Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 456: Does the altar hide a big secret?

Lin Feng glanced at the Changsheng Empress with some contempt. This woman was so scheming, she actually deceived the Lord of Lost Souls.

Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

The Lord of Lost Souls doesn't look like a person with a love mind.

But the reality is.

They just happen to be love-minded people.

A grown man, who is also a top strong man, is actually a love brain, which is really speechless.

However, no matter how things develop, it is their own business, so Lin Feng will naturally not get involved.

The Lord of Lost Souls was moved for a while, and he said seriously, "My queen, don't worry, I will protect you with my own life. I guarantee that I can give you the most perfect and powerful body so that you can return again. By that time , you must still be the eternally stunning Immortal Empress, making all those who have fallen into trouble in the past live in fear and regret!"

From the simple words of the lost soul lord, Lin Feng could deduce what must have happened to the longevity empress back then.

However, Lin Feng was not particularly concerned about this.

It has nothing to do with him anyway.

Furthermore, if you pick out a few powerful monks at random, there will be many stories about each of them. In her previous life, the Immortal Empress was very powerful and she was probably also a top beauty. Such a woman must have even more stories. Well, it’s really not surprising.

"Lord of Lost Souls, you are still kind to me, I will remember it for the rest of my life."

The Changsheng Empress said and turned her head.

She covered her face with her sleeves and seemed to be wiping her tears. She seemed to be moved by the Lord of Lost Souls, and then she "revealed her true feelings."

Lin Feng coughed twice.

A fool.

an actor.

Lin Feng really didn't want to see the Changsheng Empress playing tricks on the Lost Soul Lord anymore. He said, "Okay, we have said what we need to say. Now should we solve the things we want to solve first, and wait for them to be solved?" After these things, you can reminisce about the past as much as you like!"

After hearing what Lin Feng said, the Changsheng Empress stopped acting and said, "I need a piece of soul-nurturing wood!".

Lin Feng took out a piece of soul-nurturing wood and was about to hand it to the Immortal Empress.

But at this time, the Lord of Lost Souls, who was still being suppressed by Lin Feng, said, "Empress, don't use his things. Who knows if this kid has done anything secretly? I have a soul-raising stone here, and the effect is no better than No good way to nourish the soul!".

"Oh, that saves me the trouble!"

Lin Feng curled his lips and said.

After a pause, he continued, "I also need the Changsheng Empress to make an oath never to trouble Qian Zihui again, including those around you. They cannot cause trouble to her. If you violate this oath, from now on, you will not be able to trouble her." Become an ugly monster!"

"You are so vicious!"

The Changsheng Empress couldn't help but scolded Lin Feng angrily.

For women like them, beauty is definitely the first priority. If she really turns into an ugly monster as Lin Feng said, it would be better to kill her.

If something like this happened, she had no intention of living anyway.

In fact, there are too many women who think like the Immortal Empress.

Therefore, women always like to do some messy tricks to make themselves look more beautiful.

Some people succeed.

But many people have ruined their faces.

Let the Changsheng Empress swear on her life that she has no objection at all.

But if she was asked to swear on her own face, her opinion would be too big.

However, she was on the weaker side now. After scolding Lin Feng in her heart, she made an oath in accordance with Lin Feng's request.

After the Immortal Empress made her oath.

Lin Feng unlocked the restraints of the Lost Soul Lord, and the Lost Soul Lord took out the soul nourishing stone.

The soul of the Immortal Empress quickly flew out of Qian Zihui's mind and attached to the soul-raising stone.

Lin Feng quickly flew to Qian Zihui's side, and Qian Zihui's body fell down softly.

Lin Feng hugged him in time.

Qian Zihui suddenly woke up.

Seeing Lin Feng, she seemed a little unbelievable.

She said, "Am I really alive?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "He is really alive, so you don't have to worry!".

Only then did Qian Zihui relax.

But she still didn't leave Lin Feng's embrace. This embrace made her feel warm and safe.

She couldn't bear to leave.

As for Lin Feng.

The focus was not on this aspect. He looked at the Lord of Lost Souls who was about to leave and said, "I'm afraid you can't leave now!".

The Lord of Lost Souls was shocked.

I thought Lin Feng had regretted it.

If Lin Feng goes back on his word at this time and takes action against them again, they really won't be able to stop Lin Feng.

"As a human being, you can't keep your word." The Lord of Lost Souls said angrily.

He is really anxious now.

Lin Feng said, "Look at how scared you are. Of course what I said means what I said, and I won't take action against you again."

"Then what do you mean?". The Lord of Lost Souls looked at Lin Feng with vigilant eyes and asked.

From the look in this guy's eyes, it was clear that this guy obviously didn't believe Lin Feng's words.

Lin Feng didn't bother to explain to him.

Lin Feng said, "You have made my friend so miserable, why don't you make it up to my friend?"

The voice of the Immortal Empress came out, "I have a top-notch cultivation method here. It is a method recorded in a scroll obtained from the Supreme Court of God. It is very suitable for your friend."

The words fell.

A scroll flew out and landed in Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng sensed the contents recorded on the scroll. These contents were indeed a top-notch magical skill.

There was nothing wrong with the scroll, so Lin Feng would naturally not continue to embarrass them.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "You can go."

The Lord of Lost Souls did not dare to stay any longer and quickly flew towards the distance. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace.

After the Lord of Lost Souls left, Lin Feng looked at Qian Zihui who was nestling in his arms and asked, "How do you feel now?".

Qian Zihui actually had no problem, but she said a little cautiously, "My head feels dizzy!".

Lin Feng said, "There may be some nerve-wracking reasons. It shouldn't be a big problem. Just put the scroll away and I'll take you out of here!"

"good!". Qian Zihui nodded, she put away the scroll, still nestled in Lin Feng's arms, and had no intention of flying by herself.

But just when Lin Feng and the others were about to leave.

Lin Feng suddenly stopped.

He looked at the altar arranged by the Lord of Lost Souls.

This altar gave Lin Feng some very special feelings.

Lin Feng knew that this was the altar that the Lord of Lost Souls had spent a long time decorating.

But he felt.

This altar is far more than just an altar.

It seems there are other secrets hidden.

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