Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7760: The heart is like a rock and refuses the reconciliation of the secret fragment

The Secret Fragment probably never imagined that one day it would be sealed.

It itself had no physical form. After being destroyed by Lin Feng and turned into countless fragments, it actually had no great impact on it.

It will be reorganized soon, and by then, its strength will still be extremely outstanding.

But the key point is that Lin Feng suppressed it again without giving it a chance to regroup. This is what makes it extremely depressed.

Now, it wants to resist, but there is no way to resist.

We can only resign ourselves to fate. This is unacceptable to the Mysterious Fragment and makes it almost go crazy, but so what?

Even if you don’t accept this situation, you have to accept it.

Lin Feng said, "Search and see if there are any other good things here!".

Everyone responded and began to search here.

It stands to reason.

There should still be some good things in a place like the Mysterious Fragments where I have been cultivating for a long time.

Of course, everything is just Lin Feng's inference. Whether it is really what they thought is not particularly clear yet.

However, Lin Feng and others really found something soon after.

This is a kind of crystal stone. This kind of crystal stone has a blood-red color, just like the blood-red eyes formed by the fragments of the secret.

This crystal stone actually contains the power of mystery.

This surprised everyone, what a special crystal.

Lin Feng said, "Originally, they might just be ordinary crystals, but because the secret fragments have been cultivated here for a long time, these crystals are also contaminated with the breath of the secret fragments, and therefore, the power of the secret is born!".

Although this kind of crystal is far from being comparable to the mysteries fragments, it contains some mysteries after all, and it has a huge effect on monks understanding the mysteries and even improving their strength.

The number of crystals is not large, but when all large and small crystals are added together, there are almost hundreds of crystals.

The quantity is quite considerable.

Lin Feng asked the members of the Strongest Heavenly Group to each choose a relatively large crystal stone. The remaining crystal stones were collected by Lin Feng. Lin Feng planned to distribute the remaining crystal stones to other senior officials or some relatives and friends. , let them improve.

Everyone is naturally extremely happy to have obtained the crystal stone that contains the power of mysteries.

Cultivation is about taking small steps to reach a thousand miles.

No one can become fat in one bite, that would be too unrealistic.

Slowly accumulating and improving, this is the most important thing.

Several members of the strongest heavenly group have already broken through to the realm of the Creator. Although some have failed, this does not stop the others from wanting to break through. On the contrary, it makes everyone want to complete the breakthrough even more.

Only when a breakthrough is successful can one reach another level.

Therefore, every progress now is extremely important to them.

This is also an important reason why everyone is extremely happy.

Lin Feng and others continued to search for a while, but found nothing else. It was difficult to hide other good things in this place, so Lin Feng and others left this mysterious space and came outside.

"Sir, it's already late today, why don't you just rest in the mansion!". Li Shiyuan said.

Li Shiyuan got huge benefits from following Lin Feng, and he felt very happy. Now he naturally wants to further deepen his relationship with Lin Feng.

However, he was rejected by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't reject Li Shiyuan on purpose, but he just felt that since he already had a specific residence, why would he still live in Li Shiyuan's mansion?

Just go back.

Seeing Lin Feng rejecting his proposal, Li Shiyuan couldn't help but feel a little regretful, but naturally he didn't dare to say anything. After sending Lin Feng and others away, he couldn't wait to go into seclusion to refine the crystal he got that contained the power of mystery. The stone is gone.

As for Lin Feng and others.

After returning, they also retreated one after another.

Lin Feng entered time and space and summoned the fragments of mysteries that had been sealed by him before. Those fragments of mysteries were suspended in front of Lin Feng, and each fragment seemed to have its own willpower.

Those fragments are constantly struggling.

Want to get rid of Lin Feng's suppression.

But there is simply no way to do it.

At this time, the voice of the secret fragment came out: "Now, I have to admit that the abilities of you people are indeed beyond my expectation, especially your abilities, which are even more powerful. However, I am only one step behind." !".

"One move away?" Lin Feng sneered. This Mysterious Shard was a very proud guy. Even if he failed, he would still be tough and didn't want to admit that he failed.

Of course, Lin Feng also admitted that this secret fragment was indeed powerful, but his so-called chess move was one step away from the game, which was nonsense.

In fact, the potential of the strongest heavenly group has not really exploded yet.

Lin Feng had previously taught the members of the strongest heavenly group the powerful technique that he had obtained. This magical power could increase their combat power by four times. However, the time was still relatively short, and basically they had not yet been able to successfully cultivate this magical power, and then give it to the final members. If the members of the Qiangtian Group have been together for a period of time, after everyone has successfully cultivated magical powers such as Chi Zha Jue, the strongest combat power unleashed by the strongest Tian group will be even more terrifying.

But there is no need for Lin Feng to explain these things to the secret fragments. Winners and losers always like to find some reasons. This is just an excuse for them not to admit their failure.


Failure is failure.

There is no point in arguing.

Lin Feng didn't even bother to say anything to the secret fragments. He planned to refine the willpower in the secret fragments with heavenly fire, so that he could refine the secret fragments boldly and safely.

Lin Feng summoned the sky fire.

The sky fire enveloped all the secret fragments, and then began to burn blazingly.

As the sky fire burns.

The screams of the secret fragments were heard.

"Stop! Stop! We have something to discuss. There is no need to go to this step, right?" The secret fragment shouted loudly.

For him, this is a life-or-death moment.

If it cannot seize this opportunity and make Lin Feng change his mind, it may really be beaten to death by Lin Feng. That is the sky fire, and it is not particularly difficult to beat its will to death.

Lin Feng said in a cold voice, "No need to talk nonsense, I don't want to hear it either!".

"I know many secrets and can tell you!". The Secret Fragment said quickly, wanting to exchange for his own way of life.

Of course Lin Feng knew that the secret fragments knew many secrets, but he didn't intend to listen. Who knew if there was a huge pit waiting for him to jump into among the secrets he knew?

Lin Feng said, "Sorry...I'm not interested in the secret you told me at all!".

After the words fell, Lin Feng cut off the connection with the willpower of the secret fragments, and then devoted himself to burning the secret fragments with heavenly fire.

Three days later, the willpower of the secret fragment was completely burned to ashes by the sky fire.

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