Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7761: Fusing the secret fragments, the strength increases dramatically, and someone

After refining the willpower of the secret fragments, Lin Feng began to try to refine these secret fragments.

He felt that it shouldn't be a difficult matter, and that was indeed the case. The secret fragments had no willpower and only some instinctive reactions were left.

Even though the instinctive reaction of the secret fragments somewhat resisted Lin Feng's refining, it could not stop Lin Feng's refining.

Under Lin Feng's refining, those broken mystical fragments were soon completely refined by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had an extremely close contact with these mystical fragments.


Lin Feng tried to put these broken pieces of mysteries together and turn them into the same pieces of mysteries as before.

It took about a quarter of an hour to complete the reorganization.

The efficiency is still extremely high.

After completing the reorganization, Lin Feng began to fuse the reorganized secret fragments with his body.

This is the most important thing.

There have been cases in history where the secret fragments were refined but failed to be fused, which eventually led to the destruction of the secret fragments. In more serious cases, the monks' lives may be in danger.

There are many reasons for this situation.

But Lin Feng felt that there were several main reasons that deserved attention.

The first reason is that although the monks have refined the secret fragments, the secret fragments are still relatively resistant. During the fusion process, there will be violent resistance. This situation is prone to problems. Generally, this happens. The reason for this situation is probably related to the fact that the spirituality of the secret fragments has not been eliminated.

The second reason is that there may also be some conflicts between the monks themselves and the fragments of mysteries. This conflict may be some internal conflicts, just like some things between heaven and earth that are mutually reinforcing and incompatible.

The monk did not think carefully about whether he was suitable to fuse this kind of secret fragment, so he forcibly fused it, which eventually caused the secret fragment to conflict with his body, leading to tragedy.

This kind of tragedy is different from the first kind of tragedy. The first kind of tragedy is the resistance of the secret fragments, but this time the tragedy is caused by the incompatibility between the secret fragments and the monks.

The third reason is that the monk's body cannot withstand the fusion of the secret fragments. This situation may be the most common, because the secret fragments are very special. Even though the secret fragments are just broken fragments, what is contained in those broken fragments? How powerful it is, no one knows until it is refined.

So this led some monks who refined the fragments of secrets to misestimate the power contained in the fragments. When the power contained in the fragments was too majestic and exceeded the limits of their bodies, it is self-evident what the result would be. , in the end monks often die of hatred.

Lin Feng has always been very cautious when refining this kind of secret fragment, because he knows the details of this secret fragment very well.

As a third-level secret fragment, and a secret fragment spread from within the Gate of Eternal Life, it may be far more dangerous than imagined.

When Lin Feng tried to fuse with this secret fragment, Lin Feng discovered that this secret fragment was really powerful, and the power it contained was so majestic that even the average creator-level monks would not be able to withstand such majestic power. , terrible power.

Fortunately, Lin Feng had already been prepared, and he was not an ordinary creator-level powerhouse that could be compared with him.

Therefore, under his careful fusion, the secret fragments were slowly being integrated into Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng is not pursuing speed now, but pursuing effect.

Once the fusion is completed, the secret fragments will become an inseparable part of Lin Feng's body, just like when he fused the holy bones.

As the secret fragments were continuously fused by Lin Feng, Lin Feng could clearly feel what changes had taken place in his power.

Lin Feng's power was indeed very powerful before, but compared with now, there is still a big gap.

Although this is only a part of the complete secret fragment, the secret fragment is a secret fragment. It is too extraordinary. It is only a part of the secret fragment. The power contained in it has made even a strong man of Lin Feng's level feel incredible.

After the power of the secret fragments is perfectly integrated, the combat power will be doubled, which Lin Feng is extremely looking forward to.

The fusion took a relatively long time. It took Lin Feng almost a month to completely fuse the secret fragments with his body.

To be precise, the secret fragments have been integrated with Lin Feng's laws, as if they were implanted in the laws.

Although Lin Feng is not particularly familiar with the power of the secret fragments now, he should be familiar with it after a while.

Lin Feng did not leave the seclusion directly, but began to understand the secret laws.

Of course, Lin Feng also knew that he was only in the first realm of the Creator. Understanding the secret laws of the third realm was naturally as difficult as ascending to heaven.

But monasticism always has some things in common.

Lin Feng didn't really want to understand the secret of the third realm.

He just wanted to find some clues from the Mysterious Laws of Time and Space, allowing him to quickly understand the Mysteries of Heaven, and then condense his own Mysteries of Heaven.

In this way, his realm can be continuously improved. If he is unable to condense the secrets of heaven, his realm will never be improved.

After being in seclusion in time and space for a period of time, Lin Feng came out of seclusion. After he came out, he found that Li Shiyuan had ordered people to start renovating the Nuwa Temple and the Nuwa statue. The square was not only renovating the Nuwa statue, but also the Nvwa statue. The square where the statue of Wa is located has also been renovated.

As for Lin Feng’s temple…

Li Shiyuan did not give up building Lin Feng's temple. He built Lin Feng's temple in another area.

After Lin Feng found out, he just smiled indifferently and did not stop Li Shiyuan.

In fact, in many worlds he ruled, his temples were built, and incense was constantly offered, which could continuously generate the power of faith. At the critical moment of Lin Feng's breakthrough in the early years, he used the power of faith to complete a key transformation. .

So never underestimate the power of these beliefs.

The trip to Nuwa City was relatively perfect. Lin Feng originally planned to wait for a few days until the Nuwa Temple was almost repaired before leaving Nuwa City.

However, they did not expect that the catastrophe of the Blood Lotus Demonic Flower could no longer be suppressed, and they had to overcome the calamity and reach the Creator Realm. Therefore, they left Nuwa City in advance and came to the mountains and forests outside, waiting for the Blood Lotus Demonic Flower to impact the Creator Realm.

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