Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 457: Tomb of the Sleeping Buddha

"What's wrong?" Qian Zihui felt Lin Feng's state and asked curiously.

Lin Feng said, "There is something not right about this altar. I think this altar may hide some secrets! You sit aside and rest for a while. I will study this altar to see if it really hides anything!" .

"good!". Qian Zihui nodded, but she did not sit aside because Qian Zihui was not tired at all. She stood aside and waited for Lin Feng, wanting to see what kind of secrets this altar hidden.

Lin Feng had already arrived on the altar at this time and was studying the altar carefully, but from a purely superficial look, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the altar.

Lin Feng is a person who likes to explore certain secrets at a deep level, and will not just stick to the surface.

He tried to activate the altar to see if there were any changes. The formation pattern of this altar was very complex, and the materials were extremely precious. Lin Feng wanted to find many of the materials, but But he couldn't find the precious materials. It seemed that the Lord of Lost Souls had indeed put in a lot of effort to decorate this altar.

It is a pity that after the altar is successfully decorated, these materials cannot be used again. Otherwise, Lin Feng does not mind dismantling the altar.

Soon the altar was activated by Lin Feng.

After the altar was activated, waves of extremely strange power shook out. Lin Feng guessed that this extremely strange power had a huge relationship with the awakening of the Immortal Empress.

Although the Lord of Lost Souls failed to awaken the Immortal Empress before, he did try to awaken the Immortal Empress after all. Later, the Immortal Empress took the initiative to wake up. In Lin Feng's opinion, the efforts made by the Lord of Lost Souls before were also huge. relation.

"There is nothing special about the altar!" Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

He touched his chin and was thinking about what to do next. He was even thinking about whether he was overthinking it, but Lin Feng quickly denied this idea. He felt that his judgment should not be wrong. .

Lin Feng decided to dismantle the altar to see what was under the altar. Maybe he could find some important clues under the altar.

Just do it.

Lin Feng made a light stroke with his right hand, and a ray of cold light condensed and headed directly towards the altar. The power of this cold light was so powerful that it cut the altar in half in an instant.

Lin Feng instantly jumped into the air.

A wave of sleeves and robe.

Rocks flew.

The original location of the altar was instantly cleared, and then a large formation appeared. This formation was like a blood-colored eye. The blood-colored eye even blinked slightly. Suddenly, a terrifying blood-colored eye appeared. The beam of light was condensed and headed directly towards Lin Feng to kill him.

This is Lin Feng.

After being shrouded in this **** light beam, everyone had a creepy feeling. This **** light shield was too fast.

He was in front of Lin Feng in an instant. Fortunately, Lin Feng's reaction was fast enough. His body quickly twisted in mid-air and avoided the **** beam, but the attack of the **** beam was not just a simple one.

The second, the third, the fourth... more and more **** beams of light were radiated, and they were all directed towards Lin Feng, launching a strong offensive against Lin Feng.

However, all these attacks were resisted by Lin Feng.

But the blood-red eye-like formation did not stop, and the attack continued to increase.

Getting stronger and more terrifying.

Lin Feng also became a little embarrassed. Lin Feng knew that he must break the formation quickly, otherwise he would encounter big trouble sooner or later.

Lin Feng was avoiding the attack of the blood-colored beam while sensing the weakness of the blood-colored formation.

As long as the weakness of the formation can be found, the threat posed by the formation can be neutralized when the time comes.

After dodging hundreds of **** beam attacks, Lin Feng finally found the weakness of the formation.


With a flash of light, a stone sword was summoned by Lin Feng. The stone sword flew quickly in one direction of the formation under Lin Feng's control.

Bloody beams of light struck the stone sword, trying to destroy it.

But the stone sword is so extraordinary, how could it be destroyed so easily.

The stone sword withstood waves of ordinary attacks, and then was inserted into an area in the upper left corner of the formation.


The entire **** formation collapsed in an instant.

The ground collapsed.

A huge black hole appeared, that black hole, deep and dark.

However, that black hole was exactly what Lin Feng wanted to find.

"There really is something else going on." Qian Zihui on the side was also quite surprised.

There is a large formation like blood-colored eyes on top of the altar, and below the large formation like blood-colored eyes, there is a black hole leading to the ground. They are simply connected.

Makes people think.

Lin Feng put away the stone sword, then looked at Qian Zihui and said, "It's not clear what is going on down there. Just wait for me outside. I will come out soon!".

Qian Zihui actually wanted to go down with Lin Feng to have a look, but thought that it was basically impossible for him to help Lin Feng with his own strength, and he might even drag Lin Feng down.

So it was the best choice for her to stay outside and not follow Lin Feng in.

Qian Zihui said, "Then be careful, I'll be waiting for you outside!".


Lin Feng nodded, and then quickly flew towards the bottom of the black hole.

This black hole is filled with an eerie atmosphere.

Flying further down.

This smell is getting stronger and stronger.

Anyone who feels this kind of aura will be quite uncomfortable, including Lin Feng.

After flying about five thousand meters, Lin Feng finally reached the bottom area.

This place seems to be a huge underground palace.

Lin Feng walked forward.

Not long after, he saw the palace gate.

On the plaque on the gate, there are three words written in an ancient sacred script.

"The Tomb of the Sleeping Buddha".

Lin Feng read out the name on the plaque.

Sleeping Buddha, sleeping Buddha, sleeping Buddha.

Lin Fengpin read these two words.

Obviously, from the literal meaning, this place should be related to Buddha.

As for why it is called the Tomb of the Sleeping Buddha, it is still unclear.

But in this place, there is a high probability that a Buddha is buried, or even more than one Buddha is buried.

What kind of Buddha was buried is still unknown.

You have to enter and find the place where the Buddha is buried to know.

Lin Feng entered the main hall and walked along the passage towards the depths.

The passage was extremely quiet. His footsteps were not loud at first, but here they became extremely harsh.


Lin Feng heard the sound of chanting sutras coming from deep inside, as if there were Buddhist monks chanting sutras deep inside.

This made Lin Feng's spirit suddenly lifted.

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