Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 806: Divide the Divine Realm

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"Stone God, you are not dead."

Heavenly Demon shouted in disbelief.

Stone God, that's a god. Now that the Stone God appears, he is terrified.

But soon, Tianmo found out that the power of the stone **** could no longer be compared with the ancient times.

After hundreds of millions of years, Shishen recovered again.

His strength is far from returning to its peak.

"Heavens and Demons, this shouldn't be your place"!

Stone God's voice was cold, waving a huge axe, slashing towards the demon.

"It's ridiculous, the world is so big, where can't you get it? Now the gods are falling, it's when my devil family ruled the worlds.

This Heavenly Devil's voice is cold, and his strength is extremely powerful.

Now the stone **** has just regained consciousness, and the divine power is broken up.

The heavenly demons are not afraid of the stone gods. The two powerful beings are at war together.

The eyes of countless people looked at the war in the sky.

They were shocked, they were pleasantly surprised, they were incredible.

Stone God actually exists.

The sky and the sky were broken in this war.

After all, Stone God has just recovered, and his body is difficult to support a long war.

Tianmo gradually gains an advantage.

Lin Feng knew the horror of Heavenly Demon.

Heavenly Devils were active in the post-Ancient era. Perhaps the ancient times were one of the most active days of Heavenly Devils.

Many powerful gods are no less powerful than gods.

Of course, there are many kinds of gods.

The gods of the ancient times, known as the ancient giants, enjoy the power of incense and can absorb the faith of countless people.

They are the most powerful group of gods.

These gods are called "giant gods".

After the Archaic era, the Archaic giant fell.

And the new God can no longer bless Zewan, plus fewer and fewer people believe in God.

The power of God is severely declining.

The **** at this time is called "tenjin".

Lin Feng saw Tianhuo hatching **** eggs in Luoshen Cliff.

That is the descendant of Tenjin.

As the years passed, the power of God continued to weaken.

In ancient times, the power of God once again experienced a significant decline.

The gods of this era are called "true gods".

In the ancient times, the power of the true God was weakened again.

"Void God" appeared.

The False God has part of the power of God, but it is far from the level of the true God.

The Hundred Saints of the ancient people divided the first divine realm into four levels: False God, Divine Fire, True God, and Immortality.

The second divine realm is "Tianjin".

Further up, it is the "giant god".

It's just that since ancient times, it's hard to have a god.

As for the giant god, it is more difficult to appear.

You should know that in the Taikoo era, some of the most powerful giants were able to compete with the "Emperor".

In the ancient times, the stone gods existed at the level of "the ancient giants", but now the strength is weak.

Thirty thousand years ago, this heavenly demon was also a divine state.

Because only Divine Realm can travel outside the world and come to the Tianwu Continent from the depths of the endless starry sky.

However, which of the heavenly cultivation practices of the **** realm is not known.

"Stone God, I will kill you, and then devour your original power."

Heavenly Devil laughs proudly.

The fighting power he showed became stronger and stronger.

In contrast, the stone gods are getting more and more suppressed.

"Is the stone **** going to lose?".

Countless people looked at the war in the sky with horror.

If the stone gods are defeated, they will surely die.

"My axe has split the world."

The stone **** roared, and he stepped forward, his body burning.

He condensed all the power, slashing towards the demon with an axe.

As a former "Great Archaic God".

Stone gods naturally have their own quirks.

In fact, any ancient giant has its own way.

Otherwise, they will not be able to cultivate to the "giant god" state.

The stone god's way.

It is combined with the axe.

There is a whole world of ancient times.

There is a stone **** axe breaking the sky.

Stone God shouted.

An axe slashed down.

Between heaven and earth.

There seemed to be only that huge axe.

A 100,000-meter-long axe light.

Across the void.

This is the unique skill of the stone god. Once exhibited, it has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods.

No matter what era you are in, you cannot underestimate any "Great Archaic God".


This archaic giant is now declining.

Don't underestimate him.

This is because the Archaic giants have the most powerful horror magic powers that can cause a fatal blow to anyone.

And now.

The "axe breaks the sky" played by the stone god.

Bomb down.

Heavenly Demon suddenly found that he could hardly move.

"Do not……".

Heavenly Demon screamed in horror.

Until this time, he did not know.

What a horror the Archaic Giant.

Even the divine power of the ancient giants collapsed.

It is still not the existence that the gods of their age can contend with.


That axe tore the devil.

Stone God returned to the original space.

Click and click.

His body shattered.

"I'm dying……".

Stone God murmured.

He lived to the present by the power of faith.

And now.

Even the dozen or so old men who believed in him died in the end, and the stone **** could no longer persist.

He felt his residual soul shatter.

"Stone God, may you bless our stone city."

"Shishen, I hope you will keep my family free of diseases and disasters."

"Stone God, may you bless me as a powerful monk."

At the time of the death of the stone god, a lot of thoughts surged.

This is the power of faith.

Into the residual spirit of the stone god.

A statue was built for the stone city within the stone city.

Next to the stone god, there are statues of thirteen old men.

It's them.

Inherited the will of the ancestors and believed in the stone god.

They are at the end of life.

Awakened the sleeping stone god.

The entire Stone Town is grateful to thirteen old men.

Their faith.

Saved tens of millions of people in Shicheng.

But now, the people of Stone City have regained the faith that was long abandoned.

Is their belief.

Let the remnant soul of the stone **** about to collapse become stable.

Stone God survived.

He is absorbing the power of faith.

Just like the times of the ancient times.

Every year, he will be at the Stone God Festival.

Fuze Wanmin.


All the pictures disappeared, and Lin Feng's thoughts returned from that illusory world to reality.

He saw what happened in the Middle Ages.

The power of faith.

Stone God's recovery.


But now, there is an axe left in my mind.

It was the axe that shattered the sky, leaving the axe light.

"The will of the stone **** is incorporated into it."

Lin Feng moved.

He carefully understood the light of axe.

The axe shattered the sky.

This is the supreme master of the stone god.

"Inheritance of another ancient giant."

Lin Feng opened his eyes, his face showing a happy expression.

This time the stone **** was sacrificed.

He got great benefits.

"Let's go".

Lin Feng said.

"Yes, adult."

Zhan Junhua responded.

The three went down.

Outside, there are many people.

Everyone is waiting for the appearance of the Celestial Spirit Array Master of the Spirit Array Master Union.

"Look, come out ...".

Someone called.

Countless eyes looked away.

The helm of the seven forces, many high-level leaders personally opened the way.

A young boy came out.

"How can it be?".

An incredible voice rang through.

The celestial order of the Lingzhen division union? Is it a young son in his twenties?

This is too shocking.

Countless people are moved by it.

Can't even believe it all.

How many Spirit Array Masters can't become a Land Spirit Array Master in their lifetime.

And has he become a Celestial Soul Array Master around twenty?

This is really incredible.

"Who is he?"

Countless people have doubts, guessing Lin Feng's identity.

Even the people of the seven forces are so curious about Lin Feng's identity.

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