Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 366: Threat before leaving

These Yin Soldiers also found something wrong at this moment. It stands to reason that the souls that were shot down are absolutely incapable of launching a charge.

But this group of souls is really weird.

Not only did he start a charge again, it seemed to be many times stronger than the previous strength.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

These Yin Soldiers feel that things are not quite right.

Of course.

These Yin soldiers are powerful, and they feel that they are still in control of everything.

What is the current situation?

Therefore, these Yin soldiers did not take the situation in front of their eyes.

Only one Yin soldier shot down this group of souls before.

But this time, it was the Yin Soldiers of a small team, all shot to deal with this group of souls.

A team, including the team leader, has a total of twelve people.

The strength of these Yin Soldiers is extremely powerful, plus they are still the nemesis of the soul, it is naturally a very simple matter for a small group of Yin soldiers to deal with a group of souls.

No yin soldier felt that there would be a problem.

The attack of this Yin Soldier squad was indeed very powerful, and once again shot down this group of souls, but at this time, a powerful force broke out in an instant, directly blasting towards this Yin Soldier squad.

Since this powerful force came from behind, facing the Yin Soldier team, it was too good to be concealed before, even if the Yin Soldier team did not notice anything, so when this power appeared, Yin Soldier Even if the team noticed it, it was too late to escape.

Bang bang bang...

The members of the Yin Bing team were bombed out.

This is the power released by the Horcrux, this power seems to be able to cause serious damage to the Yin soldiers, so that after being bombarded out, these Yin soldiers are in a state of dizziness.

Each Yin Soldier team guards a position.

Now that the Yin Soldier squad was knocked into the air, the position they guarded suddenly became vacant, and it became a position without Yin Soldiers.

This group of souls quickly rushed towards the outside.

It's not just this soul.

There are other souls.

Seeing that this place was not guarded by Yin soldiers, they were extremely excited, and they rushed towards this side quickly, wanting to rush out from here.

A lot of souls rushed out.

Under the call of the Horcrux, the group of dim souls quickly flew towards the place where Su Yi's spiritual consciousness was.

So many souls ran out, and suddenly there was a lot of trouble.

The leader of the Yin soldiers in charge of this place knew how important this sacrifice was, and quickly issued an order to capture these souls.

The vast majority of souls failed to escape.

All were arrested and returned.

But some souls escaped.

That group of dim souls converged with Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts. He looked at the phantom that Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts had appeared, and asked, "Are you helping me?"

"Yes, I am helping you, leave here with me, I will help you resurrect!". Lin Feng said.

"Help me resurrect? Who are you? Who am I?" said the soul.

This soul lost its previous memories, and it didn't make Lin Feng feel strange.

Through some other methods, a lot of memories may be awakened.

But now is not the time to do these things, leaving here first is the most critical.

The way to get out of here is actually very simple.

Lin Feng's divine consciousness communicates with the Horcrux, when the time comes, the Horcrux will take his divine consciousness and this group of souls, leave this place and return to the present time and space.

But when Lin Feng was trying to let the Horcrux concentrator take them away, a cold voice suddenly resounded between the heavens and the earth, "The divine consciousness that came from the future time and space to the past time and space, wants to take away this seat The food is really interesting!".

Lin Feng's divine mind is indeed empty for the existence of this time and space.

When he heard this voice, Lin Feng couldn't help being surprised.

The sound of this voice means that the other party has discovered it.

Being discovered by the other party is not a good thing. After all, in this time and space, the other party can do whatever he wants.

Lin Feng felt that the surrounding void was imprisoned by a special power. He wanted to let the Horcrux concentrator leave with the soul with his spirit, but he finally failed.

Lin Feng’s divine mind is just a sigh. After the loss, there is actually nothing. It will have no effect on the deity. But this group of souls is different. He may be the last remnant soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion between heaven and earth. Up.

If it is impossible to take away his remnant soul this time, then it is conceivable that soon this remnant soul will inevitably be thrown into the furnace and will be wiped out by then.

And the resurrection plan of the former commander of the Burning Legion was completely ended. This was not the result that Lin Feng wanted to see.

"Your Excellency is the master of this Yin Soldier Legion? It's just a remnant soul, how about letting me take it away? Let's forge a good relationship with you. When we meet in the future, I will repay you!". Lin Feng's divine mind turned into a ghost and said.

The other party is too strong. This is his place. Negotiation is the best choice. If you can resolve this matter through negotiation, everyone will be happy.

But Lin Feng's thoughts are obviously too idealistic. This existence sneered and said, "Repay me? Who do you think you are? Do you think you can repay me? Does this seat need your reward? I don't even dare to trespass here. Life and death!".

When the words fell, a terrifying force oppressed Lin Feng's spirit and the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion, and wanted to completely destroy Lin Feng's spirit and the remnant soul of the former head of the Burning Legion.

It seems that Lin Feng guessed a little wrong. He thought that after extinguishing his mind, he would put the remnant soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion into the furnace again, but now it seems that he has no such idea.

For him, destroying Lin Feng's spirit and the remnant soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion is the thing to save face.

The situation is more dangerous.

At this extremely critical moment, a beam of light fell from the sky, and the speed of this beam was too fast.

It shone instantly and enveloped the remnants of Lin Feng's spirit and the former commander of the Burning Legion.

This beam of light was condensed by the deity of Lin Feng, the Red Dust Immortal, and the Big Yellow Dog, with the help of the Horcruxes, and they condensed this beam of light only when their power was pushed to the extreme.

Can it be done? A one-shot deal.

Lin Feng and they are betting.

There is no alternative.

Life may be like this, many times, I want to take a gamble.

That terrifying force bombarded this beam of light, and did not destroy this beam. It seemed that Lin Feng and the others were right.

After this beam of light resisted the forces coming from outside, it quickly left the past time and space with Lin Feng's spirit and the remnant soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion.

Lin Feng’s icy voice floated in the past time and space, "I have written down today’s events. If you don’t give me face, I won’t give you face. The next day I meet again, I will destroy yours. The Yin Bing Corps!".

"Damn it!". From the depths of the dark mountain range, an angry roar came.

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