Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 460: The Army of the Undead is finally restored

This is a story that can definitely be called sad. In fact, before he received the letter from the girl, he already regretted it because he figured out the whole thing.

She lied to him that she had found a job looking after the alchemy furnace for a powerful female monk, so that he would not worry.

And she became a dancer in order to earn enough money to buy him training resources.

She has done enough.

But he seemed so immature, maybe because of face issues, or because she ruined the beauty in his heart by becoming a dancer, or maybe there were other reasons, so he was very heartless that day.

He wanted to apologize, but he hesitated a little. But during this period of hesitation, the girl was extremely pessimistic and desperate, so she cut her wrists and committed suicide.

He ran out like crazy.

He knelt in front of the girl's already cold body.

he howled.

Maybe there will never be a girl who loves him as much as she does and is willing to give everything for him.

But he was young and frivolous.

Ruined everything.

Pain, regret, sadness.

But everything is irreversible.

He froze the girl, and he hoped that one day in the future, he could find a way to revive the girl.

To this end, he devoted his life's efforts.

Just to make the woman I love live again.

He has been to too many places, looking for the art of resurrecting the dead, and also practiced some "resurrection techniques".

However, some techniques of resurrecting the dead are described as very powerful, but if they are actually successfully practiced, they cannot resurrect the dead at all.

This is actually a problem that Lin Feng is worried about. For example, Lin Feng is also currently studying the art of resurrecting the dead. The description of his cultivation method is also relatively beautiful, but it is not really possible to resurrect the dead. I don’t know yet. After all, Lin Feng has not yet Be able to successfully practice these magical arts.

There is always a gap between legends and reality.

But even so, Lin Feng will learn such a method at all costs. If it doesn't work, he will continue to look for new methods of bringing the dead back to life.

Just like this monk.

After she died, he spent his whole life in pain and regret. He was a very powerful being. Countless beauties offered themselves up as pillows and were willing to be his confidante, even if they fell in love overnight and were forgotten in the world. They will not regret it. If it were an ordinary man, he would not care about other things. He would just pounce on him like a hungry wolf pounces on his food, but his heart has never wavered.

The only reason for him to live seems to be to become stronger and resurrect his beloved woman.

And becoming stronger, to put it bluntly, is also to prepare for the resurrection of the beloved woman.

But he still failed.

Died in this place.

Lin Feng sighed and asked what love was in the world. It only made life and death possible.

The most beautiful thing in the world, the most desirable thing is love.

But often, the thing that hurts the most is love.

How many people have ruined their lives because of the word love.

There are many top-notch experts among them, and there are also some who are astonishing for eternity.


Love does not distinguish between race, rich or poor, strong or weak.

Lin Feng looked at the monk's skeleton.

He didn't leave any more information, and Lin Feng didn't know where he placed the woman's frozen body.

But Lin Feng was actually quite sympathetic to his life.

If he had listened to her explanation...

If he had regretted it and gone to find her in time...

If he could have been more mature...

Perhaps, there will be no tragedy.

They will live happily together, have children, and last forever.

But there are no ifs in this world.

What happens happens.

It is difficult to change what has happened in the past, and even if it does change, the price paid will be extremely high.

Lin Feng collected the monk's bones.

He planned to bury the monk's bones when he returned.

After all, rest in peace.

This is the deep-rooted thought of countless people, including Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the evil mural again. After what happened before, it was extremely difficult for the evil mural to influence Lin Feng. Lin Feng felt that using sky fire to destroy the evil mural would be the best way. Of course, When using sky fire to destroy the evil spirit murals, you can also activate the eight treasures of the pagoda, and even activate some other treasures for assistance.

After thinking about this, Lin Feng sacrificed the heavenly fire again, and the twelve kinds of heavenly fire burned fiercely and began to burn the evil spirit murals.

The evil spirits on the evil murals made bursts of screams. Those evil spirits were really weird. Although they were attached to the murals, they seemed to have their own lives.

Lin Feng also activated the eight pagodas, shining the Buddha light on the eight pagodas in conjunction with the sky fire.

A two-pronged approach.

The harm done to the evil spirits on the evil ghost murals became more and more serious.

Those evil spirits screamed again and again. If they continued like this, they would definitely be beaten to death by Lin Feng.

Those evil spirits are not willing to give in either.

So those evil spirits rushed out quickly and rushed towards Lin Feng, wanting to kill Lin Feng.

There are as many as three thousand evil spirits densely packed together.

Each of these evil spirits is uglier and more evil than the last.

But his strength is extremely tyrannical.

However, Lin Feng was happy and not afraid.

Twenty-two stone swords were sacrificed by Lin Feng, and these stone swords quickly strangled the evil spirits.

Many evil spirits were strangled by stone swords.

Of course, there are a lot of evil spirits, and it is impossible to simply kill all the evil spirits, but it doesn't matter, because Lin Feng still has a treasure.

The Book of the Dead, a treasure, suppresses these evil spirits even more powerfully.

It just so happens that the army of the undead inside the Book of the Dead is still recovering.

If you want them to recover as quickly as possible, you have to constantly find the existence of some evil ghosts or special powers with dark attributes, so that their recovery speed will be accelerated, but to be honest, these things are not so easy to find. It depends on fate.

Now, isn't fate coming?

After the Book of the Dead was sacrificed by Lin Feng, it immediately released a powerful devouring power.

A large number of evil spirits were killed, and there were also evil spirits that were attacking Lin Feng.

All were devoured by the Book of the Dead.

After being swallowed by the Book of the Dead, the Book of the Dead began to forcibly decompose the bodies of these evil spirits. Even if the evil spirits were not dead, they could not stop the power of the Book of the Dead.

Eventually all the evil spirits were disintegrated by the Book of the Dead.


All these evil spirits were devoured by the undead army inside the Book of the Dead.

After devouring these evil spirits.

The bodies of the undead army returned to their original state in an instant.

The overall strength of the undead army has even risen to a higher level.

The overall combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Sensing this situation, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

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