Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 462: diamond circle

"Isn't the thing in his mouth related to the resurrection from the dead?"

Lin Feng thought of a certain possibility, because the previous skeleton traveled all over the world for the woman he loved, looking for a way to resurrect her.

As for this evil monk, his corpse has been immortal for so many years. His immortality is different from the corpses of the two women around him.

Although the two women were sealed with magic talismans, the death energy accumulated in their bodies was very heavy. Even if they woke up, they would only become infernal zombies and live in pain for eternity.

But this evil monk didn't have any death energy in his body. This situation showed that it was actually possible for him to be resurrected.

Lin Feng quickly walked over and opened the evil monk's mouth. Sure enough, there was a bead in the evil monk's mouth.

Lin Feng gently tapped the evil monk on the forehead, and he spit out the beads.

This bead is a bit like a luminous bead. The light blue bead is very dazzling and beautiful.

For women, such jewelry should have huge lethality.

But it’s not just jewelry.

Absolutely extraordinary, Lin Feng put it into a brocade box and put it away.

At this time, Lin Feng discovered that after losing the bead, the evil monk's body began to wither quickly.

As long as the beads are around, the power of time has been blocked and cannot have any influence on him.

But without the beads, the power of time surged in, instantly eroding his body and turning him into a skeleton.

Lin Feng was worried about the transformation of the corpse, so he quickly used the sky fire to burn the evil monk's body to ashes. However, when the sky fire flew towards the evil monk's body, the evil monk's body actually opened its eyes. He As soon as he opened his mouth and blew, Lin Feng's sky fire was blown away, unable to harm the evil monk at all.

The evil monk jumped up and slapped Lin Feng with his palm.

Lin Feng really didn't expect that the evil monk had not transformed into a corpse just now, but suddenly he transformed into a corpse. It was really weird and terrifying.

Such a rapid change made Lin Feng feel caught off guard.

It was too late to evade, so we had no choice but to confront this existence head-on.

Lin Feng slapped the evil monk's body with his palm.


Along with the fierce sound of collision, the two sides collided fiercely.

They each retreated a few meters.

The evil monk looked at Lin Feng with resentful eyes and roared angrily, "Despicable human being, you have ruined my resurrection from the dead. I will let you die without a trace of death!".

Lin Fengxin said, this guy is indeed not a serious monk.

If he were a serious monk, he would not call himself me, but would call himself a poor monk.

The evil monk came towards Lin Feng again.

After the collision just now, Lin Feng can generally sense the strength of the evil monk. Although the evil monk is powerful, it is not so powerful that it makes people despair. After all, it is an evil spirit that becomes after death. Compared with the combat power in life, If it rises, it will definitely fall a lot.

Therefore, when facing the evil monk, Lin Feng was full of confidence.

However, when Lin Feng was using his magic power to deal with the evil monk, he felt something was wrong. He found that there was severe pain in his hands and his body became sluggish.

He looked at his hands and found that his hands had become as black as ink.

Corpse poison.

And it was an extremely terrifying corpse poison. Otherwise, it would not have caused such serious harm to him.

Lin Feng did not expect such a situation.

This seriously affected his strength.

The evil monk's attack has already come, and there is no way to avoid it.

Dangerous timing.

Lin Feng quickly activated the defensive magic weapon. The defensive magic weapon constructed a powerful defensive mask, which protected Lin Feng. The evil monk's attack hit the defensive mask fiercely. Naturally, the defensive ability of this defensive mask was not used. To put it more bluntly, although Lin Feng's combat power was greatly reduced due to the invasion of corpse poison, and the power of the defensive mask was far from reaching the peak level, but even if it did not reach the peak level, the power of the defensive mask should not be underestimated.

The evil monk's attack hit it, but failed to destroy the defensive light shield.

"White jade toad, help me detoxify!".

Lin Feng sent a message to the white jade toad, and the white jade toad began to crazily devour the corpse poison in Lin Feng's body, but a terrible thing happened. Even the white jade toad could not quickly swallow up all the corpse poison in Lin Feng's body. This kind of corpse Poison appears to have the ability to regenerate.

It can keep growing.

Therefore, Lin Feng had to exit quickly, otherwise, the situation would be dangerous.

At this time, the evil monk came to kill him again. He roared viciously, "Boy, do you think you can be safe just by hiding in the turtle shell? You have been poisoned by my corpse poison. No one can save your life, you are dead today!".

Lin Feng knew that the evil monk was really powerful, so he had no intention of continuing to fight with the evil monk. Lin Feng got so many super-level fairy stones from the evil monk, and also got a very special mysterious bead. The harvest was already It's old enough, there's no need to continue fighting with the evil monk.

Thinking about this.

Lin Feng summoned hundreds of powerful undead and asked the undead to help him resist for a while.

Lin Feng knew that these undead souls would definitely be killed by the evil monk, but it didn't matter, since these undead souls could be reborn inside the Book of the Dead anyway.

After these undead monks were summoned by Lin Feng, they quickly rushed towards the evil monk.

They were both fearless and fearless, and they held the evil monk back in an instant.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, did not dare to hesitate and rushed outside quickly.

The evil monk was muttering something in his mouth.

The corpses of the two female cultivators also opened their eyes, and they quickly rushed toward Lin Feng.

What surprised Lin Feng was that although the auras emanating from the corpses of the two female cultivators were not as terrifying as those of the evil monks, they were equally terrifying.

When they were alive, it was definitely not simple.

The evil monk wanted to ask the female cultivators to stop Lin Feng, but the evil monk did not expect that there were still a large number of undead souls in the Book of the Dead that Lin Feng could mobilize. Lin Feng mobilized new undead souls and stopped the two female cultivators. This was terrible. The evil monk was so angry that he sacrificed a treasure and flew towards Lin Feng quickly.

It was a magic weapon similar to a diamond circle. It knocked away many undead and quickly blasted towards Lin Feng.


The magic weapon hit the defensive light shield outside Lin Feng fiercely.

Katcha kacha.

The defensive shield outside Lin Feng suddenly cracked, and Lin Feng was also knocked away. Powerful power poured into the inside of the defensive shield, causing Lin Feng's energy and blood to boil, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Feng was shocked. What kind of magic weapon is this? Is it so powerful?

Although the magic weapon was powerful, it seemed that it could not be activated continuously. The evil monk wanted to take the magic weapon back. Lin Feng's eyes lit up. Maybe he could take the magic weapon from the evil monk by force. After taking the magic weapon, it would not be too late to escape.

(PS: The third update, Lao Mantou would like to ask everyone to come to QQ to read, or Qidian, QQ browser and other apps to read Taikoo Longxiang Jue. Thank you for your support!)

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