Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8214: Tombs inside Death's Gate

Lin Feng has experienced many strange and bizarre things, but the things he experienced today are definitely on the list, because Lin Feng believes that simple imprints, illusions, false appearances, etc. cannot have any impact on him.

But anything that can have an impact on him must have a basic premise, and that is authenticity. What he saw should be what really happened back then. In other words, the Door of Death might really have been destroyed back then, but it was only later It was repaired.

Who destroyed the Door of Death? Why do these people want to destroy Death's Door? Who restored the Door of Death? Why did those who repaired Death's Door repair Death's Door? Why did the Door of Death appear in Nine Nether Purgatory? Does it have any deeper meaning?

Lin Feng has too many questions in his heart, but he knows that he can only keep these questions in his heart for the time being. It is not easy to dig out the truth. He will take a look inside the Door of Death later. Can you dig out the truth of the whole thing?

Lin Feng looked inside the Door of Death. He found that the fog here was a kind of light brown mist. This mist seemed to contain the power of death, the power of Yin spirits, etc. These powers were mixed together. At the same time, it is extremely useful for existences such as Yin spirits and ghosts.

Cultivating in such an environment, the strength of these ghost spirits will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, even one level higher than the energy level inside the Book of the Dead.

You know, the Book of the Dead has been evolving over the years, and now the energy level inside the Book of the Dead is quite amazing. It is rare to find a dark attribute power that is higher than the energy level inside the Book of the Dead.

At this moment, even the undead inside the Book of the Dead are trying to devour the energy here to enhance their strength.

Lin Feng was not separated from the two magic towers because the visibility in this place was relatively low.

Moreover, the suppression of spiritual thoughts in this place is very powerful.

Lin Feng found that his perception seemed to be suppressed within a thousand meters. You must know that when he was in the outside world, Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts could radiate into the extraterrestrial starry world.

But being suppressed so much here is an extremely bad situation. With his spiritual thoughts being suppressed so much, if there is something terrifying lurking a thousand meters away, Lin Feng will not be able to detect it. , you may encounter a terrible crisis then, so you must be more cautious at this time.

Of course, Lin Feng and the others are brave and talented people after all.

Although cautious, he is not afraid.

They went all the way in.

After walking for about half a quarter of an hour, Lin Feng and the others saw a tomb. They quickly walked towards the tomb and soon arrived in front of the tomb.

This tomb is not big, of average size, but it is obviously quite old.

There is a stone tablet in front of the tomb, but there is no writing on the stone tablet.

It turned out to be an unmarked tomb.

You must know that this is the inner world of Death's Door. The fact that the tomb was built in this place is incredible. You can imagine how extraordinary the identity of the owner of this tomb is.

The First Demon Tower said, "Let's dig up this tomb, maybe there is something good in it!".

The second magic tower also quickly echoed.

If that guy Wuliang Taoist was here, he would definitely agree to the two magic towers without hesitation.

Just dig up the tomb and search for the treasure inside.

But under normal circumstances, Lin Feng doesn't particularly like digging other people's graves.

If it is a large tomb that has been dug up, you will be able to enter it.

But Lin Feng still hesitated about the untouched tomb. He always felt that this was disrespectful to the dead.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Lin Feng really doesn't know how to dig these intact tombs.

It also depends on the situation.

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, after all, we don't know what's going on in the tomb! Keep exploring and see if we can find the headless monk!".

"That's good. It's best to find the headless monk first, suppress that guy, and get the holy liquid back!". The First Demonic Tower said viciously. He still couldn't forget the mysterious holy liquid. Now that he thought about the mysterious holy liquid being snatched away by the headless monk, the First Demonic Tower still had the urge to gnash his teeth and wish to tear the headless monk to pieces. Blocks fall off.

The situation of the Second Demon Tower was similar to that of the First Demon Tower, and they both gnashed their teeth in hatred.

Lin Feng and the two magic towers continued to walk deeper.

Soon after, they discovered a second tomb, then a third, a fourth, a fifth...

The deeper you go, the more graves there are.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng and the two magic towers were also very moved.

Originally they thought there were only one or a few tombs, but they found that they were naive. There were too many tombs here, which made Lin Feng think of the Immortal Ancient Cemetery. There were also dense tombs there, and there was a person buried in each tomb. Strong.

There is even the tomb of the Lord of the Gods there.

Although Lin Feng later discovered through some clues that the Lord of the Gods may not have fallen, he has not really found the Lord of the Gods until now. Maybe the clues he got before are not necessarily true.

And there are often some terrible secrets hidden behind such large-scale cemeteries.

This is what the Immortal Ancient Cemetery is like.

The cemetery inside the Gate of Death is even more so.

In fact, the cemetery inside the Gate of Death is even more mysterious and weird than the Immortal Ancient Cemetery.

After walking for a long time, I discovered that there must be hundreds of graves, but I still couldn't reach the end. The First Demonic Tower couldn't help but said, "How many powerful people are buried here?".

The second magic tower said, "Maybe this is just a tomb?".

Lin Feng thought about it and realized that this possibility seemed possible, but it was just a guess.

"Maybe we really need to dig a few graves and take a look!" The First Demon Tower said that he was seeking Lin Feng's opinion.

Lin Feng thought about the situation in Xiangu Cemetery back then. Generally, large-scale cemeteries like this usually have a main tomb.

If you really want to look for some special clues or opportunities, you should go to the main tomb instead of digging the tombs scattered around. Of course, these scattered tombs may also have opportunities, but they may also contain huge dangers. .

Therefore, if you have this energy, it is better to put it on digging the main tomb.

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, let's continue walking deeper!".

An hour later, they reached the depths and saw a huge tomb.

In front of the tomb, kneeling was a monk. That monk was none other than the Headless Monk.

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