked.

Miao Kerr said, "It's not that the son is suddenly abrupt, but that Kerr still has some problems, but if you get used to it slowly, it will be much better."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "It turns out that this is the case, I wait for Kerr, you will no longer resist this contact."

At this moment Lin Feng's name for Miao Kerr changed, making Miao Kerr shy and happy.

Miao Keer's ruthless way is special.

From ruthlessness to love, from love to love, from love to love again.

Falling in love is a very important process.

When Miao Kerr is in the stage of falling in love, she will fall in love with the man who made her fall in love.

The deeper the love, the deeper the understanding of the ruthless way after the love.


What Miao Kerr has done to Lin Feng now is sincere and sincere, and there is no place to tamper with it. This is the terrible place of the ruthless way.

Lin Feng even thought that Miao Kerr really fell in love with herself at first sight.

Rather than want to use yourself or have other purposes.

Lin Feng left after spending an hour here in Miao Kerr. After Lin Feng left, the beautiful woman walked in. She could not help asking, "How is the relationship between the Saint and Lin Gongzi?"

Miao Keer looked shy and said, "He should like me too!"

See the shy and seductive little woman gesture on Miao Kerr's face.

The woman suddenly burst into her heart.

Could it be that the Saint is really in love?

It's easy to fall in love and hard to fall in love.

So the beautiful woman is very worried about Miao Kerr's love.

Successful love.


If it fails, what will the future be like?

The beautiful woman dare not imagine.

Lin Feng walked towards the residence with brisk steps.

In his mind, Miao Keer's delicate and beautiful face was always haunting.

"Love at first sight! Love at first sight!"

He raised his eyebrows.

At first, when Miao Keer said to himself the love of love at first sight, Lin Feng had only one feeling.

What about deception ...

But with the communication with Miao Kerr, he found that Miao Kerr seemed to really admire himself.

Love at first sight.

It does not seem to be a lie.

"Women have a needle in the sea, and they don't know what Miao Kerr is thinking, but now they can only take one step at a time!"

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

The next day Lin Feng departed with Yixiu monk, Sun Zhan, Wan Yanyang, and headed to the Sanxu Alliance. Everyone will gather in the Sanxu Alliance, and then go to Wuyuan Xianfu together.

At this stage, the island owners of Wuyuan Xianfu are not aware of this. This secret is in the hands of the high level of the Alliance.

When I came to the Sanxue Alliance, Lin Feng and others were taken into a courtyard.

When they came here, nearly four hundred people had gathered in the courtyard.

There are people coming one after another.

After the number reached, Zhao Kuo sacrificed a spaceship.

Everyone entered the spaceship.

Then the spacecraft tore the void directly and left quickly.

"There will be a half-month voyage! You can rest in the spaceship or practice for a while!"

Zhao Kuo said.

The spaceship has a huge area, and it is divided into 27 floors. There are many empty rooms for one person per room.

Now many people are talking about the news of Wuyuan Xianfu.

This Wuyuan Immortal Mansion involved Xu Xian's misty "sen".

Naturally, it will attract much attention.

During this time, Lin Feng has been retreating.

He is mainly comprehending the various Taos he comprehends.

Cultivation has no years.

So half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Bang Bang Bang!

There was a knock on the door and Lin Feng woke up.

"Master! You have arrived in that area! Elder Wu Blade has just sent someone to inform the master that there are still three hours to go to your destination!"

Wan Yanyang's voice passed into the room.

Lin Feng got up and opened the door.

He said, "Go, look outside!"

Lin Feng came to the deck, and after coming out, he saw the dark clouds rolling around, and a huge pillar of thunder descended from the sky, twisting the void.

The Thunder and the ocean are connected together, which is simply a scene of the end of the day.

Around the Thunder Pillar, there is a raging storm.

That wild and raging storm has a strong engulfing power, and it is easy to swallow passing ships into it.

"This place is called thunderstorm waters, and there are hurricanes and thunder pillars everywhere. It is very dangerous and rare."

Seeing Lin Feng coming out, Wu Jie walked towards Lin Feng and said aloud.

Lin Feng nodded, this sea area is really dangerous.

However, the Bulk Repair Alliance apparently has mastered the method of going deep into the sea.

The spacecraft flew carefully, avoiding the raging storm and thunder pole.

Eventually, the spacecraft entered the depths of the thunderstorm sea.

There is a white mist, and in front is a huge natural illusion.

This natural illusion easily trapped the monk who entered it.

The spaceship travels through a natural illusion.

It took only seven days to pass through the natural illusion.

A huge island appeared in sight.

"Here it is! Wuyuan Immortal Mansion is deep in the island!"

Wu Jian said.

Everyone on the spaceship came out and looked into the depths. Many people were very excited about Wuyuan Xianfu.

Now finally came to Wuyuan Xianfu.


What kind of opportunities can you get?

This makes everyone look forward to.

The spaceship stopped deep in the mountains.

In the depths of the mountains, there is a huge palace.

The palace covers an area of ​​tens of acres and is 300 meters high.

There is a huge plaque on it.

There are four large characters written on the front of the plaque.

These four characters are exactly the words "Wu Yuan Xian Fu".

Now Wuyuan Xianfu is protected by a strong prohibition. If you want to enter it, you need to break the prohibition first.

Lin Feng observed these prohibitions. He frowned. The prohibitions here were too arrogant, and it would be very difficult to crack them.

Moreover, cracking the prohibition here will easily be attacked by the prohibition of Wuyuan Xianfu.

Once attacked by the prohibition of Wuyuan Xianfu, it is possible that the situation will disappear.

Lin Feng is also very clear about this. No wonder the people of the loose repair alliance will find so many masters.

It is really not an easy task for a few people or a dozen people to break through.

A little careless, even the whole army will be wiped out.

Zhao Kuo said in a deep voice, "You must have seen that the prohibition of the Wuyuan Immortal Mansion is too strong. We need to be divided into two groups of people. 'S attack to protect the breakers! "

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