Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2656: Mysterious and scary little bug

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By this time the coercion had completely disappeared, and the storm began to gradually dissipate.

Lin Feng was gloomy because he didn't know what had penetrated into his body.

His thoughts swept away into the body.

Suddenly, he saw that a strange black mist wrapped the seedling of Jianmu in it.

Lin Feng's thoughts invaded the black mist.

Then he saw that there was a black worm in the dark mist.

After seeing Lin Feng, the black insect couldn't help making a sharp shrill cry. Lin Feng could feel the horror power contained in the body of this black insect.

He felt that the black worm must have a very strong history, because everything that happened outside was caused by the black worm.

Of course, the tree seedlings in Lin Feng Dan Tian are not real tree seedlings, but also tree seedlings simulated by the laws of this world.

But this little bug seems to like this simulated tree seedling.


"What the **** do you exist? Why did you enter my body?" Lin Feng sent a message to the little bug. He believed that the little bug would understand what he was talking about.

But the little bug did not answer Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt a bit of a headache. This little bug is definitely a terrifying existence. Now what do you want to lie on the seedling of Jianmu?

"You'd better leave quickly, otherwise, be careful I will burn you to death with skyfire!"

Lin Feng threatened.

"I need to rest on the tree for a while. If you don't have the tree on you, ten of you will be dead!"

A cold voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng's face changed suddenly. This little bug was really not simple, with extremely profound wisdom.

And Lin Feng did not doubt that this little bug could cause such a powerful storm and coercion.

Is n’t it a simple matter to destroy yourself?

"After you rest, will you take the initiative to leave? Will it pose any threat to me?". Lin Feng asked.

"Shut up, don't disturb me to rest, otherwise, after eating you, do you believe it?". The little bug said viciously.

Lin Feng's heart suddenly raised a **** to the little bug, this king and **** obviously wanted to take the lead.

But Lin Feng really dare not say anything more.

The ghost knows if this little bug will really kill him?


At this time the storm has completely disappeared, but this huge abyss is special. Although the storm disappears, the storm of endless years has formed air convection.

Therefore, the lake water still cannot flow into this abyss.

In the distance, Honghuang Gold Python, Flower Dream Butterfly, Nangong Yuqi and others quickly swept in.

"Does the son have found the root of the storm?". Huamendie asked.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It was caused by a very weird little bug!"

"Did it be caused by a small bug?".

The group of people showed extremely shocked expressions. It was unexpected that the culprit responsible for such a powerful storm turned out to be a small bug.

Great in the world.

No wonder.

This sentence is true.

"Have that little bug left?" Nangong Yuqi asked.

In order to avoid Nangong Yuqi, Hua Mengdie and others worried, Lin Feng did not intend to tell them that the little bugs had entered their bodies.

Lin Feng said, "Yes, that little bug has left. Let's go deep to see if there is the secret land you said!"

Hua Mengdie, Nangong Yuqi and others nodded, and then everyone walked towards it together.

Soon they entered the deepest position.

A huge gossip stone gate appeared in the deepest part of the storm abyss.

This gossip stone gate is very special, and it reads, respectively, nine numbers of one two three four five six seven eight nine.

These nine numbers have different meanings.

One stands for Kan Gua, and is located in the north of the north;

The second represents Kun Gua, which is located in the southwest;

Three represents Zhen Gua, which is in the East;

Four representatives of Xuan Gua, located in the southeast;

Five represents the middle palace;

Six stands for Qian Gua and is located in the northwest;

Seven represents the Gua, which is in the west;

Eight represents Gen Gua, which is located in the northeast;

Nine represents Li Gua, and it is in the south.

After seeing this gossip stone gate, Lin Feng and others were very excited.

Behind this gossip stone gate may be the secret collection that Huamengdie and others want to find. Once the secret collection is opened, some amazing treasures may appear in it.

Huamengdie looked at the gossip stone gate, then frowned and said: "Gossip has always been mysterious and ever-changing. If you want to open this stone gate, should you find the right way to arrange the gossip?".

Huamengdie obviously also has some understanding of gossip. She has seen that the eight directions of the gossip stone gate in front of her have been disrupted. You need to find a correct arrangement to open the stone gate.

Lin Feng said, "Opening this gossip stone gate is not an easy task. There may be many powerful institutions densely covered here. If you take the wrong step, it will be lost!"

Lin Feng's words made everyone's face suddenly change.

But Lin Feng's remarks did not exaggerate.

"What should we do now?". Hua Mendie looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Although she has some research on gossip.

But it was only a very simple study, so Huamengdie didn't have any confidence in opening the stone door.

"You back away, let me take a look at the mystery of this stone door!"

Lin Feng said.

There are many inheritances of Tianshi Taoism, which also involves the inheritance of the technique of gossip, such as the gossip map of Lin Feng's cultivation.

It is the inheritance of gossip.

The Eight Diagrams diagram belongs to the attacking supernatural heritage among the Eight Diagrams heritage.

There are many inheritances of the technique of gossip, such as divination calculation, calculation of past, present, future, etc., all involved.

Although Lin Feng's research on gossip is not particularly in-depth.

But no doubt.

Compared with Huamengdie and others, he is definitely a master.

"Lin Gongzi still knows the art of gossip?". Huamendiedie's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

Nangong Yuqi and others were also very shocked. Lin Feng's cultivation ability was so powerful that they had impressed them, but he never thought that Lin Feng was not only cultivation strong.

There are also other aspects involved.

It's really admirable.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Something involved!"

Hua Meng Die Dao said, "You must be careful. If you feel something is wrong, you will quickly leave the Bagua Stone Gate!"

"it is good".

Lin Feng responded.

Hua Mengdie, Nangong Yuqi, Honghuang Jin Python and others quickly retreated.

Lin Feng began to study the mystery of this gossip stone door, looking for a way to open the gossip stone door.

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