Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 137: Kaitian clan mysterious exercises!

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After seeing Lin Feng, Hongchen Xianzun also showed a hint of smile, perhaps even he himself had never found her smile, which was a smile from the heart.

This proves one thing, that is, the relationship between the two people is approaching step by step, which is of course what Lin Feng wants to see.

Lin Feng said, "After Santa fight, where did you go? I thought you wouldn't come to Longteng Pavilion here."

Hongchen Xianzun said, "After Santa Bidou, I have some things to deal with, so I left that place temporarily, and after I finished these things, I came over."

Lin Feng did not ask what kind of things Hongchen Xianzun had to deal with.

Because it is Hong Chen Xianzun's own business.

Everyone has their own privacy.

You should not inquire into the privacy of others.

Even the closest lovers have their own secrets.

The relationship between Lin Feng and Hong Chen Xianzun is in its infancy.

Not to mention these things.

"I am very happy to be able to see you in the Longteng Pavilion. How do you feel about my Longteng Pavilion?". Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hongchen Xianzun said, "Your ability to consolidate people's hearts and form forces is indeed quite an admirable thing. Taking Dragon Tengge out of the world alone should be considered the most top-notch compared to these top forces in the wasteland ".

"The most surprising thing is that such a powerful force was actually established in such a short period of time."

"It's conceivable that the difficulty is so amazing, but you have completed this thing. You can do so well in this world, maybe it will be hard to find."

Hong Chen Xianzun's evaluation of Lin Feng is quite high.

For Lin Feng, there is nothing more delighting Lin Feng than hearing such words from Hong Chen Xian Zun.

Lin Feng said, "I will now take you to the residence to take a look."


Hongchen Xianzun nodded, and then she left the living room with Lin Feng.

The poisonous ancestor did not stay in this place and went to deal with his own affairs.

In fact, the poisonous ancestors, even some other people around Lin Feng, were under great pressure when facing the Red Dust Fairy Venerable.

Therefore, in ordinary times, even if you meet with Red Dust Fairy.

Privately, there is not much communication with Hongchen Immortal Venerable. I always feel that the gap between the two parties is too great, and I do n’t know what to say.

Lin Feng brought the Red Dust Fairy to the residence, and the place where the Red Dust Fairy lived was arranged in the courtyard where Lin Feng lived.

This courtyard is large and elegant, and there are several attic.

The arrangement of the Red Dust Fairy Vendor is closer, and it is also convenient to exchange some things with the Red Dust Fairy Venerable.

After Hongchen Xianzun came to Longteng Pavilion, Lin Feng took Hongchen Xianzun to look around Longteng Pavilion, and even took her to inspect the monk army of Longteng Pavilion.

It is quite an interesting thing to be with Hong Chen Xianzun, but it is a long way to go to conquer this woman completely.

During this period.

Lin Feng took out a part of the improved version of Transcendence Dan and rewarded some monks below, hoping that these monks could break through beyond the realm.

Lin Feng was pleased that there were indeed some monks who surpassed Dan by virtue of the improved version and successfully broke through to beyond the realm.

But most people still have no way to break through.

Although the breakthrough failed, due to the powerful effect of the improved version of Transcendence Dan, many people have not been repulsed, so they all survived, and these people have the experience of impacting beyond the realm. Many things are much easier, and if the precipitation is long enough, then it may break through beyond the realm.

Of course, some monks were repulsed when they broke through and eventually fell.

The number of monks in this part is not particularly large. This is quite gratifying.

The World of Waste Land is relatively calm during this time, and nothing special happens. In fact, this situation makes Lin Feng feel something is not right, because with a large number of foreign forces monk army poured into the World of Waste Land.

The World of Waste Land will surely become more and more chaotic, and Lin Feng feels that an alliance between the Pioneers of the Pioneers and the Sons of Pioneers seems to have formed an alliance.

In addition, there are those monks who are under the command of the creators, and they are heading to the wasteland world one after another. The battle in the wasteland world should be triggered at once, but it is still very calm, and nothing has happened. These people are doing What? Or are they planning something?

Lin Feng thought, maybe this was the last quiet time before the storm?

When the storm arrives, you can imagine that the wasteland world at that time may enter an era of complete turmoil. Countless monks will be involved in this turmoil, and how many forces will be destroyed. In this war.

