Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 824: Bloodied meteorite

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"Boy, fortune tells you, I will kill you next time."

Du Guxuan glanced coldly at Lin Feng, then he soared into the sky and rushed towards the depths of the misty forest.

He can't wait to get a chance in the depths, blood-stained meteorite, imprinting the highest heritage of fighting ape and Buddhism.

Even the descendants of the Taikoo forces can hardly resist this temptation, which is too deadly and makes people sway.

Lin Feng looked deep, he did not act immediately, because he knew how dangerous the Misty Forest was. When he came to the Holy City, Lin Feng traversed from the central area of ​​the Misty Forest. He once met the Beast Emperor and died for a lifetime.

This is just the middle of the misty forest, and it is already so dangerous.

No one knows how dangerous the deepest part of the misty forest is.

Since the depths of the misty forest are called "forbidden areas", natural crises are everywhere.

"Are you going to get into it?". Murong Xue asked.

"Wait a second, I think the meteorite is not so easy to find," Lin Feng said with a slight frown.

Murong Xue nodded, and she did not enter the misty forest impulsively.

The matter of skyfall meteorite is rapidly fermenting.

Spread out like wings, the teleportation array in the heavenly city continues to shine, and many people come in the teleportation array.

There are even many extremely distant states, and there are also powerful people who have tossed around in multiple teleports.

"Amitabha, kindness and kindness."

The arrival of more than a dozen monks caused a huge stir, because monks are rare.

Although there are "Western Buddhist countries" among the three thousand states.

However, the monks of the Western Territory Buddhism seldom came out, even though some monks came out to practice, and most of them were alone. Now they have sent a dozen monks. Obviously, the Western Territory Buddhist Kingdom heard about the four old Buddhas.

They came here and wanted to find what they lost in the past.

More than a dozen monks stayed for a long time and left quickly.

They entered the misty forest and brought the treasures of Buddhism, hoping to use the treasures of Buddhism to sense the position of the blood of the Buddhist ancestors.

"Western Territory Buddhism is the most bizarre state among the three thousand states, that is where ordinary people cannot go." In an inn, an old man talked about the Western Territory Buddhism.

A monk asked, "What's so weird? Is it possible that the Buddha Kingdom in the Western Regions or the Longtan Tiger Cave failed?".

"Did you forget the pictures you saw? The roar of the Fire Ape before he died." The old monk said solemnly.

Many people recall that they frowned slightly.

Fire apes curse Buddhism more evil than demons, but ordinary people do not understand why Fire apes curse Buddhism in this way.

"The Western Territory Buddha State has a very strange power. Once it enters the Western Territory Buddha State, it may be assimilated by that force and voluntarily stay in the Western Territory Buddha State. Everyday Love "

"Three thousand red dust, nothing to do with yourself anymore."

The old monk said so.

"Will the monk cut off the dust? Convert to the Buddha? I don't believe it anyway." Someone said so.

The old monk said, "When I was young, I went out to practice with my friends. Because of curiosity, they entered the Buddhist region of the Western Regions. Since then, they have converted to my Buddha. No matter how I persuade them, they will never look back.

"And this thing?" Many people feel very moved. Obviously, the Western Kingdom is really strange.

Buddhism, this is a force that can't provoke, so don't provoke it, even if the ancient forces face them, they will feel dazed.

Not only has Buddhism masters come, but even Taoist strongmen have arrived.

In Longhu Mountain, a holy place for Taoism, more than a dozen Taoists came to Tiansheng City.


Outside the sky, a terrible breath surged into the heavens, and from a distance, the endless golden light rushed to the sky, and in the golden light, an overwhelming presence came flying, his body was too big, his wings spread and extended Three thousand miles out.

"The Dapeng bird turned out to be the Dapeng bird."

"It is the overseas overlord Tianpeng Wang, but the giant of the demon clan."

Many people exclaimed.

Lin Feng, the famous name of the Tianpeng King, has heard of it naturally.

King Tianpeng rushed into the misty forest and disappeared.

"Even the monster clan giants are here, it seems to be very lively."

In the heavenly city, countless people are discussing this matter.

Not all monks have entered the misty forest.

Some people do not plan to find the falling meteorite, perhaps because the misty forest is too dangerous, or because there are too many people entering it, it is too difficult to get such a chance, or other reasons ...

Soon, a war broke out in the misty forest.

The creatures deep in the misty forest came out and fought against the monks.

This war was quite fierce, and many monks were killed by the creatures deep in the misty forest.

"Deep in the misty forest, trespassers die."

The creatures deep in the misty forest made a cold sound.

Many monks had to withdraw.

At this time, the auction house was held. Because of the astronomical meteorites, it attracted too many strong people, so the auction price of the auctioned goods auctioned by this auction house is far more than before.

The auction of Lin Feng's two pieces of Taoist caused an uproar.

This is the Taoist weapon of the Pirate King Longan and the Great Golden Fairy Dynasty.

Pirate King Longan and Dajinxian Dynasty have been looking for it, but now they have been taken to the auction house for auction.

Knowing by these two forces, do you not know if you will be angry?

The final transaction price of the White Tiger Broken Sky Sword is 2.37 million Need for Spirit Stone.

The final transaction price of Tianlongyin is 2.2 million Needling Spirit Stone.

In the past, Lin Feng didn't even dare to think about so many top grade spirit stones.

The pirate Wang Longyan and the Dajinxian Dynasty both sent people to investigate who had deposited two pieces of Taoqi at the auction house for auction.

Lin Feng is not worried that they can find the news here.

He believed that Jiang Chao would not divulge his information.

Three days later, shocking news came from the misty forest. A monk found a blood-stained meteorite. It was a meteorite that collapsed when the meteorite fell. It was only the size of a fist, but in the blood, Fu Guang soared. Obviously the secret of Tianda is hidden.

This incident caused a huge shock, and the monk who obtained the meteorite was killed without being able to come out alive. Many major forces had fierce battles to **** the meteorite, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

In the end, these great forces decided to temporarily stop fighting and study together whether this blood-stained meteorite is really valuable.

Many great forces have returned to the Heavenly City.

Today, the Holy City is shrouded in an unusually tense atmosphere.

"Demon, what do you think?". Lin Feng asked.

"I observed it when the meteorite fell. It was indeed very simple. I guess that the meteorite is probably imprinted with more than three or four kinds of ancient magical powers, and even more."

The demon said.

Lin Feng moved, and the demon monarch ’s words would never be wrong. He felt that he should act too. If he could find the meteorite and learn about the ancient magical power recorded above, this would be a great opportunity. Every monk practiced an ancient magical power, combat power Will be crazy to improve.

Lin Feng naturally wants to seize this opportunity.

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