Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5494: Ice Palace

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The body was dusty.

It's really weird.

However, Lin Feng saw a storage ring. He picked up the storage ring, invaded it, and then felt it.

Then Lin Feng could not help but a little speechless.

The storage ring has been damaged.

It's really not good news.

He dropped the storage ring on the ground.

Lin Feng then walked towards the second ice sculpture.

Now that Meng Jiyao has lost her mana, she dare not lose it in such a place, otherwise, I do n’t know how terrible things will happen.

Maybe there will be an extremely horrible presence suddenly, and then eat her directly.

That is sad.

Meng Jiyao followed Lin Feng and came to the second ice sculpture.

Lin Feng used the sky fire to slowly melt the ice outside the second ice sculpture.

Over time, the ice is constantly melting.

Eventually the ice melted completely, but after the second body touched the outside air, it was the same as the first body.

This situation made Lin Feng whisper.

Lin Feng picked up the storage ring and searched for it, as was the case with the first storage ring.

The second storage ring was also damaged.

"It is estimated that it has something to do with the ice, and the air outside cannot be seen."

Meng Jiyao said.

What the chick said was quite reasonable.

Lin Feng walked towards the third ice sculpture, and before coming to the third ice sculpture, he did not melt the ice sculpture again.

Anyway, it is useless.

Lin Feng observed it, frowned slightly, and he continued to walk inside.

"What are you looking at?".

Meng Jiyao asked.

"I'm watching the monk's expression inside these ice sculptures." Lin Feng said.

Meng Bingdiao looked at the monk inside the ice sculpture and said, "His face is frightened."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Yes, it's the expression of panic."

"I have observed the previous ice sculptures. They all have a fearful expression. Except for the fear, their faces are facing the same direction. That is to say, they seem to be running away and then suddenly blocked by the ice. Now, whether this is the case or not, let ’s look at some ice sculptures again. "

Then the two observed some ice sculptures and found out that the situation was really the same as what Lin Feng said. These frozen monks were all running away, and they all had a look of panic.

"Really, what does that mean?". Meng Jiyao said to herself.

Lin Feng said, "This shows that there must be something in the depths, and the depths are something that they can't fight against, so they chose to escape, but they failed to run away."

Meng Jiyao said, "The clothes of these people are extremely old. They don't know how many years they have been sealed. Even if there is really something in it, it is estimated that they have already left?"

"I don't know this, we can go in and see, maybe there will be some special findings." Lin Feng said.

Meng Jiyao couldn't help laughing.

Lin Feng said, "Don't forget your identity. You are still a prisoner of my order. Any baby is mine and has nothing to do with you."

Hearing Lin Feng saying this, Meng Ji Yao suddenly smiled bitterly.

Some helpless, fell in the hands of Lin Feng.

Not one hundred times by Lin Feng one hundred times.

Fortunately among the misfortune.

Do you still want to get the chance?

It's just a fool's dream.

Lin Feng walked cautiously towards the inside.

Meng Jiyao followed Lin Feng.

Probably half an hour in the world under the ice.

Lin Feng saw a huge palace.

It was a black palace.

The endless years have passed, and the black palace still exudes incredible power.

After seeing the palace, Lin Feng and Meng Jiyao both showed surprised expressions on their faces.

"It's not a demon palace, it seems to be an ice palace, but it was invaded by the power of demon."

Meng Jiyao said.

"is it?". Lin Feng was surprised.

Meng Jiyao is really extraordinary, she can sense things that many people cannot.

For example, the reaction to the black palace.

Lin Feng didn't feel it.

But Meng Jiyao still felt it under the state of being sealed with mana.

What an incredible ability.

"If this is what you said, then the power of the demon that invaded here was too scary."

Lin Feng said.

"That's it," Meng Jiyao said.

The two walked towards the hall.

They came to the side of the hall.

The plaque in the hall is still there.

"Ice and Snow Holy Palace".

There are four words written on the plaque of the hall. Long Fei Feng Wu, Dragon Snake.

But now these four words have also been eroded by the power of the devil.

When I saw these four words, Lin Feng's mind suddenly appeared as a fairy in white clothes like snow and cold as moon.


The person living in the Ice and Snow Holy Palace should be such a peerless fairy.

Lin Feng and Meng Jiyao pushed open the door of the Ice and Snow Holy Palace, and then entered the inside of the Ice and Snow Holy Palace.

Just came in.

There was a bang.

The gate is closed.

It's really weird.

Meng Jiyao's complexion became difficult to look at. She whispered, "The situation seems to be wrong. Unfasten my seal quickly. If it is dangerous, we can also face it together."

Lin Feng said, "I can deal with any danger myself."

"Sooner or later I will be killed by you." Meng Jiyao could not help but stomped his feet.

She really felt the dangerous breath. Although she didn't know the specific danger, that feeling made Meng Jiyao very uncomfortable.

Under the condition that the mana is sealed, her destiny is no longer in her own hands. Of course, Meng Jiyao still trusts herself most. In case of danger, she can resist.

Trust Lin Feng to shelter her?

They are hostile.

Encountered danger, who knows whether Lin Feng will push her to resist those dangers?

Meng Jiyao is naturally worried about these things, but there are some things that you can obey if you are not worried.

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, I won't pit you. We haven't done it a hundred times or a hundred times. How can I let you die? Isn't it a pity"

All this time, Lin Feng was still able to say something like this.

Meng Jiyao is almost speechless.

I wish I could step on Lin Feng with one foot, but I can only be patient for a while.

They walked towards the inside, this ice and snow holy palace is obviously divided into many heavy halls.

The first major hall is very empty, there is nothing here, they crossed the first major hall, and then appeared a corridor, deep corridor.

The two entered the corridor.

They could clearly hear their footsteps echoing in the corridor.

Meng Jiyao looked back.

"What are you looking at?". Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

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