Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 459: boy and girl

Life is full of crises, especially in a place where opportunities and dangers coexist. The hidden crises are even more terrifying and terrifying.

But Lin Feng is not particularly panicked now.

As the saying goes, all things in the world are interdependent. This evil spirit mural is indeed a bit strange, and the power it releases is terrifying enough. However, in Lin Feng's view, no matter how weird the evil spirit mural is, there are ways to restrain the evil spirit mural.

For example, his sky fire.

Another example is the Eight-Bud Pagoda.

It can suppress the evil spirit murals, and naturally it can also suppress the attacks made by the evil spirit murals.


Lin Feng first sacrificed the heavenly fire, and then sacrificed the eight-part pagoda, the most precious treasure.

The sky fire instantly surrounded the rapidly incoming black power.

As for the interior of the Eight-Bud Pagoda, there were also bursts of Zen chanting sounds. These were the sutras recited by orthodox Buddhist monks, not the Sanskrit recited by secret Buddhists.

Suddenly, the Buddha's light shines brightly and shines for eternity. It is brilliant and brilliant and drives away all evil.

And fire burned the heavens, and the evil spirits retreated.

The effect of Lin Feng's two methods combined is simply unimaginable.

A shrill scream came out of the black mist, like a scream from a ghost, which was really harsh to hear.

In the end, all those black powers were restrained.

Lin Feng wrapped around the skeleton and quickly retreated, almost a hundred meters away. The evil spirit mural made no more noise, which made Lin Feng slightly relieved.

He then looked at the skeleton. Fortunately, the skeleton helped him just now, otherwise, he would be really in danger.

Lin Feng clasped his fists at the skeleton and said, "I don't know who the senior is, but he fell here. Thank you very much for your help today. If the senior has any unfulfilled wishes, please tell the junior, and the junior will definitely help the senior realize it." dream!".

Lin Feng immediately rummaged through the skeleton to see if he could find any clues.

Lin Feng first checked the skeleton's storage ring, but unfortunately, the skeleton's storage ring was damaged, which was a big regret.

Lin Feng then found a jade plaque on his chest.

This is a jade pendant forged from a piece of mutton-fat white jade.

There are some pictures engraved on it, which look like landscape paintings.

In addition, there is a word engraved on the lower right corner of the reverse side.

Lin Feng took a closer look and found that the word seemed to be the word "heart".

Lin Feng tried to use his spiritual thoughts to invade this jade pendant to see if he could find any clues. After his spiritual thoughts invaded.

Lin Feng suddenly felt that an ancient world appeared in front of him.

But everything is still Mohu.

Soon, the scene at Mo Lake started to look real.

The picture focused on a boy and a girl.

They come from a small border town, and their family conditions are quite ordinary.

However, the two of them seemed to have good talents in cultivation, and they both joined the small town's sect. As they grew older, the two of them also reached the age of first love, and they naturally walked together.

Around the age of sixteen or seventeen, the boy's innate bloodline awakened, his talent increased again, and he became the number one genius in the small town.

Such a small town is destined to be unable to accommodate young people.

Under the recommendation of the sect, the young man went to a top sect, took a test, successfully joined that top sect, and became an outer disciple of that top sect.

It's a pity that although the girl has good talent, her talent is only suitable for that remote town.

If she goes out, her talent will be too far behind.

So she couldn't join the top sect with the young man.

But the young man said to her, "Come with me. You can stay in the town outside the mountain gate temporarily. I believe that I will soon become an inner disciple. When the time comes, the sect will give me a non-staff disciple." quota, when the time comes, you can join the sect!"

Faced with the promise of her lover, how could the girl not agree?

She followed the young man to that sect far, far away.

When she left home, her life had been completely entrusted to the boy.

She believed that their future would be very bright.

But the actual situation is different from what they imagined. The sect that the young man joined is really powerful. If you want to join the inner sect, the competition is extremely huge.

They are both outer disciples.

Many people's families are wealthy, or they are cultivating families, which can provide them with a lot of resources.

But because the boy's family is just an ordinary family with no money or resources, they can't help the boy at all.

Therefore, it took three years to join the sect.

The young man also failed to successfully join the inner sect.

And when I was twenty years old, there was one last assessment.

After this assessment, if you still fail to join the inner sect, you must leave the sect.

There is only more than half a year left until the assessment.

Young man needs training resources.

However, apart from the training resources provided by the sect, where can he go to find training resources.

On this day, the girl told the boy that she had found a pretty good job. This job was to help a powerful female monk take care of the alchemy furnace.

The pay is pretty good.

The young man was also extremely happy.

In this way, every few days, the girl can always give some resources to the boy.

More than half a year passed in the blink of an eye. After the boy obtained the resources given to him by the girl, coupled with his own efforts, his strength has been greatly improved.

And he finally completed the inner disciple examination.

He became an inner disciple of this top sect.

Many people knew that the young man's future would be extremely bright, and a group of people dragged him to celebrate.

Some people said that it was not just a celebration banquet held for the young man, but also some outstanding disciples from the same batch.

Everyone should keep in touch in the future to increase our relationship.

The young man also understands the ways of the world, so naturally he will not refuse.

He followed several of his classmates to a romantic place. When they arrived here, the private room was already very lively.

Many of his classmates were drinking and chatting.

Everyone is accompanied by a beautiful woman.

There was Lucky playing nice music next to her.

A dozen tall, beautiful and **** dancers danced gracefully.

What a luxurious life.

However, he saw that the woman he loved deeply was also one of the dancing girls.

The classmate next to the boy has a good relationship with the boy and also knows the girl.

After seeing the girl, one person said in surprise, "Hey, that's not...".

He seemed to know that he said something he shouldn't have said, so he quickly shut up.

The girl also saw the boy.

Her body froze for a moment.

Trembling slightly.

The young man turned around and ran outside.

The girl chased him out, she wanted to explain.

But the young man didn't listen at all.

"Don't come to me again, just pretend we have never met...".

The young man left heartless words.

The girl burst into tears.

A few days later, someone found the girl's body, and she committed suicide by slitting her wrists.

And the boy received a letter.

The handwriting on the letter is very graceful and beautiful.

Only three words.


It's hard to imagine how desperate the girl felt when she wrote these three words with tears in her eyes.

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