Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 205: Stele

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"What did you find?". Lin Feng couldn't help asking extremely curiously.

The poisonous ancestor is also a well-informed person. Some ordinary things can't arouse his interest, but now he has such an excited expression. Obviously, the things in that cave are certainly extremely amazing.

It is even more valuable than the dragon crystal rice outside, as well as those elixir.

This made Lin Feng extremely surprised.

I don't know what kind of thing it is, so precious.

Xiaolong was also extremely curious about this.

After all, this was something his ancestor left him.

Lin Feng said, "Come and have a look, and you will know what it is when you see these things."

For the behavior of poison ancestors selling Guanzi.

Lin Feng just smiled lightly.

He and Xiaohe quickly flew towards the cave where the poison ancestor was, and soon they came outside the cave. They did not stay outside and entered the cave directly.

After entering the cave, Lin Feng's faces suddenly showed a surprised expression.


This place is sealed with many super-level immortal stones. The value of super-level immortal stones is extremely precious. The super-level immortal stones that Lin Feng has obtained in recent years are not particularly many.

Lin Feng's super-order immortal stones are even fewer.

And those super-level fairy stone forest maple has not been used.

Good things are used on the blade.

Lin Feng intends to use these super-level fairy stones only when he breaks through the quasi-creator realm and the creator realm.

Now this place is also sealed with super-order immortal stone, which is definitely a big surprise.

Lin Feng Shennian scanned it and found that there are about 2,000 super-order immortal stones sealed in this place, which is much more than the super-order immortal stones he got. How many strong people can these super-order immortal stones cultivate?

After the monk who may not be able to break through the realm of the quasi-creator has obtained the cultivation resources of super-level fairy stone, then maybe he can break through the realm of the quasi-creator.

Seeing so many super-order fairy stones, Xiaohe couldn't help but reveal an excited expression.

He also needs this kind of cultivation resources. Although Lin Feng gave him some super-level fairy stones before, Xiao He worried that the number of super-level fairy stones he needed later would be relatively large. These super-level fairy stones that Lin Feng gave him might not be enough for him use.

When he asks Lin Feng for the super-level fairy stone, he may not be able to get it, because he also knows that the number of super-level fairy stones in Lin Feng is not particularly large, and Lin Feng also needs to use this super-level fairy stone for cultivation.

Now there are so many super-level fairy stones in this place, but it makes him no longer worry about super-level fairy stones.

Lin Feng looked at the poison ancestors and said, "Have you guys collected the super-level fairy stone here privately?".

It is no wonder that Lin Feng asked the poison ancestor this way, because the poison ancestor is indeed a very inferior guy. If he sees a lot of resources, he will definitely charge a part of the resources first, and then notify others.

The poisonous ancestors cried, "It's injustice, really injustice, conscience of the world, but I am a gentleman, how can I do this kind of trivial thing?".

Xiaohei said, "I'm afraid that you want to do such a thing, and there is no way to do it. The formation ban in this place is very special, and some special means inherited by my family are needed to break the formation ban in this place. Even if you want to forcibly crack the formation ban here, it will take time. Obviously, you don’t have this time or the ability to crack this kind of formation ban, so you want to charge the super-level fairy stone here in advance. Cannot be achieved".

Even if it was worn by Xiaohei, Duzu didn’t feel embarrassed at all. His face was very thick, and Duzu said, "Look at what you said, how about my character, do you still not know? I even have it I will definitely not collect the super-level immortals here without the ability to crack the formation ban here."

Lin Feng and Xiao Hei smiled, and they did not continue to quarrel with Du Zu on this topic.

Xiaohei cracked the formation prohibition here, he charged 1,000 super-order immortal stones, and the remaining 1,000 super-order immortal stones, Xiaohe did not charge.

Xiao Hei looked at Lin Feng and said, "The remaining super-order fairy stone, Feng Brother, keep it."

Lin Feng nodded, he did not refuse, because he really needed super-level fairy stones, and these super-level fairy stones that Xiao Hei gave him were not only for Lin Feng, because Xiao He got along with Beibei or some other people these years They are all very good, and the relationship is very good, so after he has obtained these resources, he will certainly not swallow himself.

