Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 136: The Red Dust Fairy is here!

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A reincarnation may be able to produce tens of thousands of powerful people beyond the realm, but it should be clear that one epoch is 10 billion years and one reincarnation is 3000 epochs.

Over a long period of time, only tens of thousands of powerful people beyond the realm have been born. I can imagine how small this number is. How many powerful powers beyond the realm are born in an era?

But human wisdom is infinite, the times are developing, summing up the experience of the sages, and creating something extraordinary, then it is possible to change the course of history, for example, the improved version created by Sofia beyond Dan is a change Something from the times.

Like the behind-the-scenes master of the Black Hand World, the surpassing Dan has only a 1% probability that the monk can break through the realm. This probability is still too low, but when this probability becomes 10% of the improved version of surpassing, then this probability It is already very high.

Therefore, with the emergence of the improved version of Transcendental Dan, the powerful beyond the realm will inevitably emerge one after another.

This is a turbulent era, and the emergence of the strong will definitely surpass the emergence of the strong in any era.

Therefore, lagging behind does not mean that we will lag behind in the future. If there are not enough top-level powerhouses, then if there are enough powerhouses beyond the realm, it will be able to overthrow the powerhouses of the creator level.

Lin Feng now needs to make two-hand preparations, so that he can be invincible.

Sophia handed over all the 1000 improved versions of Beyond Dan she had prepared to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng collected the improved versions of Beyond Dan.

Then he also gave Sofia part of the cultivation experience. After Sofia got these cultivation experiences, she was also very happy. The preciousness of these cultivation experiences was very clear to her, and the help she could do was undoubtedly huge.

Lin Feng said: "After the news of the improved version of Beyond Dan came out, it is not necessarily a good thing for you. After all, this kind of thing is too attractive to the world."

"In addition, there is another point, the behind-the-scenes blackhand world royals control the transcendental pill, and your improved version of the transcendental pill is improved on the basis of the transcendental pill, so what will the behind-the-scenes blackhand princess think? Tieding will regard you as a nail The sting in the flesh, the strength of the black hand world royal family behind the scenes, I do n’t have to say that you must be very clear. ”

"This group is extremely terrible, and this group now has a strong level of the creator level, so be careful of this group. I will give you a suggestion. After you go back, do n’t show your head outside and look for it thoroughly. In a hidden place, retreat and practice, so that those who want to find you can not find you, no matter what happens next, you can deal with all kinds of things more calmly. "

Sofia said, "Thanks for the reminder of the great Creator, after this time, Sofia will definitely follow the instructions of the adults and act in a low-key manner."

Hearing Sophia's words, Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Feng immediately looked at the Dark Lord, and such a thing as Li Tianjin was also needed by Lin Feng.

After seeing Lin Feng ’s gaze, the Dark Lord scratched his head awkwardly and said, “Since this time I have been fighting with my dead rivals, the mining of gilt gold has to be suspended. I have obtained gilt gold, but adults, please rest assured that when I get my opponent right, I will definitely help the dig more gilt gold as much as possible. "

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Today's large-scale battles are often extremely dangerous. After all, the other party may have some extremely terrible hidden means or behind them, there may be some powerful characters, so, You should be careful, do n’t be careless. "

"Remember the teachings of adults!".

The Dark Lord quickly responded, Lin Feng did not give the Dark Lord cultivation experience, because what they did was a win-win cooperation.

Lin Feng did not get what he needed from the Dark Lord. Of course, he would not give good things to the Dark Lord. This would give him an idea that he would get good things without paying.

This idea is absolutely undesirable.

At least in Lin Feng here is an idea that absolutely does not work.

The Dark Lord actually knew long ago that he couldn't get those cultivation experience.

After all, he did n’t provide what Lin Feng wanted, and he felt a little pity because he did n’t know when it was next time he entered the creator space. If he missed this opportunity, he would have to wait a long time. Only time will it be possible to get these things.

Lin Feng finally looked at Ancient Osho Emperor. In fact, now Ancient Osho is really interested in many things here.

Whether it's Xiaoyaotiangong.

Or maybe this master of the creator level is also good at practicing.

All he needs.

