Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 458: Ancient Buddha and Evil Spirits

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and looked ahead. In such a place, it was not a simple thing to hear the voice of a Buddhist monk reciting Buddhist scriptures. Whether there was danger or opportunity hidden in this place was hard to say. We must fight now. He must be extremely energetic and must not relax in any way. Otherwise, what awaits him may be extremely terrifying. Lin Feng knows this very well.

As he walked towards the depths, Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field was also quietly released. The domineering magnetic field can form a variety of protective effects, especially in this unknown environment, it can definitely play a huge role. effect.

As Lin Feng continued to go deeper, the sound of chanting Buddhist scriptures that Lin Feng heard became clearer and clearer. Lin Feng felt that this sound seemed to have an indescribable special magic power.

"It's really evil."

Lin Feng couldn't help but said to himself, fortunately, his concentration was strong enough, and although the Buddhist scriptures were evil, it did not have much impact on him.

Soon after, a long passage appeared in front. This passage was different from the passage outside. This passage became narrower, and the walls on both sides were densely covered with Sanskrit.

This kind of Sanskrit seems to be the secret Buddhist Sanskrit, which is very mysterious. Basically, few outsiders understand this kind of Sanskrit.

Lin Feng was actually involved in some methods of Buddhism.

For example, the Dadu Transformation Technique, the Demon Crossing Sutra, and the Six-Character Mantra that Lin Feng practiced earlier were either created by Buddhism or have an inseparable relationship with Buddhism.

However, Lin Feng was exposed to orthodox Buddhism.

It’s not this kind of Secret Buddhism. The methods of this kind of Secret Buddhism are often rather evil and very different from orthodox Buddhism. Some Secret Buddhism even bears the name of Buddhism, but in fact, some of its methods are extremely vicious and evil. of.

Lin Feng knew nothing about the secret Buddhist Sanskrit in front of him. He sent a message to ask the demon lord if he understood these words, but the demon lord also did not understand this secret Buddhist Sanskrit.

This made Lin Feng a little regretful.

But even if he didn't understand these secret Buddhist Sanskrit words, he couldn't stop Lin Feng from moving forward. Of course, Lin Feng was still very cautious. After all, who knew if there was any danger hidden here.

And normally speaking, ancient tombs are places where the dead rest.

Of course, when the dead are sleeping, they don't want outsiders to disturb them.

So some terrible mechanisms will be set up. If any foreign monks break in, these mechanisms can often kill the foreign monks.

Lin Feng had learned the dragon-seeking technique from Taoist Wuliang, which was a method of exploring ancient tombs.

Therefore, Lin Feng actually has some research on tombology.

However, after all, Lin Feng is not an expert like Wuliang Taoist priest. It is not easy to identify some deeply hidden methods.

But Lin Feng is an expert and bold.

He continued to move forward based on the idea and code of conduct that soldiers would cover up water and earth. If he encountered any danger, he felt that with his strength, he should be able to deal with it. If it didn't work, he could choose to withdraw.

Lin Feng went all the way deep.

He suddenly discovered that the secret Buddhist Sanskrit texts on both sides of the passage seemed to have come to life.

The Sanskrit words seemed to have transformed into a famous Buddhist monk.

These eminent monks all put their hands together.

Recite Buddhist scriptures.

Lin Feng tried to see if he could destroy these secret Buddhist Sanskrit texts. He really didn't want to hear these voices.

However, his attacks hit the rock walls on both sides and were not able to damage the rock walls at all. This surprised Lin Feng. It seemed that the person who built the tomb had already guessed that someone was passing by and wanted to destroy the secret. Tibetan Buddhist Sanskrit, so special materials were used to build the passages on both sides, which could prevent the passages on both sides from being destroyed.

The calculation is really far-reaching.

Since the secret Buddhist Sanskrit texts on both sides could not be destroyed, Lin Feng no longer bothered with these Buddhist Sanskrit texts.

"That is…".

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze.

He saw that at the end of the passage, various Buddhist statues appeared. Some of these ancient Buddhas were sitting cross-legged with their hands clasped together, some were glaring with angry eyes, looking into the distance, and some were kind-hearted and trying to save all sentient beings. look.

There are three thousand Buddha statues.

This shocked Lin Feng.

Someone actually built so many Buddha statues here. I don’t know what they are doing and why they put so much effort into building so many Buddha statues.

Lin Feng sped up and walked quickly towards the group of Buddha statues in front of him.

At this time, something strange happened.

The originally motionless group of Buddha statues suddenly changed dramatically when Lin Feng walked toward them.

The group of Buddha statues moved.

Yes, the group of Buddha statues really moved. Although they were all stone statues, they seemed to be able to move like living monks.

No matter what posture the Buddha was in before.

Now these Buddha statues have become sitting cross-legged.

Much like a Buddhist monk.

These Buddha statues clasped their hands together and began to recite Buddhist scriptures.

They didn't know what scripture they were reciting, and Lin Feng couldn't understand it. It was probably a scripture written in a secret Buddhist text. It was an unfamiliar language to Lin Feng.

Although the language is unfamiliar, the Tao is connected.

Three thousand Buddha statues chanted Buddhist sutras in unison, the Buddha statues appeared, and the Buddha's light spread everywhere.

This place seems to have become a Buddhist holy place.

If the glory, the sacred, the solemn.

It makes people have the urge to go and kneel before them and worship.

Lin Feng instinctively felt that something was not right.

But he didn't know what was wrong.

And in his heart, an extremely strong impulse arose.

That is.

Rush up quickly.

Listen to the teachings of these ancient Buddhas.

This is an extremely terrifying thing, which shows that Lin Feng has actually been bewitched by these ancient Buddhas.

Buddhism's methods are extremely terrifying and have the power to confuse people's hearts.

Therefore, in countless cultivation countries, Buddhism is banned.

Not without reason.

In Lin Feng's eyes, there were only three thousand ancient Buddhas.

He walked towards the Three Thousand Ancient Buddha step by step, seemingly no longer paying attention to anything about his body.

He is getting closer and closer to the Three Thousand Ancient Buddhas.



Something suddenly grabbed his ankle.

Lin Feng was unable to move forward.

Lin Feng woke up from this.

He then saw that there was no ancient Buddha in front of him. There was a huge mural in front of him. There were three thousand evil spirits on the mural.

Those evil spirits, with green faces and fangs, are extremely ugly.

It was these evil spirits pretending to be ancient Buddhas that confused Lin Feng.

What caught Lin Feng was a skeleton without any life.

As if knowing that Lin Feng had woken up, a large amount of black energy was used on the mural of three thousand evil spirits. The black energy quickly swept towards Lin Feng, trying to drag Lin Feng into the mural of three thousand evil spirits.

At this moment, Lin Feng's whim ability was passively activated, and his blood began to flow rapidly.

Lin Feng looked horrified. When this happened, Lin Feng knew that once he was involved in the three thousand evil spirit murals, his life would probably be in danger.

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