Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 206: Little Black's Enemy

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Lin Feng is not particularly clear about the origin of the black stone monument, but the feeling of this black stone monument is indeed very extraordinary. Presumably this black stone monument is absolutely extremely simple, but the specific place is not simple, you need to observe it to be able to Know.

This black stele was suspended in the void, Lin Feng found that the black stele was stained with black blood, just because the black blood was similar in color to the black stele. If you don't look carefully, you can't even see clearly.

The black stele was empty and there were no words, pictures, runes, etc.

This is a stone stele without words.

This stone monument is suspended in mid-air, just like an immortal mountain that has existed forever, so mysterious and extraordinary.

"There are a lot of wordless steles. This black stele seems to be special. I feel that this black stele may be related to your family. Perhaps you can use the blood veins to detect whether some special things will happen to the black stele. Variety!".

Lin Feng looked at Xiaohei and said.

In the past, Xiaohei had induced many things through the bloodline. In Lin Feng's view, the induction of black stone tablets can also be done in a similar way.

Needless to say, the value of black stone tablets is often such things, which often hide some extraordinary content, such as some inheritance.

Xiaohei nodded, and then he began to mobilize his bloodline, taking the bloodline as the source, trying to see if it could form a special induction with the black stele.

At the beginning, there was no induction, which made Xiaohe frown.


Xiaohe didn't give up on this.

Over time, Xiao Hei is still trying to see if he can do this.

Hard work pays off.

After many attempts, Xiaohei finally communicated with this black stone tablet as he wished.

The black stele oscillated out of intense waves.

Lin Feng found that the black blood on the black stone seems to be recovering. The black blood was originally dried up, but now, the color of these black blood is more and more gorgeous.

There was a faint smell of blood coming out of the black blood.

What is shocking is that these black blood and this black stone have also formed an extremely special resonance.

It is difficult for Lin Feng to explain in words how this resonance is formed. It can only be regarded as a special connection.

Black blood originally occupied only a small part of the black stone monument.

But now it is different. The black blood has begun to spread quickly towards other places. It didn't take long for the entire stele to be covered with black blood.

These black blood is really not simple.

"It's really weird...". Lin Feng could not help frowning slightly.

It was the first time he saw this strange situation, and he didn't know what would happen behind the black blood.

When the black blood enveloped the entire stele, many mysterious runes appeared on the stele.

Lin Feng doesn't know these runes, but Xiaohei seems to know these runes. Xiaohe looked at these runes with a blank expression, and didn't know what Xiaohe was thinking.

After watching for a while, Xiaohe extended his small claws and played dozens of tactics in a row.

Then, toward the black stone, gently.

A black beam hit the black stone, and the black beam merged with the black stone.

After forming this special fusion.

Something amazing happened.

I saw that the black stele irradiated a piece of dark light, and inside this piece of dark light, a lot of development appeared.

These developments recorded a war.

"Destroy this tribe!".

A cold voice came out.

Several terrible creatures step by step from a distance, these terrible creatures slaughtered this family.

"Why destroy my family?". Someone roared angrily, with deep hatred in the voice.

"Your family is a family of sins, be blamed!". The voice of one of the creatures was indifferent.

"Ridiculous, shameful!".

An old man shouted angrily, "I'm waiting to peek into the secrets my family has...".

"Shut up!" Another strong man sneered coldly, and he seemed unwilling to let the old man say something.

The old man sacrificed a stone tablet and fought with the other party.

But this battle is already doomed.

This once powerful race was just destroyed.

"Monarch Taishan, Lord of Devil, Lord of Curse, Lord of Life... This hatred, my family will always remember it!".

The old man shouted angrily before he died.

"The clan is going to be destroyed, how can you remember it forever?". One of the strong men sneered. He killed him and beheaded the old man.

A lot of blood spewed out of the old man's neck.

The blood was scattered on the stone tablet urged before the old man.

The stele urged by the old man is the one in front of him.

As for the group that was wiped out, it was obviously Xiao Hei's family.

"Kill...Kill...Kill...I want revenge...".

Witnessing the massacre of the genocide with his own eyes, even if it was just a brand image, it also had a huge impact on Xiaohei, who roared angrily.

His voice contained endless anger and murderous intention.

This is also normal. I have witnessed the scene of the destruction of my family, and at the same time I know who destroyed my family. It is strange to be angry.

What makes Lin Feng curious is...

Before this old man was killed, it was said that the reason why the Taishanfujun and others dealt with their family is because their family has mastered a secret. This secret has caused this family to cause death.

What is this secret?

It turned out that the powerhouses of the four major creator levels personally shot.

Such a situation is rare.

Presumably, this secret must be extremely amazing, but the old man was not able to tell it.

I don’t know if Xiao Hei knew this secret?

All members of this family were killed.

At the very least, all the tribes in the world have been killed.

Perhaps there are some backers in other places, such as the sealed black is the backhand.

The identity of Xiaohei is also relatively mysterious. What kind of life is he in this family?

Being able to be sealed, the identity is definitely not simple.

Wouldn't it be a character like Young Master?

There are indeed such possibilities.

After the clan was destroyed, all the pictures disappeared.

But obviously, Xiaohei couldn't calm down his anger with a sense of murderous murder...

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