He charged half of it himself, and the other half was given to Lin Feng. In fact, he also wanted Lin Feng to distribute these super-level fairy stones to some close people for cultivation. If he can get these super-level fairy stones, then those close ones , The strength can be greatly improved.

After Lin Feng collected the remaining super-order fairy stones, they left the cave.

There are other caves here.

Add up to dozens of caves.

Lin Feng they explored other caves. Some caves should be where the little black ancestors lived. Not all ancestors lived in the stone houses outside.

There are also caves that store other things.

For example, some caves are caves for refining elixir, but the elixir stored in this place has been destroyed. The time is too long and it is difficult to preserve this kind of thing.

There are also places where caves and other things are stored. Lin Feng found that these scrolls have basically been destroyed.

There are also places where elixir is stored. These elixirs have also been destroyed.

This makes Lin Feng feel a bit pitiful.

However, this is also no way to do things.

What is the most terrifying thing in this world?

The most terrible thing is not a powerful monk, but time.

No matter how powerful this monk is, even if he can cross one era after another, he will eventually be defeated by time.

No one can resist the erosion of time.

Unless he can achieve the legendary immortality.

However, the legend of eternal life has always existed, but who can achieve eternal life?

Rumor has it that even those who have acquired the technique of immortality may not necessarily be immortal.

It is not an easy task to practice the technique of immortality to the Great Consummation.

At this moment, Lin Feng and they entered a cave.

After entering the cave, they discovered that inside the cave, there was an extremely powerful formation prohibition.

The prohibition of these formations does not have any offensiveness, but a form of gathering.

The entire formation ban was shrouded in darkness.

Lin Feng they entered the formation ban, and then found five **** stones in the formation ban.

These **** stones appear oval.

It is about half a meter in diameter.

After seeing these **** stones, Lin Feng and they all showed surprised expressions. These **** stones were the **** stones that could isolate the time. When Xiaohei had not hatched, he was sealed in such **** stones.

After the endless years.

Xiaohei came out of the **** stone.

So among these five **** stones, could it be that the same clan who sealed Xiao Hei could not succeed?

It is no longer necessary to talk about how powerful the little black race is.

This is a race against the sky, and it is impossible for itself to have too many people.

If among these **** stones, Xiaohe's siblings were really sealed, that would be amazing.

Xiaohe looked at these **** stones, his eyes seemed a little complicated.

Happy, anxious, worried...

There are all kinds of emotions.

Lin Feng can fully understand Xiao Hei's complicated mood.

He had always felt that between this world and the world, they were the only people left.

He no longer has blood loved ones.

But now, he saw the same **** stone.

Perhaps, he will likely have some kin.

If this is the case, he will have blood.

But if it's time to rejoice?

This complex emotion gives Xiao Hei a mixed feeling in his heart.

It is strange that his mood is not complicated.

Lin Feng said, "First put away these **** stones, find some time to open these **** stones and see if there is really your clan in it!".

The **** stone is not big, even if there are really little black people, it is estimated that they are all young creatures.

Xiaohei nodded.

Lin Feng included five **** stones in time and space.

After doing all this.

Lin Feng they left this cave, this cave is already the last cave.

There are no other caves.

"Go collect those dragon crystal rice and elixir, and then we can leave here!".

Toxic Zu said aggressively that he was very interested in Longjingmi.

Xiao Hei doesn't really want to leave this place, because he still has a lot of doubts in his mind, for example, why did all the people in this place disappear?

Nothing was taken away.

It's too weird.

However, it now appears that these secrets cannot be found.

Lin Feng they are planning to collect those dragon crystal rice and elixir.

But at this time, the entire mountain range shook violently.

Especially the main peak in front of Lin Feng and others, the shaking is particularly intense.

This sudden change caused Lin Feng to frown.

Wow la la.

Wow la la.

Large areas of the mountain began to collapse.

Lin Feng and others quickly backed away, looking at the continually collapsing mountain in front of their eyes in amazement.

"How is this going?". The poisonous ancestors could not help whispering, fortunately they came out early, otherwise, they had to be buried alive by the collapsed mountain.


The entire mountain collapsed.

Become a ruin.


There was a loud noise, and the rocks were emptied.

At the next moment, a huge stone monument flew out of the ruins.

"this is?".

Lin Feng's eyelids suddenly jumped after seeing the black stele exuding the cold luster.

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