But this is the end of the end of the world. Every time the end of the world comes, there will be countless genocide and countless monks die. This is something that cannot be avoided.

Unless there are absolutely powerful characters to suppress this kind of chaos, such as the Dark Ages and the Era of Chaos, some powerful characters have appeared. To suppress this kind of turmoil, the heavens and the whole world have become calm again.

But wanting to wait for such an opportunity is not an easy task, especially now, because the strong level of the creator level has also participated, Lin Feng has already foreseen what kind of scenes will be in the future, maybe even 9 out of 10 More people will die tragically in this catastrophe that shattered reincarnation.

It ’s really a tragic thing to think about, but what Lin Feng can do now is to continue to improve his strength. He must first ensure the safety of these people around him before he can help others, if If he can't keep the safety of these people around him, then let's not talk about helping others.

Lin Feng felt very helpless about this kind of thing, but there was no way.

Limited by strength, can't we always do more than our own strength? That is not self-disciplined, Lin Feng finally waited for the arrival of Ruyi Fairy.

This time together with Ruyi Fairy, there were two monks, an old man, a monk looking at a younger one, and a monk looking at a younger one. Lin Feng did not care too much. Although his strength was very strong, but in Lin Feng It seems that it is still not enough.

What makes people care about this old man is that Lin Feng feels a terrible atmosphere from the old man's body. The old man's strength is absolutely extremely powerful. Lin Feng feels that the old man is at least a strong level of waste dominance By.

That is ... At least the existence beyond the peak of the realm, there is a certain probability of being a strong quasi-creator level, such an ancient race, although there is no existence of the creator level.

However, it is quite normal to have a strong quasi-creator level. If such a force does not even have a strong quasi-creator level, it would be too much to say.

Obviously, entering the Nether Realm is extremely important for the Kaitian Clan, otherwise the Kaitian Clan would not send such a powerful monk to see Lin Feng.

Ruyi fairy introduced Lin Feng, "Lin Pavilion Master! This is the five elders of our Kaitian tribe."

The old man said with a smile, "The old man has long admired the name of Lord Lin, but now he has come to the Dragon Court, and seeing the prosperity of the Dragon Court, the old man admires the Lord Lin even more. Gentle, but with such a skill, really deserves to be the descendant of the ancestor. "

Lin Feng said, "The elders are polite. It is these people below who are helping to deal with all kinds of things. The Dragon Pavilion has developed. I don't have much strength."

"Lin Ge Lord is humble." Elder Wu said with a smile.

Lin Feng greeted everyone to take a seat.

After the two parties were divided into guest of honor and seated, Lin Feng said, "I don't know if you brought the token?"

Ruyi Fairy said with a smile, "Of course we brought the tokens, some specific things need the five elders to talk to Lord Lin Ge."

The five elders said, "It's not trivial to enter the Nether Realm, because it is too dangerous. Although we only have a cooperative relationship with Lin Ge, as friends, we of course also hope that Lin Ge will enter the Nether Realm and be safe. Completely and smoothly out. "

"I came here this time to want to teach Master Lin a very special method. This kind of exercise, combined with some tokens, can have a certain feeling for the senior of my family. It is easier to find the senior of my family. "

When referring to this practice, the expressions of the five elders are rather dignified. It seems that this practice should belong to the kind of non-circular exercise. Maybe the wishing fairy did not master such a practice, but in order to find out The predecessor of the Tian clan.

The Kaitian tribe wants to teach this practice to themselves, from which one thing can be inferred, that is, the ancestor of the Kaitian clan must have extremely important things, specifically what kind of things Lin Feng temporarily I don't know yet.

At this time, Lin Feng was not good to ask Ruyi Fairy or the Five Elders what kind of good things are hidden in their ancestors.

If you can find him at that time, you can explore it, but Lin Feng is curious, but does not mean to devour others' things privately.

Lin Feng is a person who keeps his promises. He is also scornful to do things like greedy others' things.

"Thank you five elders." Lin Feng said.

"It should be my family who would like to thank Lord Lin!", The five elders said with a smile.

The words fell, and the elders of the five gentle heads towards Lin Feng's forehead, and then a message appeared in Lin Feng's mind, and this message appeared in Lin Feng's mind, which was a powerful method.

Lin Feng tried to sense the content of this practice. When he sensed the content recorded in this practice, Lin Feng suddenly showed a surprise.

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