Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 805: Ishigami

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Archaic times are the most popular sacrificial offerings, ranging from an ancient dynasty to a tribe.

In the ancient times, sacrifice was a spiritual symbol, but in addition to the spiritual symbol, Fuze can also be obtained.

Because the gods walked in the world during the ancient times, when they worshipped the gods, the gods absorbed the power of incense and they came to Fuze to protect the party.

But since the end of the Archaic era, because of the turmoil and wars of the late Archaic, the gods fell, and there are no archaic giants walking in the world, which has also caused countless people to worship the ancient archaic deities and no miracles have occurred.

For a long time, no miracles came to the sacrifice, and the sacrifice gradually declined.

With the passage of time, the archaic sacrificial art has mostly disappeared in the long river of history.

Of course, years have not completely obliterated the sacrifice.

Today, there are still some small sacrificial offerings.

It is like sacrificial stone god.

On the altar, various sacrifices, incense cases, and furnaces were placed.

Zhan Junhua and Shi Ningmeng stood on both sides, Lin Feng held incense in both hands and bowed in the direction of the stone god.

To worship the gods, be sincere.

As is true, sincerity is the spirit.

This is a sentence handed down from the time of the ancient times.

Lin Feng knelt and knelt three times to the stone god.


A divine light fell from the sky.

"Fuze ...".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Actually, as Shi Ningmeng said, the **** of worship was worshipped, and the blessing came.

This made him feel shocked and moved.

Lin Feng quickly closed his eyes.

Fuze's power poured into Lin Feng's body.

This is a soft power, flowing in Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng found that this power can eliminate diseases and disasters.

Some of the body's ills were treated by this force.

This surprised him because the dark diseases in his body were left over from the war.

Even Lin Feng did not find it.

This dark disease accumulates more and more, which will eventually cause indelible damage to the body.

Today, these dark diseases are repaired.

Lin Feng was very pleased when he felt that the dark disease had gone and recovered his original body.

"If ordinary people are seriously ill and their lives are dying, come to this sacrifice and get Fuze, and they will heal immediately, and if the cultivators get Fuze, the internal diseases of the body will be repaired. Benefits, moreover, the current sacrificial technique is far from being comparable to the Archaic era. The benefits of the archaic sacrificial ancestors are certainly unimaginable. "

Lin Feng thought secretly.

This power of Fuze could not stay in the body for too long. Lin Feng found that Fuze's power was rapidly fading.

He frowned slightly, and it seemed that Fuze's power was about to disappear.

But then Lin Feng became relieved again.

Although Shi Ningmeng said that some people may have a chance to sacrifice.

But it is obviously not an easy task to obtain these opportunities.

That Fuze power has become very weak after circulating in Lin Feng's body for a week.

Eventually, this force poured into Lin Feng Dan Tian, ​​and then could no longer support it, and it would soon be dispersed.

Suddenly at this time, the power of Fuze seemed to be felt, not only did it not dissipate, but radiated a more powerful force.

In Dantian, the magical charms were also sensed, and Taiko Dragon Elephant phantom, Thunder God phantom, and Five Emperor phantoms appeared one after another.

And in that Fuze power, there is a ghost image of a stone **** holding a giant axe.

"Is this? The gods meet?".

Lin Feng's heart shook.

There may be a hint of stone god's will in Fukuzawa's power, and now another "god" has been sensed, so it resonates.

"Death is not terrible, it is terrible to live alone ...".

Suddenly, a deep and sad voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng was shocked.

who is it?

Talking to yourself!

Say these words!

This shocked and moved him.

Could it be?

Lin Feng guessed that he opened his eyes and looked at the giant stone **** statue in the distance.

At this moment.

Lin Feng felt that he had come to another time and space.

He stood on the street.

And here is still the stone city, but not the stone city in his impression.

On the street, the endless stream of people, Lin Feng saw the clock stone recording the time.

It says: 21601 in the Middle Ages, the summer solstice!

Lin Feng was shocked.

In the Middle Ages, this turned out to be the Middle Ages.

The Middle Ages began with 50,000 young people and ended 30,000 years ago.

