Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 823: With my demon blood, stain the red starry sky!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Taikoo Dragon Elephant!

"God, what the **** is this?".

Countless people looked at the war that broke out in the void.

Falling meteorite.

Mysterious old Buddha.

A fire ape.

All this is too confusing.


"A drop of blood in the starry sky, how sad is the words? This is a brand of the old war."

Suddenly, the demon king sitting on the solitary tomb spoke.

"Recurrence of the old war?". Lin Feng was surprised.

He looked deep into the misty forest.

The old Buddha covered the sky with a big hand and wanted to suppress the fire ape.

Fire ape also has a great magical being.

He fought up and swept away with a punch, breaking the attack of the Buddha.

Swish ...

Immediately afterwards, the fire ape rose to the sky.

"Demon, where to go?".

The old Buddha drank coldly and quickly chased him out.

The picture suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, an endless galaxy appeared in the void.

The splendid galaxy is full of stars.

Sprinkle like silver sand.

The fire ape fled to the extraterrestrial sky world.

Even though the rest of the people knew at this moment that what they saw was only the brand left over from what happened that year.

What happened in the past?

Now it can only be known from the picture.

The old Buddha and the fire ape fought in the starry sky.

"Great compassion, like the palm of a Buddha."

The old Buddha shot, the endless golden light lingered around him, making him more sacred and inviolable.

"Explore your true face, **** old bald donkey."

The fire ape roared, he was very powerful, and saw the fire ape gave birth to three heads and six arms, which was really a terrible magical power.

A monk exclaimed, "Three heads and six arms are supernatural powers. Isn't this the supernatural powers created by the fighting ape?"

"Fighting Saint Ape? In the ancient times, the supreme existence that swept through the heavens and was invincible and eventually besieged?". Someone shouted in shock.

Lin Feng has also heard the rumors of the Fighting Saint Ape. Before he went to the East China Sea, he even watched Huaguo Mountain, the cursed place.

At the beginning of heaven and earth, tens of thousands of creatures were bred, such as sky fire, immortal medicine ... and so on.

Perhaps the longest breed among them is the "Shi Nationality".

The so-called stone clan is to raise up naturally, draw the essence of the sun and the moon to produce spiritual wisdom.

Once the Shi people form a real life, it is too horrible.

Such as the stone god.

But really speaking, the stone **** is not the scariest among the stone clan.

The most terrifying existence among the stone clan is the creatures bred in the chaotic stone.

Chaos stone is a stone that was born when the world first opened.

In the East China Sea, there is such a chaotic stone in the proud country. Since the beginning of the world, it has gone through countless winds and frosts, drawing the essence of the world, and the power of the sun, moon and tides, and finally completed the transformation.

Later, this existence turned into a stone monkey, and got the chance of the world, learned many magical powers, and became the most horrible existence in the early days of the ancient times.

This existence, also known as "fighting holy ape".

But why.

In that era, the heavens of the undead world were high above.

Western Buddhism is respected.

Heaven Court solicited the fighting ape.

But the Sacred Ape, who has always pursued freedom, refused.

And the fighting ape of this character is destined not to be tolerated by heaven and the world of Buddha.

As a result, the first war in the early years of Taikoo, the fairy demon war broke out.

Many races oppressed by Heaven Court chose the Fighting Sacred Ape as the leader to fight with Heaven Court.

The fighting ape is too strong, and the battles are victorious.

But Heavenly Court invited the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism.

The seven ancient Buddhas joined forces to kill the Holy Ape in the depths of the starry sky.

This fairy demon war ended with the failure of many races led by the fighting ape, and countless creatures died.


After the endless years, a psychic fire ape was inherited in a mysterious place.

And that psychic fire ape is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, he was discovered by the Buddhist world.

The war in the depths of the starry sky, the sky and the sky were torn apart, the sun and moon were dark, and the galaxy turned upside down.

Whether it is a fire ape or an old Buddha, the fighting power can be called against the sky.

They moved from star to star, destroyed the galaxy, and turned Zhou Tian into chaos.

"Seventy-two become great magical powers!"

The fire ape roared and exhibited a more terrifying magical power. This is the unparalleled magical power created by the fighting ape. In the ancient times, the fighting awesome apocalypse with seventy-two changed the magical power against the seven ancient Buddhas undefeated.

If it were n’t for the thirty-three Gods who were hidden in the dark in the dark.

That battle was unpredictable.

This inheritance is terrifying.

The horror is so terrifying that the heaven of the undead world and the world of Buddha tremble.

"It is this kind of magical power, really this kind of magical power, you must wipe out your evil animal."

The old Buddha was horrified, he shouted in horror.

"Amitabha, Shanzaishanzai, put down the butcher's knife and stand to become a Buddha."

In the starry sky world, three old Buddhas came out.

Behind them, there is a lot of Buddha's light, and the Dharma is boundless.

The four ancient Buddhas besieged the fire ape.

"Are you afraid? At that time, you killed the senior fighting ape by virtuous means, and now you have to kill me by the same means."

The fire ape growled in anger.

"I am a little ape, and I have the chance to have today, but I will never succumb. I would like to use my demon blood to stain the red starry sky, and I would like to use my fighting spirit to awaken the world."

The fire ape shouted and killed the four old Buddhas.

But eventually lost to the four old Buddhas.

"Dirty beasts, you have been enchanted completely. If you don't eradicate it, wouldn't it be another holy ape fighting for the misfortune?". An old Buddha's voice was cold.

"Ha ha ha ha".

The fire ape is laughing.

"No wonder seniors fighting against the Sacred Apes against you back then, you Buddha Realm and Heavenly Court, high above, enslave the souls of the heavens and the worlds. Whenever there are powerful creatures in the heavens and the worlds, you wipe them ...".

"Shut up".


The four Buddhas roared loudly, and they seemed reluctant to hear the fire ape say that.

Even though.

That is the truth.

Under the attack of the four old Buddhas, the fire ape gradually became more and more, and was about to be killed.

"Let's go to **** together."

Before dying, the fire ape roared.

His body exploded in an instant.

Fire Ape chose to explode.

"madman……". The four old Buddha shouted in horror, and they ran wild.

But without escaping, they were also submerged and their bodies exploded.

Turned into blood mist.

A shooting star fell.

Contaminated with the blood of the fire ape and the four ancient Buddhas.

The meteor is flying in the starry sky.

Faintly, the last sound of the fire ape seemed to be heard from the meteor.

"We were born in this world, we should fight for freedom. We are not their slaves. Our destiny is in our own hands. Please be careful. Heaven and the Buddha world ... They will wipe mercilessly ..." .

But the voice behind it could never be heard again.

"They will ruthlessly wipe out all forces beyond their control." The demon murmured.

He is a big brother in the undead world, but it is only the object of the heavenly slavery.

Those who did not succumb were ruthlessly obliterated.


The meteor, after countless tens of thousands of years, fell from the starry sky world into the misty forest of the Tianwu Continent.

All the pictures disappeared.

Swish swish ...

Countless monks soared into the sky and flew towards the misty forest.

The falling meteor absorbed the blood essence of the Fire Ape and the Four Great Buddhas.

The ancient heritage recorded in the bloodline must have fallen together.

That is the supreme inheritance of the fighting ape and Buddhism, and countless people will be crazy about it.

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