Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 365: Rescue

The places where Yin Soldiers appeared were places that should not be underestimated. This was common sense, and the situation in front of them had to be treated with caution. Therefore, Lin Feng's spirit did not enter this dark mountain range.

He intends to observe and see what is going on before making the next decision.

The Yin Soldiers patrolled around, with a terrifying breath that made people daunting.

Time passed, and not long after, a large number of Yin soldiers flew from a distance. These Yin soldiers drove many souls.

The Yin Soldier held a soul whip in his hand, but any soul that had the thought of running away would be a fierce twitch.

Those screaming souls screamed, life is better than death.

Such a situation caused Lin Feng, who was hiding in the dark, to frown. It seemed that things were more complicated than imagined. This dark mountain range may be the nest of a certain army of Yin soldiers.

And these Yin soldiers are collecting souls. What do they want to do when collecting souls?

Judging from their attitude towards these souls, it can be known that this is not a mild thing. There may be some terrible things hidden behind them, so some souls want to escape.

Do you want to use these souls to do something?

And these souls will be destroyed.

In the end, the soul was completely scattered.

and so……

This dark mountain range is not a good place for these souls, but a place enough to kill them?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but think of the former head of the Burning Legion, not knowing what his situation is now.

Lin Feng didn't think that the former commander of the Burning Legion held a position in this army of Yin soldiers.

The reason for this speculation is because the former head of the Burning Legion sacrificed himself and completed the sacrifice. His soul power was already very weak and not strong.

How could such a powerful Yin Army Corps allow him to hold any position?

However, in terms of induction.

He seems to be inside.

In this way, was he, like the other souls, captured by the Yin Army Corps?

This possibility is also there.

If this possibility were true, the situation would be worse than Lin Feng imagined.

With such a mountain range, the place guarded by such a powerful Yin Army Corps, it is as difficult as climbing the sky to rescue the remnants of the former commander of the Burning Legion.

Soon these yin soldiers drove the captured souls into the darkness of the mountains, and calm again outside.

Lin Feng's spirit still wandered outside.

He was a little anxious, he didn't know what to do next, to be able to rescue the remnant soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion and let his divine mind enter the dark mountains directly?

Don't be funny, this is just a divine mind, there is no fighting power, it is estimated that you will be discovered soon after entering it, and it can't help anyone.

If this place is in the present time and space, you can still find this place.

The point is that this is the place in the past time and space. It is likely to be somewhere in the last epoch, which has long been destroyed by now.

There is no way to go back.

At this time, there were waves of violent fluctuations in the dark mountain range, and then Lin Feng saw the endless dark light rising into the sky.

Then came countless miserable calls.

Vaguely heard the voice of begging for mercy, the voice of cursing, and other voices.

But these are useless at all, their fate is already doomed.


Lin Feng's brows frowned tightly.

These souls in the dark mountains were sacrificed. Although I don't know what they were doing, these souls will be destroyed soon, and they will all become a thing of the past.

Including the remnants of the former head of the Burning Legion, it will also completely dissipate.

This is what happened in the past time and space.

In other words!

In the past time and space, this is what has happened.

Thinking back then, what a heroic figure, the former commander of the Burning Legion, ended up in this way.

It's so embarrassing.

But many things are like this.

Tragedies happen every day.

Now Lin Feng has sensed what happened in the past time and space. In any case, he has to help a group of former Legion commanders of the Burning Legion.

However, it was too difficult to help the former commander of the Burning Legion, and Lin Feng had never thought of a good way.

Perhaps it can only help with the help of the Horcrux?

How much effect can the Horcruxes play?

Leave these alone, try and see what happens later.

All Lin Feng can do is to achieve the ultimate in what he can do.

Whether there can be a better result, this is no longer something Lin Feng can control.

Lin Feng is trying to mobilize the power of the Horcrux. At the same time, in the present time and space, Lin Feng’s deity and the Red Dust Immortal, the Big Yellow Dog have also communicated with each other, letting them fully assist themselves and release the power of the Horcrux to the extreme. Level, in Lin Feng's view, if the power of the Horcrux can reach the extreme, then maybe the Horcrux can really summon the remnant soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion from the dark mountains?

Everyone is working hard to release the power of the Horcrux to the extreme.

The rune fluctuations on the Horcrux are getting stronger and stronger.

This kind of fluctuation has also inspired Lin Feng a lot, and perhaps he can really succeed.

The Horcrux released a very special power, this very special power is trying to forcibly summon the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion.

In the depths of the dark mountains, a huge flame furnace, countless souls were thrown into the flame furnace, in the flame furnace, the black **** fire was burning.

Countless souls were wiped out by the burning ashes, turned into special energy, and absorbed by this flame furnace.


A gloomy soul body raised its head.

He felt as if something was calling him.

In fact, he had long remembered who he was.

Originally, he had no sense of resistance.

But now, he has a sense of resistance.

"I want to leave here...". He couldn't help groaning, and a terrible force suddenly burst out of his body, and then rushed towards the outside.

There are Yin soldiers guarding around the furnace, and these Yin soldiers prevent these souls from escaping.

From time to time, souls were knocked down by Yin soldiers into the furnace.

These yin soldiers did not pay too much attention to this group of gloomy souls.

A Yin Soldier took action to deal with this group of dark souls, this group of souls was knocked down and couldn't rush out at all, but at this moment.

The power released by the Horcrux rushed over and engulfed the soul. The spirit of the soul was shocked, and it was invigorated again, combined with the power of the Horcrux, and launched another charge.

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