Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 362: Lin Feng's method

In the past years, the commander of the Burning Legion sacrificed himself when the Burning Legion was destroyed, allowing the Burning Legion to be preserved and not completely destroyed.

Although the Burning Legion later turned into the Cursed Legion, these things are unpredictable.

For the old legion commander, the Burning Legion, it is naturally very missed.

It's just that the Burning Legion is also very clear that it is very difficult to resurrect the old legion commander.

So, why does the Burning Legion think Lin Feng has such an ability?

This is because Lin Feng was the one who received the order of the Burning Legion. They felt that since Lin Feng was the chosen person, there might be a way to bring the old army commander back to life.

They can continue to be the cursed legion, can live in pain, as long as they can see the old legion commander resurrected, they are willing to do anything.

Lin Feng said, "I don't know how many years have passed since I died. In such a long time, countless things may happen, and such a long time is enough to obliterate all traces. It is not easy to resurrect a person who has died for such a long time. ? Even me, I don't have such ability!".

Lin Feng doesn't have such ability for the time being. It's hard to tell the future. He has some powerful methods. One day in the future, maybe he can really bring the dead to life.

But it takes time.

not now.

The current commander of the legion said, "In fact, it is not without any preparations. I have a seed here! Maybe I can use this seed to revive my father!".

"A seed? What seed?". Lin Feng couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Soul Seed". The current legion commander said.

"Oh? There is still a soul seed? Take it out and let me see!". Lin Feng said.

The current legion commander stretched out his right hand, and a cloud of energetic energy flew out, and a seed was wrapped in this energetic energy. After seeing this seed, Lin Feng's brow couldn't help but raised slightly. This seed is very special. It has an extremely special energy. Lin Feng took this seed in his hand and felt it carefully. His brows wrinkled involuntarily.

The current legion commander said this was a soul seed, but Lin Feng basically didn't feel the soul power from this seed, which was rather strange.

Lin Feng said, "Is it really a soul seed? Why can't I sense the breath of any soul?".

The current commander of the legion said, "It's really a soul seed! It's just that my father didn't leave any soul power, only part of the breath. When this soul seed came out, it was only contaminated with what my father left behind. The soul breath does not seal the soul power. After a long time, the soul breath in the soul seed is already very weak!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile, how is this faint?

Basically, I can't sense it.

Moreover, soul breath and soul power are two different things.

Soul power is a real thing.

The soul breath, not real, just like the smell, will slowly dissipate.

If there is soul power, then, using some special methods, maybe it can really revive the former army commander, but if it is just the soul, how do you start?

Think about it from another angle. The ability of the current legion commander is also terrifying. If there is a residual soul power, he can resurrect his father without even asking for his own help.

It is precisely because there is no soul power that he is helpless.

"Is there a way?" The current corps commander looked at Lin Feng with an earnest look.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, “I’ll put the soul seed here first. Is it possible to find a reasonable solution? I have no way to answer you now, because I don’t know it myself, but when I have specific information, I will be the first Time to inform you!".

"Thank you!" The current legion commander said.

Lin Feng said, "I should be thankful to you. If you didn't lead the Burning Legion and arrived in time, I don't know how the result of the previous battle was! That's good. During this time, the Burning Legion will follow. By my side, when I find a solution, we will have further exchanges!".

"it is good!". The current legion commander nodded and said, he is not a talkative man, after saying this, he said nothing else.

In the next period of time, the cultivators of the Wasteland Alliance and the Allied Forces began to carry out a large-scale sweep in the Wasteland World, mainly to find the cultivators of the Pioneer Alliance.

It's fine if you don't find it.

If the cultivator army on the Pioneer Evil Mind Alliance was found, they would basically be killed on the spot.

Most of the pioneers’ evil mind alliance cultivators have already withdrawn, but the major forces are very unwilling to lose the wasteland world, so they let a part of the cultivators stay, scattered everywhere, hiding themselves, but after all Did not really hide his identity.

These cultivators were not in the eyes of Lin Feng, and even the forces behind the Pioneer Alliance, Lin Feng did not consider them anymore. They lost so much, those powerful creators at the Creator level would not send them again easily. The monk army has come to the wasteland world, because this is completely an act of seeking death.

When the cultivator army swept the Wasteland Alliance, Bo Shao, Tianziyi and many high-level officials presided over many meetings. The meetings mainly discussed the distribution of benefits.

This is a problem that has to be faced. After the war is won, it is natural to distribute the benefits.

It's just that, for the specific distribution, each force has the requirements of each force, and the major forces need to be coordinated. It is estimated that it will take some time before the plan can be completely determined.

Lin Feng intends to chat with Hongchen Xianzun about resurrecting the former head of the Burning Legion.

Whether it is to win the Burning Legion or be grateful to the Burning Legion, Lin Feng will work hard to accomplish this.

Lin Feng handed the soul seed to Hongchen Xianzun, and asked Hongchen Xianzun to study this soul seed.

After feeling it carefully, Hongchen Xianzun couldn't help but frown and said, "Such a soul seed is almost useless!"

Lin Feng nodded, and he said, "I have thought of several methods, but none of them feel very reliable! But there is one method, maybe you can try it!".

Hongchen Xianzun asked, "What method?"

"Summon the soul," Lin Feng said.

Hongchen Xianzun said, "It stands to reason that the former head of the legion has been completely annihilated, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to summon his soul!".

"Summon souls from the past time and space!" Lin Feng said.


Hongchen Xianzun thought slightly, this method is feasible, but they are now in the "present time and space" instead of in the "past time and space." They can't go back to the past time and space, how can they call souls from the past time and space?

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