Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 5495: Weird

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"How do I feel that something is behind us?". Meng Jiyao said with a trembling voice, and his entire body leaned towards Lin Feng.

There is no way without relying on Lin Feng.

Her mana is now sealed. If there is any danger, she has to rely on Lin Feng to deal with those dangers.

So she sensed something wrong, she could only get as close as possible to Lin Feng.

If it is too far, who knows if something terrible will happen?

This is a very possible thing, Meng Jiyao does not want to die.

Even if it is taken advantage of by Lin Feng, is it better than dead?

Lin Feng did not pay attention to Meng Jiyao's movements.

When he heard Meng Jiyao's words, his expression became solemn.

Lin Feng didn't think Meng Jiyao would be aimless.

Especially at this time, Meng Jiyao will not say anything that is not in tone.

She must have sensed something.

And Meng Jiyao's perception ability is extremely powerful.

It is indeed able to sense something that cannot be sensed by itself.

But Lin Feng didn't feel anything.

The feeling in the corridor is too weird, let's leave quickly.

Lin Feng said, "Let's speed up some."

Meng Jiyao nodded.

The two quickly walked towards the front.

Meng Jiyao put an arm around Lin Feng.

"I depend on it! Female gangster!"

Lin Feng cried.

"I'm a rogue, you are a big head ghost."

Meng Jiyao was so speechless that she didn't want to hold Lin Feng's arm in her heart.

But mana was imprisoned, and Lin Feng's arm had a sense of security.

This way.

Even if danger comes.

Lin Feng can't leave himself behind, can he?

"Honestly, do you really want to talk to me a hundred times or a hundred times? I know, because you are a woman, so embarrassed to speak? And then use some special means to hint me crazy?"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Meng Jiyao.

"Oh my god, how can there be such a brazen person in the world?".

Meng Jiyao couldn't help crying.

If possible, she really wanted to teach Lin Feng a hard meal.

Meng Jiyao even thought of a way to torture Lin Feng, grab Lin Feng, and then find a lot of beautiful women to dance that very hot dance in front of him.

You can only watch.

Meng Jiyao thinks this method is really quite good, she secretly praised herself as a genius.

If it were really possible to catch Lin Feng, then Lin Feng would be just like that.

Thinking of this, Meng Jiyao smiled a little.

"Reply with a smile! I have understood your obsession with me, rest assured, when I walk out of this broken palace, I will definitely meet your wishes."

Lin Feng said.

"Don't, I really don't mean that", Meng Jiyao is about to cry.

Lin Feng said, "The explanation is to cover up, the cover up is the fact, I understand what you think".

Meng Jiyao was really about to be killed by Lin Feng. When he met Lin Feng as a shameless man, he was really angry with his heart, liver, spleen and lungs.

"I can bear it! I can bear it! I can bear it!"

Meng Jiyao told herself that if she couldn't bear it, she would make a conspiracy, so she decided to endure temporarily.

The two successfully walked through the corridor, and they entered the second hall.

After coming here, Lin Feng saw that there were many corpses here.

Perhaps because of the cold weather, the endless years have passed, and the body has not decayed.

The bodies here are all women's bodies.

And they are all very beautiful women.

It's just that their clothes are disheveled and their eyes are terrified.

It's all dead.

I didn't know what I experienced during my lifetime.

"Isn't it all been violated? After being violated and then killed?".

Meng Jiyao frowned and said that she still cares about such things, and women often care about such things.

Except for a few women.

Lin Feng said, "There should be no, because they have no trace of struggling, just do not know what happened that year."

He examined a body carefully, and then said, "It's really strange that he didn't have any injuries but died dysfunctionally."

"That feeling reappeared." Meng Jiyao said.

Lin Feng's brows could not help but frowned, and Meng Jiyao's meaning was very clear. Something was staring at them, but what made Lin Feng feel strange was that he had never found where the so-called dirty things were hiding.

This is troublesome.

If you can't sense the other party's presence, how can you let the other party show up?

"There must be a way to get it out."

Meng Jiyao gently lifted her red lips, she didn't make a sound, but Lin Feng knew what her mouth shape meant.

How to show that guy?

Do Buddhist magic weapons work?

Lin Feng intends to try it out, he summoned the skeleton of the ancient Buddha.

"Namo Amitabha".

The ancient Buddha skeleton was activated by Lin Feng, and then his hands were folded, and the light of the Buddha suddenly rushed out of the body of the ancient Buddha skeleton.

The second hall is covered by Buddha light.


A sharp and harsh cry came out.

An evil existence appeared.

This existence, dressed in a black robe, eyes very evil, black robe stained with blood, resisted the erosion of the Buddha.

"Yin Shen".

Lin Feng frowned slightly when he saw the existence of this statue. This is a Yin God, but it is not an ordinary Yin God.

If it is an ordinary Yin Shen, it is impossible to hide from the sky and avoid Lin Feng's induction.

Ordinary Yinshen has no thoughts, but this Yinshen has thoughts.

It can be seen from the blinking eyes.

"There are some means," Yin Shen's voice was cold, hoarse, and poisonous.

"What a terrible Yin God, quickly unlock my seal, I will help you deal with this Yin God together."

Meng Jiyao said.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes, still thinking about unlocking the seal at this time?

It would also be reasonably sounding.

Do you think I will believe you?

Lin Feng will naturally not believe that Meng Jiyao will help him.

If the seal is really unlocked for her, the woman will definitely slip away for the first time.

Lin Feng didn't want to let Meng Jiyao go, so it was easy to catch.

How can you let go so easily?

Lin Feng said, "You can rest assured that I can deal with this Yin God alone."

"I want to eat your soul, and then occupy your body, so that I can get rid of the imprisonment of the devil palace to me."

Yin hoarse voice came out, and then quickly rushed towards Lin Feng.


Lin Feng sacrificed thirty-six bamboo swords and beheaded towards the Yin God.

Thirty-six bamboo swords are very terrifying, and they specifically restrain these Yin gods.

Thirty-six bamboo swords slashed towards Yin God like lightning.

A magic knife emerged from Yin Shen's hands.

He waved the magic knife in his hand and collided with Lin Feng's thirty-six bamboo sword.

"Look at those female corpses ..." At this time, Meng Jiyao could not help but exclaim.

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