Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 461: Reclining Buddha

It's really because the undead army plays such a great role for Lin Feng. The undead army's comprehensive strength is now quite strong, and its role is extremely huge. To be honest, Lin Feng still uses the undead army sometimes.

But after the undead army suffered continuous damage some time ago, Lin Feng had no way to use the undead army.

Many times, if there were help from the Undead Army, the situation might be much better, but without the help from the Undead Army, the situation at that time was quite bad.

Fortunately, the undead army has finally recovered.

Of course, Lin Feng has not forgotten what his responsibilities are now.

He looked at the evil spirit mural in front of him. After the evil spirits in the evil spirit mural were swallowed by Lin Feng's Book of the Dead, there were no evil spirits on the evil spirit mural anymore, leaving only a blank door.

Lin Feng tried to push the door open. The door was very heavy and seemed to be forged from some kind of precise and heavy heavy iron.

When Lin Feng tried to push the door open, although the door was moving, it was moving very hard.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

As for this door, there are probably not many people who can push it open.

After working for about half an hour, Lin Feng successfully pushed the door open. After pushing the door open, Lin Feng looked inside. He immediately discovered that the door was connected to a road. Very long passage.

Lin Feng entered the passage. This time, Lin Feng was even more careful. After all, he clearly remembered the dangers he had experienced before.

Soon Lin Feng passed through the passage. At the end of the passage was a tomb. This tomb was about three to four hundred square meters. When Lin Feng entered, a large amount of poisonous gas suddenly filled the tomb. This was definitely A poison that can kill others instantly.

Fortunately, Lin Feng himself was almost invulnerable to all poisons, and with the help of the white jade toad, the poison here did not fatally damage him. But if he said it had no impact, he would be deceiving himself. Lin Feng felt a little dizzy. Yes, he quickly took out an antidote pill and swallowed it.

In this way, I just felt a lot better.

Immediately, Lin Feng's eyes began to scan the tomb.

Lin Feng saw hundreds of big boxes. He quickly rushed over and opened these big boxes one by one. Lin Feng found that some of these big boxes contained books, but because they were so old, these books had long been damaged. .

This made Lin Feng feel a little pity. Generally speaking, books like this where Buddhist monks were buried together must be extremely extraordinary.

There are also some boxes containing wooden fish, cassocks and other items, which are also funerary objects.

The rest is about fifty boxes. It contains super-level fairy stones, and the number is about 5,000 yuan.

This made Lin Feng feel extremely surprised. He did not expect that there were so many super-level immortal stones here. These things would not be damaged, which was an unexpected surprise. Lin Feng quickly collected these super-level immortal stones.

"This is a tomb, where will the coffin be hidden?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself as he looked at the tomb. He felt that the coffin should be somewhere, most likely underground.

Lin Feng tried to blast away the ground with external force.

However, his attack hit the ground and failed to cause any damage to the ground. The materials on the ground here are very special. They are very similar to the materials on the rock walls outside. They are so strong that it is incredible. If you want to use them, It is almost impossible to blast away. Even Lin Feng cannot do this.

Since it couldn't be opened, the only option was to look for the switch. Lin Feng used his spiritual thoughts to explore the tomb while looking for the switch here.

But after searching for a long time, I couldn't find it.

So Lin Feng called out Beibei, Xiaolong, and Xiaohei.

There is strength in numbers.

Maybe they will find something.

The search continued for a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei said, "Found it!".

"Where?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Beibei and Xiaolong also ran over.

Xiao Hei stood in a corner, but this corner was actually very ordinary, with nothing there.

Xiao Hei said, "This place seems a little different!".

Lin Feng and the others didn't interrupt. Although they didn't find anything, Xiao Hei might have discovered something. This guy was also blessed with great luck. Although he was a little worse than Beibei, that was because Beibei was too unlucky. .

In fact, Xiao Hei is also a heaven-defying existence.

After the words fell, Xiao Hei whispered something in his mouth. Listening carefully, Lin Feng showed a surprised look, and it turned out to be Sanskrit.

It is exactly the same as the Sanskrit I heard when I was confused by the evil spirit mural outside.

Xiao Hei actually knew Sanskrit, which even Yaojun didn't understand, which really surprised Lin Feng.

Lin Feng originally thought he knew all of Xiao Hei's secrets, but now it seems that all he knows is Xiao Hei's family situation, enemies, etc. These are just basic situations. Before Xiao Hei met him, it was obvious that There are also many adventures, but Xiao Hei is silent and will not take the initiative to reveal these contents to others.

When Xiao Hei's voice fell, the rock wall in the corner changed. A palm-sized piece of rock wall separated, and then a groove appeared. There was a bulge in the groove, and Xiao Hei's claws pressed on it. Above the bulge, a loud rumbling sound was heard.

The ground in the middle of the tomb separated, and an altar slowly rose into the sky. On top of the altar, there was a white jade bed.

On the white jade bed, there is a monk lying on his side, with his right hand supporting his head.

He had lost all vitality for a long time, but his body was extremely well preserved, just like it was when he was lying down. This really surprised Lin Feng.

Logically speaking, the body should not be preserved so well.

Of course, the most inexplicable thing is that there are two female corpses lying on the front and back of the monk's body.

There are yellow talismans on the heads of female corpses. This kind of talisman is very special and seems to guarantee the immortality of their corpses.

These two female corpses were both beautiful.

From Lin Feng's point of view, there was nothing wrong with her, she was considered a peerless beauty.

"What is going on? Could it be that this is a happy Buddha? Two beautiful women were buried with him before he died?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but think of some possibility.

After thinking of this possibility, Lin Feng couldn't help but became quite speechless. This grandson was definitely a demon monk from Vajrayana Buddhism.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to do such an immoral thing.

"Hey, there seems to be something in his mouth?" Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze.

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