Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 822: misfortune

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"This Du Gu Xuan is too strong."

"That's a special constitution, the power of blood."

"The young monk is about to be suppressed by Du Gu Xuan."


Many people exclaimed, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Because many people saw the owner of the "special physique" shot for the first time.

Activate blood vessels.

The fighting power that broke out was really powerful, scary, and unbelievable.

"The power of bloodline is really strong"!

Facing the oppressed Du Gu Xuan Lin Feng Meiyu revealed a dignified look.

Duguxuan activates the blood veins and exerts the power of bleeding veins to "cut the way", which is indeed too strong and completely suppresses him.

This is the "cutting body" among special constitutions.

Cut off, is cut off.

Road is the avenue.

The way to cut off the road is to cut off all avenues.

Therefore, this body of beheading is a very domineering skill. No matter what kind of supernatural powers you perform, you must be directly cut off in the face of the body of beheading.

Just like Lin Feng's split sky and sword intentions, he was broken by Du Guxuan's move.

But now, in the face of Du Guxuan's attack again, Lin Feng condenses the domineering thunder tactics, and the huge ball of energy condenses in the palm of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng sacrificed the light ball of energy and drove towards Duguxuan.

"It's useless, cut the road, cut the road, cut all the world's roads, and even if you have all kinds of magical powers, I will be cut today."

The voice fell.

With a terrifying blow, it was suddenly bombed down.


Du Guxuan's attack directly tore the thunder, he came to Lin Feng and swept with a blow.


With the sound of a dull collision, Lin Feng was swept away again.


Lin Feng's expression was slightly gloomy. In the confrontation with the younger generation, Lin Feng rarely suffocated today, completely suppressed, no matter how any move seems to be unable to play a role, it is too suffocating.

This is the top descendant cultivated by the Taikoo forces. The ability to master is too terrible, and it is not comparable to the successors of ordinary forces.

"It's pretty good to connect me with two tricks, but just now I only used 30% of my strength. I will now increase my strength to 50% to see if you can still resist it."

Du Guxuan sneered out loud, stepping on his head, and his black hair danced wildly.

Countless people are moving, so powerful combat strength, even to show 30% strength? This is too scary, right?

"No wonder that Du Gu Xuan will be trained by Shangzong Emperor, which is really against the sky."

"His strength, I am afraid that he can compete with the older generation of strong?".

"I don't know how many tricks the young monk can sustain?".

"In fact, the young monk is not necessarily worse than Duguxuan. The reason why he was suppressed by Duguxuan is because of his special physique. Duguxuan activates the bloodline and restores the body of the cut. To the extent that the gap between the two sides immediately became apparent. "

"Yeah, in this battle, Du Gu Xuan has already stood in the dark."

Many people shook their heads and felt that this battle Lin Feng will be defeated is undoubtedly just the question of how long it will last.


A more terrifying force broke out in Duguxuan.

This force is moving.

As Du Guxuan said, he is about to exert 50% of his strength.

Du Gu Xuan, who exhibited 50% of his strength, was indeed much stronger than the previous Du Gu Xuan.


Du Guxuan sang coldly, he quickly rushed to Lin Feng, everyone saw that Du Guxuan turned into a killing.

Between heaven and earth.

There seems to be only this killing.

And that killing light, cut to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng wants to tear directly.

This attack is really terrible, and it can be called ruinous.

Horrifying and moving.


Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, he ran five swallowed martial souls, formed a strong imprisoned magnetic field, and walked directly towards Duguxuan.

Now that Lin Fengxiu has greatly increased, the imprisoned magnetic field will naturally become stronger.

Du Gu Xuan, who had been swiftly lightning to Lin Feng, was immediately imprisoned in the air.

Lin Feng is a trick to break the sky.

In the void, a giant axe condensed and drove towards the imprisoned Du Gu Xuan.

"this is?".

Everyone was surprised to see what was happening in front of them. Originally, everyone thought that Du Guxuan would beat Lin Feng with a bang and even beheaded.

Lin Feng did not know what means was used to imprison Du Gu Xuan, but launched a counterattack on Du Gu Xuan.


Axe hacked down instantly.

Du Guxuan's expression was indifferent, he sneered, "broken".

Suddenly, all the terrible pressure surrounding his body disappeared.

Du Guxuan shook his hand and shook his axe.

"It really surprises me more and more, but it's not enough, any tricks should be exhibited quickly, because soon you will become a dead person, and by that time, there is no chance to show.

Du Gu Xuan torn Lin Feng's imprisoned magnetic field, and came in great strides.

He squinted towards Lin Feng, who had never put Lin Feng in his eyes, but this person's cultivation practice was indeed too powerful.

Lin Feng had never felt such a great pressure, he frowned, and began to gather Dao and Dao.


The violent surging waves surging out, the Tao character extinction and the Tao character death condensed together.

The words of Liangdao directly suppressed the past towards Duguxuan.

He hoped that he could use the power of "Dao" to break Du Guxuan's destructive body.

"Slash Road"!

Du Guxuan sang coldly, and he rushed over, colliding with Lin Feng's condensed Tao character death and Tao character extinction.

Just like Taikoo Mountain collide.

The void is shaking.

Lin Feng's condensed Tao character extinction and Tao character death were broken by Du Gu Xuan, and Du Gu Xuan was also shaken back a few steps.

Du Guxuan's expression grew colder and colder, "Is this your last resort? If so, you will be destined to return to Huang Quan."

Immediately after that, Du Gu Xuan walked towards Lin Feng again.

Every step taken by Du Gu Xuan will greatly increase the combat power in the body.

He increased his strength from 50% to 70%.

"Supernatural Rune, Run"!

Lin Feng looked gloomy, and he used magical charms, which was his strongest method.

Lin Feng intends to use the magical charm to assist the soul secret technique to attack Duguxuan.

Seeing the two sides collide together.

Just at this time.

The sky shook.

"Look, what is that?".

Someone pointed to the sky in horror.

I saw above the sky, a huge flame meteorite quickly fell down.


With the sound of the loud noise, the earth seemed to collapse.

The flame meteorite smashed fiercely into the misty forest outside Tiansheng City.


Endless flames skyrocket.

In the firelight, a fire ape appeared.

Then, there was another old Buddha in the void.

"Demon, spy on the heavens, sin cannot be forgiven."

The voice of the old Buddha resounded through the sky, and the endless golden light of the Buddha rose into the sky. He was bathed in the golden light of the Buddha, just like the ancient Buddha, but now, the Buddha is also angry.

The fire ape shouted, "Three worlds and six paths, billions of living creatures, each has their own chances. Since I got the guidance of the predecessors of the fighting ape, this is my chance. Buddhism is now inferior to demons. "


The old Buddha roared, "The fighting ape is an incarnation of evil, and his inheritance is not tolerated in the world. When he waits to peek into the inheritance of the fighting ape, he should be destroyed together so as not to be a disaster.

The words fell, and the old Buddha raised his palm. In the void, a huge palm with a radius of 10,000 meters was bombarded towards the fire ape.

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