Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 872: Tortoiseshell

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The whole stone workshop is sensational, the breath is really terrible, shocking and moving.

Countless people came to watch Huangfu Chongqishi.

At this moment, Huangfu Chong is very excited, because he feels that a Holy Spirit will be cut out.

This humanoid stone.

Born naturally.

How similar is it to the fighting ape?

Fighting holy apes are also bred among stones, but stone monkeys are bred.

Perhaps a "stone man" was born from the stone in front of him.

Once born, it must be earth-shattering.

The stone skin keeps falling off.

The breath in the courtyard is getting stronger and stronger.

The terrifying coercion permeates the entire courtyard of the feathering fairy dynasty, even the powerful ones in the realm of feeling feel depressed.

Many monks in the Yin-Yang realm even feel difficulty breathing.

"Could it be that the Holy Spirit was cut out?". Qian Ruiyuan was surprised.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "This is inaccurate, you think about the dragon blood before."

Qian Ruiyuan nodded thoughtfully.

Many people are still talking.

If a holy spirit is really cut out, the horror of the three thousand states will fall into shock.

Because once the Holy Spirit grows up, it is too terrible, maybe it will become the second fighting ape?

At that time, what level of horror will the power of feathering the fairy dynasty reach?

In the dark, the strong man's eyes are cold, and he wants to destroy the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit is cut out.

Naturally, there are a lot of forces, and I don't want to see the Emperor Xianchao get such a Holy Spirit.

It didn't take long for shock to appear, and the two hands of the Holy Spirit appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Arms ... Shi Zhi's arm, it really is a stone man born naturally."

Many people shouted in shock.

The breath from the humanoid stone has more than doubled.

The excited monk's whole body was shaking with excitement.

Huangfu Chong speeded up, and soon the torso and head of the stone man appeared.

This is an ancient stone man with three eyes. Like Yang Jian, the ancient **** in the mythology, the eye of reincarnation is born in the eyebrow.

The coercion that shocked Bahuang and Liuhe filled out.

It's like facing an ancient god.

thump! thump!

Many people could not bear the coercion exuded by the stone men, kneeling on the ground and paying homage to the stone men.

There are countless people in black pressure.

All three kneels and nine knocks.

"It's terrible." Lin Feng retreated, because he was too close, he would not be able to withstand the coercion of the stone man.

Lin Feng didn't want to bow down to a stone man.

Uh ...

Suddenly, Shiren opened his eyes.

It was a pair of eyes with endless vicissitudes.

Now open, the phantom of the heavens and the world appeared in the eyes.

"God bless me to feather the fairy dynasty and cut out a holy spirit"!

The monks of the emperor Xian Dynasty headed by Huangfu Chong all burst into tears.

It is really a holy spirit. If it is cultivated, it will be able to sweep across the heavens and the earth.

Click and click.

The stone man moved his legs and stepped forward, as if the gods were traveling, the avenues rang together.

But the stone man was roaring angrily, "Why let me be born in advance".

The voice showed endless sadness and unwillingness.

Click, click!

At the next moment, the stone man began to shatter, his body shattered into a pair of waste stones, piled on the ground, the powerful breath that filled the entire courtyard disappeared.

"Huh ..." The strong men who secretly wanted to take a breath took a breath. The oppression of the stone men was too strong, and they were also terrified. Now, the stone men actually destroy themselves. This is the best result.

"How could this be? No ...".

Huangfu Chong waited for the masters of the Feathered Immortal Dynasty to roar unwillingly. They couldn't accept this scene. A holy spirit, so destroyed, left their hearts bleeding.

"Why would the Stone Man destroy himself?". Qian Ruiyuan was puzzled.

Lin Feng said, "I guess this Stone Man failed to really conceive, and it will take a long time before it can really grow up, and now it is cut out in advance, so it is repulsed by the Avenue, and the Stone Man can't compete, so he destroys himself.

Many people nodded and agreed with Lin Feng's explanation, but they all felt it was a pity that such a stone man was about to conceive, but he destroyed himself.

Next time you want to find such a stone man again, it will be as difficult as going to the sky.

Lin Feng Yuhua Xianchao stone square crossing.

Suddenly, he sensed a strange wave of life.

"It's it, that creature."

Lin Feng was shocked and wanted to quickly lock that creature.

But the creature disappeared without a trace, condensed its breath, and could not even search for Divine Thoughts.

"What a terrible hiding ability."

Lin Feng frowned, his eyes could not help looking at the pile of abandoned stone.

Lin Feng checked it.

Frown and think.

"What are you looking at?". Huangfu said with a gloomy expression.

"This stone doesn't seem to be self-destructing, it was devoured by the Holy Spirit bred in another stone, so it was destroyed."

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said.

"What? Is there such a thing?". Everyone was shocked, it was incredible.

Lin Feng nodded dignifiedly and said, "Even though self-destruction, but after so many years of gestation, there should be life force, but now the self-destructing stone man has been completely turned into waste stone, and the life force has been devoured, obviously obviously more powerful The engulfment of the Holy Spirit. "

The news was so shocking that many people began to look for the terrible Holy Spirit that Lin Feng said.

"The Holy Spirit you have been looking for?". Qian Ruiyuan asked.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It is much stronger than I thought. Even the life force of the stone man has been swallowed up. That holy spirit is terrible and cruel. Start with no mercy. "

"If I could find the Holy Spirit ...". Qian Ruiyuan's voice trembled slightly.

He knew what the Holy Spirit represented.

Once born, I am afraid that it will grow into an invincible existence.

Qian Ruiyuan also started searching.

But obviously, that existence left the stone workshop of the Feathered Immortal Dynasty and hid in other stone workshops. It was able to move freely, and even freely shuttle the magic circle arranged by the stone workshops. may.

In the Longevity Hall stone square, Lin Feng found a stone. This stone looks like a dragon and tortoise, and it is worth 230,000 yuan of top grade spirit stone.

Lin Feng bought it and planned to cut the stone.

Xiao Shisheng was about to cut the stone again, and the news spread quickly.

Many strong ancestors are coming.

"Dragon turtle stone, this stone old man has also seen, studied for a long time, but it feels lifeless, not like there are good things."

Said a strong ancestor level.

"I have also studied it, and it really doesn't feel like there are good things. I don't know why Xiao Shisheng chose this dragon turtle stone."

Another ancestor-level existence said.

Lin Feng began to cut the stone, the stone skin kept falling off, and the dragon turtle stone shrank quickly.


Suddenly, a clear voice came out.

Many people were shocked.

Really cut out something.

Eventually, the stone was completely cut.

The contents inside appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Tortoiseshell ...". Lin Feng was surprised.

"Look, look at the back of the tortoiseshell, with pictures and text printed on it."

A monk pointed to the back of the tortoiseshell and exclaimed.

"God, this is a kind of rubbing technique in the ancient times. It is called the tortoise and the tortoise. The tortoise on the tortoise often hides the earth-shattering secrets. What kind of secrets do the tortoises in the hands of Xiaoshi Sheng hide?

Countless people exclaimed, many people felt their breathing was heavy, and looked at the mysterious tortoiseshell in Lin Feng's hands with deep greedy eyes.

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