Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2657: Inheritance of the Lord

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Lin Feng began to recall the introduction of gossip by the Master of Heaven.

The introduction of gossip is introduced from many aspects.

They are: Gossip Spell, Gossip Number, Gossip Orientation, Gossip To Belonging to, Gossip Shengke, Gossip Prosperity and Decline, Corresponding to Five Elements, Gossip Segmentation, Yin and Yang Two Instruments

The hexagram song is:

Gan Sanlian, Kun Liuluan, Zhen Yanggong, Gen Bu bowl, Lizhongxu, Kanzhongman, with the lack, Xunxia broken.

The gossip algebra is:

Congenital gossip: doing one, against two, leaving three, shocking four, Xun Wu, Kan Liu, Gen Qi, Kun Ba.

The day after tomorrow gossip: Kan Yi, Kun II, Zhen San, Xun Si and Wu are the middle palace, Gan Liu, Dui Qi, Gen Ba and Li Jiu.

The gossip directions are:

Congenital gossip: Qiannan, Kunbei, Lidong, Kanxi, Diandongnan, Zhendongbei, Xunnan southwest, Genxi northwest.

Houtian gossip: Zhendong, Dyxi, Linan, Kanbei, Ganxibei, Kunxi, southwest, northeast Gen, southeast Sun.

The gossip belongs to:

Dry, against (gold); shock, Sunda (wood); Kun, Gen (soil); Li (fire); Kan (water).

Bagua Shengke is:

Dry, against (gold) Health ridge (water), ridge (water) quake, Xun (wood), earthquake, Xun (wood) from Li (fire), Li (fire) from Kun, Gen (soil), Kun, Gen (soil) dry, pay (gold).

Dry, against (gold) Ke Zhen, Xun (wood), Zhen, Xun (wood) Ke Kun, Gen (soil), Kun, Gen (soil) Ke Kan (water), Kan (water) Ke Li (fire), From (fire) grams dry, against (gold).

The gossip goes down:

Dried and flourished in autumn and decayed in winter; quake and sundries flourished in spring and decayed in summer;

Kun and Gen thrive in the four seasons and decline in autumn; Li Wang in the summer and decline in the four seasons;

Canwang is in winter and declining in spring. (The four seasons refer to the month after each season.)

Corresponding to five elements

Gold-dry, dry against the sky, against dry

Wood-Earthquake, Xun Zhen is thunder, Xun is wind

Earth-Kun, Genkun is the land, Genk is the mountain

Water-Kankan for water (moon)

Fire-Lili is fire (sun)

Five elements coexist: wood fire, fire fire earth, earth gold, gold water, water wood

Five Elements: Gram Kemu, Mu Ketu, Tu Ke Shui, Shu Ke Huo Huo, Huo Ke Jin

The gossip is divided into:

Gandunli Zhenxun Canggenkun Gossip

The four signs of the sun, shady yin and shaoyang

Of course, these are all the contents of the congenital gossip. In fact, there are also the Houtian gossip, and even the Houtian gossip.

Lin Feng deduced it again and again according to the deduction technique among the innate gossip.

After spending three days on Lin Feng, he finally succeeded in deducing, and then Lin Feng took a deep breath and turned the gossip graphics on the gossip stone gate.

Lin Feng was also extremely nervous at this moment.

Although he deduced many times, he came to this conclusion.

But Lin Feng didn't know if he was right or not.

If it is wrong, I am afraid that it will encounter extremely horrible things, and it is not impossible to die here.

Therefore, Lin Feng will be so nervous at this moment.


Not only was Lin Feng nervous, at this moment Hua Mengdie, Nangong Yuqi and others were also very nervous.

Click and click.

As Lin Feng turns the gossip graphics.

The sound of friction came one after another.

at last.

Lin Feng put all the graphics in the position he speculated.

Click, click!

Then, the Eight Diagrams Stone Gate began to separate towards the two sides, seeing this scene Lin Feng's face showed an extremely surprised expression.

It seems that his guess is completely correct.

The Bagua Stone Gate soon separated, and then the second Stone Gate appeared.

An extremely special trace appeared on the second stone gate.

That's what a scroll looks like.

"It should be a sheepskin scroll. Give me the sheepskin scroll!"

Lin Feng said.

Hua Mengdie quickly handed the sheepskin scroll to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng unfolded the sheepskin scroll, and then perfectly stuck it with the traces on the second stone door.

The sheepskin scroll exuded intense waves.

Soon the sheepskin scrolls merged into the stone gate and became part of the second stone gate.

Click, click!

The second stone door began to open actively.

I saw the second stone gate separated towards both sides.

A huge cave appeared in sight.

Lin Feng and others stood outside the cave and looked inside.

Inside the cave, there was a dark color, and nothing could be seen.

I don't know where it leads.

"Do you know who left this secret field?". Lin Feng looked at Huamengdie and asked.

Hua Mengdie shook her head and said, "I don't know, the only thing I know is that the sheepskin scroll just took us into a secret land, and everything else is unknown!"

Lin Feng said, "Then we should be more careful, do not know if there is any danger in this cave!"

He was the first to walk into the cave, and the rest followed Lin Feng and entered the cave.

As he entered the cave, Lin Feng suddenly felt a cold breath coming from the depths.

He looked solemnly into the depths, Lin Feng felt that the depths were definitely not simple.

Maybe some terrible existence was born.

Soon after they saw a huge mountain, and then a group of people entered the mountain.

There is a twisted black light cluster in the center of the mountain's belly.

"Jin Jie ...".

There was a burst of gruesome laughter in the black light group, and then the black light group became a black robe monk.

"Yin Shen, Yin Shen ... Everyone be careful!" Hua Mengdie's face changed suddenly, and then reminded with a voice.

This is not the first time Lin Feng has seen the Yin God. This terrible creature lives in the shadows and is transformed by the evil thoughts after the death of the peerless powerhouse.

Represents the most evil force in the world.

But Lin Feng has never seen such a powerful Yin God. The void around this Yin God is twisted. The cultivation of this Yin God is so powerful that Lin Feng has a creepy feeling.

"Thank you so much for opening the stone gate of Dongfu".

Yin God made a yawning voice.

The look of Lin Feng and others suddenly changed, and the Yin God was actively talking to them.

You should know that Yinshen is only a change of evil thoughts, generally there is no autonomous consciousness, only the consciousness of killing, so Yinshen will continue to attack and kill the monks who appear around them.

But the Yin God in front of him is obviously not that simple, he already has a complete consciousness, just like a cultivator.

Once the horrible and evil creatures like Yinshen have complete consciousness, it will be a terrible thing.


Lin Fengpi said with a smile, "Thank you, you don't need it. Helping people is the foundation of happiness!"

Lin Feng now prays that this Yin God will not take action against them, because once the war starts, many of them are afraid to die in the hands of this Yin God.

The Yin God said, "How can you not thank you, but you are my great benefactor? Seeing the stone chamber deep in the mountain's abdomen, there is a inheritance of a Taoist, do you want it?"

Lin Feng's spirit suddenly shocked, Daoist, but there is a level of existence with the Demon Lord.

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