Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 464: What did you do to my slave girl?

Lin Feng wakes up.

He was still in his own time and space, and it was probably the two women who had given him a dream just now, letting him know the truth about what happened that year.

To be honest, Lin Feng really didn't expect this to be the case.

Those two women were quite admirable, but unfortunately, fate was extremely cruel to them.

And the root of everything is because of those evil monks who hide Buddhism. These guys are really not fun. You have done countless evil things in your original world, and you actually want to destroy other people's originally beautiful world. In this world, a group of people like you can simply be described as scum. Do you have the nerve to say that you are compassionate Buddhist monks?

You are not worthy!

Although I was quite angry with those evil monks, the deal was already done and nothing could be changed.

Maybe, we really need to help those two women.

It would be best to help them get rid of this pain.

Lin Feng immediately came out of seclusion.

"How are you?" Qian Zihui asked with concern after seeing Lin Feng come out.

Lin Feng said, "I have completely recovered and there is no problem with my body at all. You don't have to worry about me!".

Hearing this, Qian Zihui felt a little more at ease.

Lin Feng continued, "That's it. I'm going to set up a killing array to deal with the evil monk. You can rest and wait here for the time being!".

Qianzi Hui also knew that he was not strong enough.

Not causing trouble to Lin Feng at this time would be the greatest help to Lin Feng. She said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you here!".

Lin Feng nodded and left quickly.

Lin Feng could actually leave, since he had already reaped enough benefits.

But Lin Feng still planned to deal with the evil monk, mainly because he had received the entrustment from the two women before.

Let him make up his mind to deal with the evil monk.

There was also a reason why Lin Feng chose to set up a large formation to deal with the evil monk.

The evil monk's methods were weird. If they were to fight head-on, Lin Feng felt that he alone might not be able to deal with the evil monk. He would have to use the undead army within the Book of the Dead to deal with the evil monk together.

At that time, it is estimated that many undead monks were killed by the evil monks. This was a situation that Lin Feng did not want to see.

Although undead monks can be resurrected.

But after resurrection, recovery takes a long time, which will seriously affect the growth of the undead monks themselves.


Lin Feng felt that setting up a large formation would be the best way.

Lin Feng chose to set up a large formation in a valley.

The terrain here is very special, and there is a natural killing array hidden here.

When setting up a large formation, you can combine the natural killing formation with the formation combination he has arranged.

After setting up the formation, Lin Feng went to "encounter" the evil monk.

In fact, Lin Feng thought that it might be better if he could encounter the corpses of the two female cultivators by chance. He needed to observe the condition of the corpses of the two female cultivators.

However, Lin Feng did not encounter the female cultivator's body by chance.

Lin Feng saw the evil monk from a distance.

Then he quickly flew away into the distance.

Naturally, the evil monk also saw Lin Feng, and immediately shouted excitedly, "Boy, you can't run away!".

He quickly pursued Lin Feng.

What surprised the evil monk was that Lin Feng's poison had been neutralized.

The evil monk quickly chased Lin Feng from behind and asked, "How did you resolve the poison in your body?"

Lin Feng said, "What? You want to know? But I won't tell you!".

"you wanna die!". The evil monk shouted angrily.

He increased his speed.

Lin Feng is also increasing his speed.

The evil monk began to summon the corpses of the two female cultivators, hoping to form an encirclement with the corpses of the two female cultivators.

When Lin Feng found the corpses of two female cultivators flying over from the left and right sides.

He frowned slightly.

Because Lin Feng discovered that the corpses of the two female cultivators seemed to really want to kill him with the evil monk.

But before, they had told them in their dreams that they did not want to help the tyrants, and wanted to help them kill them.

Lin Feng thought, maybe it was because they had been controlled by the evil monk.

Now in front of the evil monk, I can't do anything.

They are no longer able to control it.

The control lies entirely in the hands of the evil monk.

After thinking about this matter, Lin Feng suddenly speeded up and rushed forward.

Before the three of them formed an encirclement, Lin Feng rushed out.

So the three of them chased Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also deliberately provoked the evil monk and said, "Your grandson has sinned so much that he has now become an Inferi and will live in pain for eternity. This can be considered your retribution!".

The evil monk said angrily, "After I catch you, I will make you live and die!".

Both sides ran away and gave chase.

An hour later, Lin Feng rushed into the valley where he had set up the formation.

The three evil monks also quickly chased after them and rushed in as well.

boom! boom! boom!

After they rushed into the valley, the large formation here was instantly activated by Lin Feng.

Some of the more powerful undead inside the Book of the Dead flew out one after another and entered the eyes of the major formations, assisting Lin Feng and controlling the formations together.

Lin Feng arranged a psychedelic formation.

This psychedelic formation was quite powerful, and it directly separated the evil monk trapped in the formation from the corpses of the two female cultivators.

Lin Feng gave an order to the undead who controlled the Book of the Dead, asking them to attack the evil monk with all their strength. There was no need to attack the corpses of the two female cultivators, and they only needed to trap them with a psychedelic formation.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, entered a psychedelic formation and had a face-to-face communication with the corpses of two female cultivators.

"Take this opportunity to kill me! Not only will I help the evil tyrants while I'm alive, but my state of being an infernal corpse is simply worse than death!" said a female cultivator.

"please!". Another female cultivator also said.

They were very calm when they said these words, and they were full of gratitude when they looked at Lin Feng.

Obviously, she had already made complete plans to come and was not prepared to survive.

Lin Feng said, "This is the stupidest choice. You can now enter the inside of my Book of the Dead. Although the evil monk controls you, after you enter the inside of my Book of the Dead, you can forcefully enter the inside of my Book of the Dead." Cut off the connection between you and the evil monk, and the evil monk will no longer be able to control your body."

"And I also have a way for you to shed your inferi and become a normal monk again. Although the process may be a little more tortuous, in the end, there is hope and hope. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the two girls were also overjoyed and thanked Lin Feng one after another.

Lin Feng then took them into the Book of the Dead.

After being included in the Book of the Dead, the Book of the Dead instantly severed their connection with the evil monk.

After this connection was forcibly severed, the evil monk suffered a backlash.

He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of black blood.

The evil monk roared angrily, "You little beast, what did you do to my slave girl?".

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