Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 871: Humanoid stone

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"Xiaoyou, please help me to shoot once. My Wu family in Taicangzhou will remember the friendship of Xiaoyou."

"Little friend, I have prepared half a million spirit stones, I hope you can help distinguish a few stones."

Many white-haired old men came from everywhere, and they wanted to seek help from Lin Feng.

Who is not surprised that Xiaoshisheng means the world?

If you can ask Xiaoshi Sheng to take action, you will definitely gain something.

Lin Feng said, "Everyone, no rules can't make a circle, my rule is, if you want me to take action, you need to take out the rules."

If there is a rule, who is not self-refining, or give to the outstanding young junior refining in the family.

Therefore, it is too difficult to come up with the law.

Many people wanted to persuade Lin Feng to think again, but Lin Feng refused.

Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan came to the Dafang Empire Stone Square.

Lin Feng was attacked by stone creatures in the Da Zhou Empire Shifang, so he wanted to find something from here first.

The stone creatures are terrible, but Lin Feng estimates that the strength of the stone creatures is still limited. They have not grown to the point of being against the sky, and are the only chance to conquer the stone creatures.

If you can conquer such a creature, there will be an extra powerful pet.

Lin Feng made his way through the Great Zhou Empire Shifang, but the results disappointed him.

With a huge courtyard and thousands of stones, Lin Feng failed to find where the mysterious creature was hiding.

This made Lin Feng frown slightly, could it be that he guessed wrong, not in the stone workshop of the Great Zhou Empire?

If you attack yourself in other Shifang, the strength of that creature may be much stronger than you think.

Lin Feng and Qian Ruiyuan left the Shifang of the Zhou Dynasty Empire and came to the Jiangjia Shifang to find it, but they could not find it.

He then went to the next stone workshop, and even a dozen large stone workshops, nothing was found.

"What are you looking for?"

Some people were puzzled and found that something was not right. Lin Feng went to dozens of stone workshops without cutting stones, sometimes frowning, and seemed to be looking for something.

This shocked many people. What Xiao Shisheng was looking for in Shifang was afraid of being extremely extraordinary.

Feathered fairy square!


Lin Feng came to a new Shifang, frowned slightly, it turned out to be this force, this is the force of the Huangfu Qingtian family.

Huangfu Qingtian was the prince of the imperial dynasty.

Lin Feng and Huangfu Qingtian had a ten-year battle between life and death.

The two are already endless hatreds, and those who feather the fairy dynasty will naturally not let Lin Feng pass.

"I finally knew who was threatening me and even wanted to kill me."

Lin Feng thought of being secretly threatened twice before.

People hidden in the dark have never concealed their murderous intentions.

Now it seems that the other party is probably the person who feathered the fairy dynasty.

And already recognized Lin Feng's identity.

"Let's go in and see." Lin Feng said.

Qian Ruiyuan nodded and entered the stone workshop opened by the Yuhua Xian Dynasty together with Lin Feng.

Many monks followed them together. Everyone was curious what Xiaoshi Sheng was looking for.

"Someone wants to cut stones ...".

At this time, the excited voice came from the deep courtyard.

It was a big man in the feathered fairy dynasty who wanted to cut stones.

This man is called Huangfu Chong. He looked thin at the age of 50 or 60, and his figure was thin, and his eyes flashed eerie and cold from time to time.

This is the emperor of the imperial court.

"It really is him."

Lin Feng showed a sneer expression when he saw Huang Fu Chong, and came to this person, he felt a familiar breath faintly.

It was the mysterious monk who threatened himself twice.

"It turns out that Xiaoshi Sheng is coming. This seat is going to cut a piece of fairy stone. Xiaoshi Sheng can help to see how?".

Huangfu Chong said with a smile, a kind look.

Lin Feng didn't refuse this time and nodded. He wanted to see what kind of stone he wanted to cut.

"Little Stone Saint is about to debate the stone." Many people exclaimed.

Huangfu Chong was quite proud, saying that Xiaoshi Shengbian Stone would have to pay the price of the law. Today, he invited Xiaoshi Shengbian Stone to pay nothing.

A lot of people moved their minds. Xiaoshi Sheng helped Huangfu Chongbian Shi free of charge and broke his own rules, so everyone can also find Xiaoshi Shengbian Shi.

If you find another reason to refuse, you will look down on many forces and will offend a large number of forces.

"It's this fairy stone, how does Xiaoshi Sheng feel?". Huangfu Chong pointed to a stone.

This is a humanoid stone with three tricks, with both hands facing the sky, spitting out the essence of the sun and the moon is very extraordinary.

Lin Feng glanced at it, but never answered Huangfu Chong.

Huangfu Chongdao said, "What is the opinion of Xiaoshi Sheng?"

"Take the law, I will tell you ...". Lin Feng said.

"You ... playing me?". Huangfu Chong's face suddenly gloomy.

"What is the answer?" Lin Feng asked indifferently.

"I invite you to argue with the stone. You promised to come down and did not make a remuneration. Now, asking for remuneration, is it not to play me?".

Huangfu Chong's face was very ugly, and with a sensuous expression, he felt that he had lost his face. He had intentions to kill Lin Feng, but now the intention is even heavier.

Lin Feng said lightly, "Then I didn't say not to pay. Senior Huangfu, a well-known strong man, didn't know that asking others to help is to pay? You want others to help, but don't pay anything I really thought there was such a good thing in the world. I do n’t know what was in the mind of Elder Huangfu? ".


Many people laughed out loud, Lin Feng was mocking Huangfu Chong, how could they not hear it.

"Verse! This seat will not argue with you for the time being." Huangfu Chong sneered.

Lin Feng no longer talks much, he already knows who wants to kill him, and the next caution is.

Huangfu Chong's eyes immediately looked at the humanoid stone.

This is one of the most precious stones in the Yufang Xianchao stone workshop.

There are powerful life fluctuations emanating from the stone.

The people who feathered the immortal dynasty suspected that there might be a "Holy Spirit" in it.

They want to cut the stone.

If the Holy Spirit was conceived, even if it is not as powerful as the "Battle of the Holy Ape" in the past, it can definitely become a strong man sweeping the Tianwu Continent.

Any complete Holy Spirit is terrible.

"Uh ..." There is an extra stone-cutting knife in Huangfu Chong's hand. Standing in front of the humanoid stone, he has decided to cut the stone.

Uh, uh ...

Stone peeling.

Soon, large pieces of stone skin accumulated on the ground, and as the stone skin was continuously shaved off, the breath escaping from the stone became more and more scary.


Suddenly, a terrible breath emanated from the stone, and the breath was so powerful that it shocked the world.

As if an ancient **** was awakening from a deep sleep.

Feeling that terrible breath, everyone's face changed greatly.

"Is there really a Holy Spirit to be cut out?"

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