But the ancient Osho also knew.

He could n’t take the initiative to mention this matter. Was it something that the great creator decided to give him, not something he could decide, as to when the great creator will give him these things It is unknown.

Lin Feng said, "The ancient Emperor Osho, since you have extremely in-depth research on ancient writings, have you ever seen it in some ancient literature, how can you bring to us things lost in the past or future time and space Where is this time and space? ".

The reason why Lin Feng inquired about the ancient emperor Osho was because Lin Feng wanted to get the thirty-six stone swords, which were lost in the past and in the future.

In Lin Feng's view, in the future, if you want to kill the strong level of the creator level, the thirty-six stone swords should play a great role, but it is too difficult to get these stone swords.

After collecting some of the stone swords, Lin Feng never encountered other stone swords. Before, Lin Feng heard that some of the stone swords were lost in the past or the future.

To know.

The present time and space are completely different from the past or future time and space.

Even if there are some special means that can reach the past or the future, these means are often only reached by the mind.

Instead of the deity reaching the past or the future.

Therefore, it is really difficult to get the stone sword lost in the past or the future.

But for Lin Feng, he desperately wants to complete this matter. Only by completing this matter can Lin Feng get the stone sword he needs.

If Lin Feng really collected the thirty-six stone swords one day.


Lin Feng is definitely the nemesis of those strong creators.

After hearing Lin Feng's question, the expression of Ancient Osho embarrassed him. The most worrying thing about him was that he couldn't help Lin Feng.

Because if he can't help Lin Feng, then he wants to get something from Lin Feng, which is of course extremely difficult.

Only he can help Lin Feng.

Then he can get some things he needs from Lin Feng.

Simply translating some text for Lin Feng is not enough.

Need to help Lin Feng in other ways.

Now, Emperor Osho finally found such an opportunity.

The ancient Osho pondered for a moment, and then said, "Return to the great Creator, the time and space shuttle, especially involving the past, now, and the future of the three space and time shuttles, has always been a very difficult thing, but There are some troublesome things, there are always some means to solve these troublesome things, including things like time and space shuttle! ".

"Before, I saw this kind of content in an ancient book, but the text on that ancient book is very special. It has been lost for many years, even if it is me, many of the texts are not known, it is difficult to fully figure out the meaning After I go back, I will study the ancient book carefully, and by then, I will definitely give the adults a satisfactory answer! ".

Lin Feng showed a happy look, originally just asked casually, did not expect that there was really a way for the ancient Emperor Osho.

This is also a surprise.

Lin Feng said, "Okay, if this matter is done, then this seat will give you a happy life!".

"Thank you for your cultivation!". The ancient Osho emperor was overjoyed and thanked Lin Feng quickly.

At this time, Lin Feng felt exhausted, and it seemed that his limit was about to be reached, and there was no way to stay in the creator space.

Lin Feng said, "Okay, this time I will be here temporarily."

"Sincerely present to the great creator!" The four powerful men lowered their proud heads one after another.

Lin Feng disappeared first and disappeared.

At the next moment, the four powerful men also disappeared from the creator space.


In time and space.

Lin Feng stood up and played with the storage ring in his hand. In this storage ring, ten thousand mechas were stored.

To whom these mechs are first equipped, it is also a question that Lin Feng should carefully consider.

Let's put this matter for a while.

Retreat first and then practice.

For the next period of time, Lin Feng has been retreating in time and space.

On this day, Lin Feng heard the call of the poison ancestor before he went out.

After coming outside, Lin Feng saw the poison ancestor staying outside.

"What happened?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Hongchen Xianzun is here!", Said the poison ancestor, looking at Lin Feng's eyes full of admiration.

Even such a powerful person as Hongchen Xianzun took the initiative to find the door to post.

The son is the son.

It's too good.

"Red dust is coming?" Lin Feng showed his joy, and walked quickly towards the outside, and came to the living room outside. Lin Feng saw the red dust fairy standing in the living room to admire the murals in the living room.

She was still 16 or 7 years old. She was dressed as a man and wore many bells. She walked on the road and clanged jinglingly. She seemed to hear footsteps. A delicate and pleasant face, people can't help but be moved.

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