According to this calculation, the world in which my mind came to be the stone city of the Middle Ages 38,000 years ago.


Suddenly, in the endless sky dome, there was a monstrous qi in the sky. In the qi, an ancient and evil figure came here.

"Destroy it together."

It was a celestial devil, his voice was cold, and he wanted to destroy the stone city.

"Ah ... it's a demon, it turned out to be a demon."

"It's over, all of us are going to die."

Countless people shouted in horror.

"Tian Mo, is the Tian Mo invasion."

Lin Feng moved, historical records, in the late Middle Ages, the invasion of heavenly demons caused the charcoal of life.

And his own thoughts came to the days when the heavenly demon invaded.

"Great stone god, please bless us."

More than a dozen elderly people knelt in front of a statue measuring four or five meters high and prayed.

In the ancient times, the stone gods guarded this land, and countless ancient ancestors worshipped the stone gods as gods.

But after the Taikoo War, there was no Fuze coming to worship the stone god.


Countless people betrayed their beliefs.

No longer believe in the stone god.

But this world.

There are always some people who still have faith.

They never gave up.

Generation after generation.

So it is said that old.

They are silently worshipping the stone god.

Although, their number is very small, very few.

There are as few as a dozen elderly people left.

Even the children and grandchildren of the elderly no longer believed that the stone **** was still alive.

But those old people still insist on their faith.


The stone gods once guarded their ancestors.

"The great stone god, please wake up and take a look at the homeland you once guarded. Now it will be completely destroyed by the devil."

The old men roared with sorrow and could not cry.

The defense of Stone City can't last too long.

The defense ban was broken.

Tens of millions of people will be swallowed by the devil.

Countless people are desperate.

And these old people, they are praying.

They still have faith in their hearts.


That is the power of faith.

The power of faith can only be absorbed by God.

The power of their faith seems to be transmitted into a certain space.

A broken stone man lies here.

It has long been cut off.

The stone **** is different from other gods. The stone **** is made of stone. He is an ordinary stone, but later absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and produced a trace of spiritual wisdom, and then turned into a mountain monster. Turned into a mountain god, and eventually transformed into a stone god, one of the ancient giants.

In the battle of Taikoo, the stone **** died.

However, there have always been a small number of people who still worship the stone gods, and their beliefs will not change.

After they die, they will pass on their beliefs to the next generation.

After the endless years have passed, those belief powers have nourished the last remaining soul of the stone god.

Perhaps without these belief powers, the remnant souls have long since disappeared.

The Stone City ban is broken.

The devil saw a dozen old men worshipping the stone **** in a corner of the stone city.

Because Demon felt the power of faith.

Heavenly Demon flew past and sneered, "The stone **** has long since died and is still worshipping the stone god. It's ridiculous. Really thought the stone **** can bless you? Go to death."

Heavenly Demon took a shot at these dozen old men.


A little girl with powder carvings and jade ran from a distance, looking at this scene in horror.

Her grandfather is also an old man who worships the stone god.

Although the little girl is only four or five years old, she often follows her grandfather to worship the stone god.

In the eyes of the little girl.

The stone **** must exist.

In her naive world, I believe everything grandpa said.

"Great God, we can no longer pray to you".

"Great God, may our future life be your most devout believers."

The sound came to a halt.

More than a dozen old men were slapped into a mud.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, you're returning Yao'er grandpa to Yao'er."

The little girl cried mournfully.

"Humble little bastard, die together."

Tianmo sneered.

Palm to the little girl.

"Breaking the world."

The roar shook the sky, an ax of light, tearing the world.

"Who is calling the stone god?".

The sound seems to come from the time of the ancient times.

Low, vicissitudes, full of endless sadness.

Stone God recovers.

Holding a giant axe, he tore the void and came to this world.

"Stone God, it's really the Stone God ...".

"Did the stone **** die? Didn't the stone **** abandon us?".

"Stone God appeared, we must have been saved."

Countless people looked at the stone **** and wept with excitement.

Only the little girl cried very sad.

Because of her grandfather who believed in the life of Shi Shen, she died tragically in front of her.

She will never see her grandfather again.

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