Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8215: I don't agree

That huge tomb was the largest tomb that Lin Feng had seen in this cemetery. Judging from the scale on the ground, it covered an area of ​​at least dozens of acres.

As we all know, the area of ​​the above-ground tombs is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the underground parts.

This should be the main tomb.

"Do you want to take action?" The First Demon Tower looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Wait and see!".

Lin Feng said.

When they arrived, something was not quite right about the situation in front of them, so Lin Feng wanted to take a closer look.

He looked at the stone tablet of the giant tomb.

I found that there was nothing written on this stone tablet, just like the stone tablets on the tombs I had seen before.

There is nothing on it.

It is also an unmarked tomb.

Lin Feng was very confused as to why the tombs here were all built as unmarked tombs. Lin Feng felt that the people who built these tombs should know the identity of the deceased. However, under such prerequisites, these tombs were still built as unmarked tombs. Unmarked tomb, what does this mean?

Perhaps the people who built the tomb at that time were worried about something.

Therefore, the unknown tomb was built.

Lin Feng then looked at the headless monk kneeling in front of the main tomb.

The headless monk knelt there with a very pious attitude.

It seemed to be whispering something.

The distance was quite far, and Lin Feng and the others could not hear clearly what the headless monk was whispering.

"Perhaps he knows some specific conditions of these tombs, or even some specific conditions of the Door of Death?". Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the headless monk.

He was thinking about whether to attack the headless monk.

But at this time, a voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

"Don't act rashly. This headless monk is far more complicated than imagined, and he has a deep connection with this place!"

This is the voice of the demon king.

"Monster, what did you discover? Or, do you know something?". Lin Feng asked via voice transmission.

The demon king said, "This headless monk seems to have some special connection with the Door of Death. Now it seems that he should have a deep connection with the dead monks inside the Door of Death!".

Lin Feng didn't know what kind of judgment Yaojun relied on to make this matter, but since Yaojun said such words, he must have his own reasons.

Lin Feng thought of some possibility.

Back then, was this headless monk still a normal monk? He fought alongside the monks who died here.

Many people died fighting.

He was later buried here.

And he was beheaded.

However, he survived.

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was quite high.

With the reminder from the Demon Lord, Lin Feng did not attack the headless monk rashly, and waited until the headless monk stopped talking to himself.

Lin Feng asked, "Are you here to pay homage to your deceased friend?"

After hearing what Lin Feng said, the headless monk stood up and said, "It seems you know something!".

Lin Feng said, "I do know something. Of course, we don't have any ill intentions towards you, but you took away my subordinates' things. Isn't this a bit unjustifiable!".

"That's funny. I've been staring at the things there for a long time. Instead, it's your subordinate. I don't know how he returned from the present time and space to the past time and space, and stole part of my mysterious holy liquid. Now the evil one comes first. Complain? How can this be justified?" The headless monk retorted coldly.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then frowned. What the headless monk said was very likely, but regardless of whether it was the case or not, at least he couldn't lose to the headless monk in terms of momentum. of.

He said, "You said it's yours, so it's yours? Who can tell exactly what happened, but now the three of us have surrounded you. I know that you have a connection with this place and can even mobilize it." The strength and combat power will be greatly improved, but we are not vegetarians. We also have some hidden killer moves. If we really use them, it will inevitably be a lose-lose situation. Therefore, I think we should find a compromise. Method!".

The headless monk was silent for a moment, seeming to weigh the pros and cons. In fact, he also had some concerns. After all, he did not belong to this time and space. Even if he had a deep connection with this place, the gap caused by the difference in time and space was still huge.

And Lin Feng and the others are not simple characters, especially Lin Feng, who is obviously very extraordinary. Even the two magic towers are respectful to Lin Feng. If they fight with such people, the better result is probably that both sides will lose. This is not What the headless monk wanted to see.

The headless monk said, "Tell me what the compromise method is!".

Lin Feng said, "Take out part of the mysterious holy liquid and give it to me!".

The headless monk said, "Do you think this kind of thing can still stay after such a long time?".

The First Demon Tower and the Second Demon Tower wanted to say something, but were stopped by Lin Feng's look.

He said, "I know you must have refined a lot of this thing, but it shouldn't be a big problem to even out some of it for us, right? If you can't even do this, then we have no basis for cooperation. Got it!".

The headless monk was silent. Judging from his demeanor and behavior, he was very reluctant to take out the things.

But Lin Feng believes that he will.

Because Lin Feng knows that monks cannot travel across time and space for a long time. The headless monk has been traveling from the past to the present time and space. He has been there for a while and is probably about to leave. The longer it takes, the worse the impact will be on him. The bigger.

If he passes the limit period, he may not even be able to return to the past time and space, and then be trapped and die in the present time and space.

Lin Feng believed that the headless monk should also understand his situation, and it had not been long since he came to the inner world of Death's Door. Some of the things he wanted to do were probably not completed. He needed time.

If he continues to tangle with Lin Feng and the two magic towers, it will delay him a lot of time, and he just can't afford to delay.

Therefore, even if he is reluctant to take out the mysterious holy liquid and share it with Lin Feng and the others, the actual situation forces you not to do so.

The headless monk naturally knows how to choose some things.

After a brief thought, he made a decision and said, "Okay! I can take out some mysterious holy liquid and give it to you, but you need to leave my sight quickly and don't delay me from doing anything! If you agree If so, I can take out the mysterious holy liquid and give it to you now!"

"We promise!". The two magic towers quickly said that they just wanted to get the mysterious holy liquid to evolve themselves.

"What's the use of your promise?"

Lin Feng curled his lips, his target was not just the mysterious holy liquid, how could he leave.

Lin Feng said, "I don't agree!".

"What do you mean? You want more benefits? Young people should not be too greedy!". The headless monk looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy expression, with a sinister look in his eyes. Lin Feng seemed to have angered the headless monk.

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