Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 398: Entrance

It is estimated that it will not take too long for the soul of Stone Buddha to be completely refined by Lin Feng. Stone Buddha screamed while cursing Lin Feng bitterly, "You don't know the origin of the blood in the blood pool. Who stays, if you know the origin of that person, you will know how stupid these things you are doing today are!".

Lin Feng said with a sneer, "I don't care about this. How many years are there before the reincarnation breaks? Who knows what will happen later? Even if the blood in the blood pool is left by the pioneers, even if the pioneers can be resurrected in the future, look for I'm here to take revenge, and I don't care! A day is a day, understand?".

Hearing Lin Feng’s very bachelor’s words, Shi Fo didn’t know what to say. Obviously, Lin Feng didn’t care at all about his curse and intimidation. With such a character, what you say is nothing. Waste of words.

Not many meetings, the soul of the third stone Buddha was completely refined to death by Lin Feng. After the soul of this stone Buddha was refined to death, Lin Feng tried to refine this stone Buddha.

Since two stone Buddhas have been refined before, Lin Feng still has some experience in refining fossil Buddhas, and this stone Buddha has no soul anymore. Refining is much simpler than imagined. It took more than an hour. At the time, Lin Feng successfully refined the third stone Buddha. At this time, Lin Feng refined the three stone Buddhas. These three stone Buddhas had an extremely strong feeling.

If you get to the far north, relying on the special induction of the three stone Buddhas and the fourth stone Buddha, you may be able to find the fourth stone Buddha quickly.

Lin Feng immediately adjusted his state. After all, he had gone through a war before and had not adjusted his state. First, adjust his state to the best level. After Lin Feng adjusted the state to the best, Lin Feng went out. After inquiring about the origin of the wasteland of Saint Diao Daxian, Daxian Saint Diao said that he had found extremely important clues, and they seemed not far from the origin of the wasteland.

Hearing this news, Lin Feng couldn't help being extremely happy, is he finally going to find the origin of the wasteland world?

That is something he has been dreaming of for a long time. It is one of the most precious training resources in the wasteland world. If the source of the wasteland is refined, the strength will definitely be greatly improved. The key is that not only he can greatly improve. Your own strength and the followers around you can also use the wasteland to improve your strength.

About three days later, Lin Feng and the others entered a mountain forest shrouded in heavy fog. When entering this mountain forest, Saint Diao Daxian told Lin Feng that he wanted to find the origin of the wasteland world. This place is extremely important. After Daxian's remarks, Lin Feng inquired carefully about the specific situation of Sheng Diao Daxian.

Saint Diao Daxian told Lin Feng some of the circumstances he had speculated.

According to Sheng Diao Daxian’s speculation, the origin of the wasteland world must be hidden in a corner of the underground world, or even in an unknown mysterious space. To find this place, you need to find a specific entrance. Then There may be multiple entrances to this particular entrance. After using the heart disk to speculate for a long time, Sheng Diao Daxian felt that there should be an entrance in this place. Whether this entrance can be found or not determines whether Lin Feng and others can succeed. To enter the wasteland world where the origin is.

And in the next few days, Lin Feng and the others have been looking for the entrance that Saint Diao Daxian said in this fog-shrouded area, but after searching for a long time, they still could not find any clues. This made Lin Feng and others It's extremely headache. It stands to reason that even if you can't find a specific location, you should be able to find some clues?

I couldn't even find a clue, it seemed a little abnormal.

One more thing, this mountain forest is shrouded in heavy fog, which always gives Lin Feng a weird feeling, but if you use specific words to describe which place is weird, Lin Feng can't tell which place is weird, but no matter which place is weird, The trouble in front of them is really difficult to solve.

Lin Feng pondered this matter slightly, maybe other methods could be used? Such as deduction?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng decided to deduce it, and combined with the few clues obtained from Sheng Diao Daxian, maybe he could find some important information, so Lin Feng and the others stopped, Lin Feng began to deduction, Lin Feng’s deduction technique is still very powerful Yes, after careful deduction a few times, Lin Feng found a few suspicious places, and then took everyone to look for them to see if they were looking for the entrance location.

However, after going to a few suspicious places, Lin Feng and the others still found nothing.

"Something is wrong, there seems to be an unknown force affecting our judgment!"

Lin Feng said, he had doubted this possibility before, but he was not sure, but now it seems that this matter can be gradually confirmed.

If this is the case, then, what is it that affects them?

Magnetic field?

This is a kind of power that everyone first thought of. The power of the magnetic field is one of the most mysterious, weird, and elusive.

The magnetic field is strong or weak, and some powerful magnetic fields can affect even the strong at the creator level, not to mention the ordinary monks.

However, Lin Feng always had a special feeling. He felt that it was not the force of the magnetic field that affected their judgment, but another force.

Hongchen Xianzun said, "Perhaps it is really certain that this place has an entrance to the origin of the wasteland world!".

"Why so sure?" Poison Ancestor asked.

Hongchen Xianzun said, "This is because things like the origin of the wasteland world already possess strong spirituality. In the long years, there are definitely many people who want to find the origin of the wasteland world and rely on the wasteland world. Origin is to enhance its own strength. Origin of the Wasteland World definitely does not want others to find it. It will definitely use some special methods to interfere with others' induction!"

"When we approach a specific location, the interference will be extremely strong. For example, now, Lin Feng’s heart and Lin Feng’s deduction skills are very powerful in themselves, but now they have become very ineffective. The probability is Being disturbed in this way, the entrance must be hidden in this mountain forest!".

"Even if we know that the entrance is in this mountain forest, we still can't find the entrance!" said Poison Ancestor frowning.

Hongchen Xianzun said, "I have a method, maybe I can try it!".

Hearing this, the eyes of Lin Feng and others could not help but suddenly light up.

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