Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 363: Big yellow dog

Hongchen Xianzun said, "The idea is a good idea, but the key is that we can't enter the past time and space. It is almost impossible to start calling souls in the past time and space!".

It is normal for Hongchen Xianzun to have this worry. It is indeed not an easy task to summon souls from the past time and space, but for Lin Feng, these things are difficult and difficult to say, simple and simple.

Lin Feng got a Horcrux in the past years, and has never used it, but now it can be used. The Horcrux itself has the effect of summoning souls.

Of course, the Horcrux is not the key, the key is how to enter the past time and space to call the soul.

Lin Feng also got a treasure, that is the mirror of the present.

The past, the future, and the present represent three time and space.

Therefore, the mirror of the past, the mirror of the present, and the mirror of the future were born. It is said that with the help of the mirror of the past, one can travel into the time and space of the past, and the mirror of the future can travel into the time and space of the future.

The mirror of the present is the most mysterious mirror, taking into account certain abilities of the mirror of the future and the mirror of the past.

After all, rumors are just rumors, and it may be possible to do it, but no one knows how to do it.

Later, Lin Feng got a mirror of the future, the mirror of the future was divided into yin and yang, what Lin Feng got was the mirror of the dark future, and the mirror of the future was swallowed by Lin Feng's mirror of the past.

After devouring the mirror of the future, the ability of the mirror of the present became more powerful, and many abilities of the mirror of the future were also inherited by the mirror of the present.

Lin Feng intends to borrow the power of the current mirror, combine the soul concentrator and the soul seed of the former head of the Burning Legion, to see if he can successfully call the soul.

Lin Feng then explained his thoughts to Hongchen Xianzun. After hearing Lin Feng's explanation, Hongchen Xianzun said, "Maybe you can try it, maybe you can succeed?".

Lin Feng summoned the current mirror, which was suspended in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng said, "Let's see the big yellow dog!"

The big yellow dog is the spirit of the mirror of the present, and it can also be called a god, and spends most of the time sleeping in the mirror of the present.

"Why don't I like to hear you so much? Who is the big yellow dog, call him Gouye!". After the big yellow dog appeared, he said very dissatisfied.

The big yellow dog has always had such a temperament, the owner of the train running with his mouth full, there is nothing he dare not say.

Lin Feng said, "I have something to tell you. You see if my method is feasible...".

Lin Feng then used the mirror of the present, the Horcrux concentrator, to speak about the soul seed of the former head of the burning legion.

The big yellow dog listened carefully to what Lin Feng said, and then he pondered. He said, "There is a certain probability that the mirror of the present will make a special connection between the Horcrux and the past time and space. This is what the mirror of the present can do. The limit is over, no more things can be done, but even if you want to do this, it is still extremely difficult and requires strong support!".

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry about this, I have joined hands with Hongchen, and the strength is enough. You only need to consider whether you can connect the Horcrux with the past time and space!"

The big yellow dog asked, "When will we act?"

"Naturally, the sooner the better, we are almost ready here, when can you act?".

The big yellow dog said, “The mirror now also needs to adjust its own state. It’s too early now. I need to wait. That’s it. You give me one day to make adjustments. After one day, we will call for souls. I dare not make any guarantees as to whether it will succeed, and even if the Horcrux can really connect with the past time and space, it will be very difficult for the Horcrux to successfully summon the soul!"

Lin Feng said, "I have this psychological preparation!"

The big yellow dog returned to the mirror of the present. Lin Feng left from the residence of Hongchen Xianzun and returned to his own residence. They are now in a place called Yunxiao Palace, the old site left by Yunxiao Palace. There is basically no place here. How was it destroyed? Except for a small part of the cultivator army, the rest of the cultivator army went out to wipe out the pioneers and the evil mind alliance cultivator army has not returned.

Many high-level executives are still holding emergency meetings, and they are arguing over the division of the territory.

Lin Feng doesn’t care much about this. For him, the Wasteland World is not much different from other worlds. Moreover, as the leader of the Wasteland Alliance, there is no one to **** him from Lin Feng, and no one is qualified. Rob with him.

Lin Feng went back and adjusted his state.

The next day, Lin Feng came to Hongchen Xianzun.

Hongchen Xianzun said, "I set up a special formation called the Sanweishi formation. It is said that this formation itself contains the power of the past, present, and time, and it may be able to produce certain help to Soul Summoning!".

Hong Chen Xianzun is not only a strong cultivation base, but also a high level of attainments in formation.

Although Lin Feng is a monk in the line of the Heavenly Master, he would not underestimate the other Formation Masters.

Each inheritance has its own extraordinary features.

For example, the formation inheritance mastered by Hongchen Immortal Venerable is absolutely extremely powerful. Lin Feng has never heard of this three-time formation before. Lin Feng felt it carefully and couldn't help being a little surprised. This is a very special formation. , Contains extremely special power.

This kind of formation, the power of communicating the past, the present, and the future, is different. Perhaps it is indeed as the Red Dust Immortal said, maybe it can really help the summoning.

Lin Feng summoned the Mirror of the Present, the Soul Concentrator, and the Soul Seed of the former Chief of the Burning Legion.

Three things hovered above the Sanweishi formation.

Lin Feng said, "Big yellow dog, how are you preparing?".

"Damn, didn't you tell me to call Lord Gou?" said the big yellow dog very dissatisfied.

But in business matters, the big yellow dog is not vague.

The big yellow dog said, "It is ready. I will first try to establish a special connection between the mirror of the present, the Horcrux, the soul seed, and the formation arranged by your old wife. Then you will enter the mana into the mirror of the present. in!".

Hearing the big yellow dog say that Red Immortal Venerable is his eldest wife, Lin Feng couldn't help but sweat coldly on his forehead.

What kind of character is the Red Dust Immortal? If you irritate her, she won’t care who you are. She will definitely clean up you. The big yellow dog is unstoppable. Lin Feng is really worried about the Red Dust’s anger. , Slapped the big yellow dog to death.

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