Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 399: Formation

I don't know what kind of method Hongchen Xianzun said, Lin Feng and others are also extremely curious.

At this time, Hongchen Xianzun said, "The ordinary method, or the conventional method, has no effect. Therefore, I plan to consume a part of the blood origin, and through special spells and methods, let the blood origin sense the waste. The origin of the earth world!".

Hearing the method Red Dust Immortal Venerable said, Lin Feng's face changed slightly. It is no wonder that Red Dust Immortal Venerable did not take the initiative to say that there is a way to solve this matter. It turned out to be the origin of the blood of Red Dust Immortal Venerable. what.

The origin of blood is one of the most important origins in the human body. As we all know, the origin power is extremely important for a person. The origin is equivalent to the foundation of life. If too much origin is lost, then for this person , Will cause extremely serious damage.

The light one's cultivation base regresses, there is no way to improve the cultivation base, etc., the heavy one may even die directly.

Therefore, monks have always kept a secret about the consumption of their own origin. Even if they do not consume their origin during the battle of life and death, they will not rush to consume their own origin. The main reason is that they consume their own origin. The harm the monk himself caused was too serious.

This time there was no other way, and Hong Chen Xianzun made the last move.

If they don’t use the method of Red Dust Immortal, they may never find the rumored origin of the Wasteland World, and the origin of the Wasteland World is what everyone urgently needs. The Red Dust Immortal Venerable also needs the origin of the Wasteland World to help. She promoted her cultivation.

In particular, the current Red Dust Immortal Venerable is on the verge of breaking through the realm of the Creator. If she can get the origin of the wasteland world, it is also a guarantee for her.

Lin Feng said, "I'm afraid it's wrong! Consuming the source is too serious for yourself! It is very likely that the gains will not be worth the loss!".

Hongchen Xianzun said, "In fact, don't worry about this. Since I proposed this method, I am confident that this kind of damage can be reduced to a minimum. Even if my body has been damaged to a certain extent, it can take a certain time. Cultivate here!".

Lin Feng knows what kind of character Hongchen Xianzun is, what she decides, it is more difficult to persuade her again, Hongchen Xianzun has recognized this matter, then he can only follow what Hongchen Xianzun said. Come.

Lin Feng said, "Then pay attention to the amount of consumption of the source, don't exceed the limit!".

"Ok!". Hongchen Xianzun nodded.

Immediately she began to chant the spell, her voice was very soft, and her speaking speed was hurried and fast. Lin Feng could not understand what Hongchen Immortal was singing, mainly because the language that Hongchen Immortal sang was a kind of Languages ​​that Lin Feng has never touched.

Hongchen Immortal Venerable chanted a spell while his hands were constantly changing the magic tactics. After probably changing hundreds of tactics, an extremely special magic formation was condensed in the palm of Hongchen Xianzun. This extremely special The magic circle contained powerful fluctuations. After feeling the fluctuation contained in this magic circle, Lin Feng couldn't help but move slightly. This magic circle should play an extremely crucial role.

At the next moment, a group of blood light appeared in the magic circle. This blood light was the origin of the blood of the Red Dust Immortal. The blood light and the magic circle were combined together, and then turned into a **** elf. The scarlet elf is very special. Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of human beings. It is the size of a palm, has wings, and a pair of bright eyes. After seeing this scarlet elf, Lin Feng felt very surprised.

He felt that this scarlet elf had extremely high intelligence.

"go with!".

Hongchen Xianzun said.

Probably because of the loss of the original blood, Hongchen Xianzun's face was slightly pale, and Lin Feng couldn't help but feel distressed. Hongchen Xianzun was the eldest wife identified by Lin Feng. Now that there is a certain condition in his body, Lin Feng will of course be worried and somewhat self-conscious Responsibility, if his abilities were stronger, it wouldn't be enough for Hongchen Immortal Venerable to suffer this crime. To put it bluntly, cooking was the original sin, and he had to improve his abilities in all aspects.

After hearing the command of the Red Dust Immortal Venerable, the blood elves fluttered their wings and flew in one direction.

"Let's follow along!". Hongchen Xianzun said.

Everyone followed behind the blood elves and quickly chased them in the direction where the blood elves flew. Lin Feng took out a pill and gave it to Hongchen Xianzun, saying, "Eat it!"

This is an extremely special pill that can greatly invigorate the blood and energy. It is one of the top pill that Lin Feng has obtained, and there is only one. Originally, Lin Feng was going to eat when he was going to break through the realm of the creator. , But now Lin Feng can't wait for that time, so let's give it to Hongchen Xianzun first.

Hongchen Xianzun took the pill and didn't ask Lin Feng what kind of pill it was. He put it directly into her mouth. Her trust with Lin Feng and the tacit understanding with Lin Feng, everything was silent, without saying too much, they could Understand everything.

Lin Feng and the others flew a long distance with the blood elves, while the blood elves went to several places, seeming to find out where the entrance is. The blood elves seemed unsatisfied with the several places they had explored. Then the blood elves began to explore the new place again. When they found the seventh place, the blood elves turned and looked at the Red Immortal Venerable, and then danced and said something.

"What are the blood elves talking about?" Poison Ancestor could not help muttering.

Not only did the Poison Ancestor not understand, but in fact, Lin Feng and the others did not understand what the blood elves were talking about.

Although Lin Feng and the others didn't understand, but Hongchen Xianzun could understand.

Hongchen Xianzun explained, "The blood elf said, it seems to have found a specific place!".

"Is it here?" Lin Feng looked at the surrounding environment in surprise. The place they were now in was just a very ordinary mountain forest, and there was nothing special.

Lin Feng even probed carefully with his spiritual thoughts, and found no special place. If this place is the entrance, then the entrance is really hidden.

"The surrounding environment needs some changes!". Hongchen Xianzun said.

I saw her sleeve gown lightly waved.

The surrounding rocks all flew up, and then these rocks, under the control of the Hongchen Immortal Venerable, quickly flew to different positions, and then landed at the designated position of the Hongchen Immortal Venerable.

Seeing where these rocks landed, Lin Feng's brows couldn't help but jump slightly.

The Red Immortal Venerable seems to have formed a special formation with these rocks?

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