Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 465: The function of diamond circle

Lin Feng burst out laughing and said, "You evil monk, you were so sinful back then that you even wanted to enslave the two girls. Now, I have rescued them. Soon, they will become normal human beings again, as beautiful as before. You, on the other hand, have already lost your soul!"

Boom boom boom!

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he himself also participated in activating the formation to release attacks. The power of the attacks released by the formation became more and more powerful. Such power can definitely be described as shocking. describe.

Even the evil monk couldn't resist and was knocked away again and again. The evil monk spit out countless mouthfuls of blood and broke many bones in his body.

This made him mad with hatred.

He simply wanted to tear Lin Feng to pieces now, but he also knew that in his current state, it was basically impossible to deal with Lin Feng. No matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to deal with the large formation arranged by Lin Feng. , and Lin Feng and others behind the formation.

He is also alone.

"Even if I die, I will drag you along with me!"

Suddenly, the evil monk roared and looked in one direction.

The direction he was looking at was exactly where Lin Feng was hiding. Lin Feng was a little surprised. He was now hidden in the formation. Lin Feng originally thought that it would be impossible for the evil monk to see him after he was hidden in the formation. to his.

Can't even sense which direction he is.

Now I know that he still underestimated Xie Monk's ability.

The evil monk is indeed powerful.

next moment.

The evil monk's body actually burst into flames.

As the evil monk's body burned, the aura emitted by the evil monk became more and more terrifying.

He quickly rushed in the direction of Lin Feng.

No attack can harm the evil monk.

Lin Feng is no exception when this happens. After all, the evil monk himself is powerful enough, and now he is in a desperate posture.

By burning the source and greatly improving the combat effectiveness, the evil monk can still resist the attack of the large formation in a short time.

When he was still five or six meters away from Lin Feng's hiding place, the evil monk's body swelled.

He seemed ready to blow himself up.

The evil monk shouted filial piety, "Let's die together!".

Then, he rushed towards the core formation where Lin Feng was.

"Madman!" Lin Feng could not help but curse in a low voice.

The evil monk doesn't want his life.

But Lin Feng still wants to live.

The evil monk is so powerful that if he explodes by himself, the destructive force produced may indeed kill Lin Feng.

One has to be careful about this.

So when the evil monk quickly rushed towards Lin Feng, Lin Feng rushed out from the core formation.

The evil monk successfully rushed into the core formation, and his bulging body quickly shrank back.

Then, he rushed out of the formation from the center of the core formation.

Yes, the position of the core formation is the most dangerous place, but it is also a place where the way to survive is hidden.

It is almost impossible to break out from other places.

But with the core formation here, it's easy to get out.


The evil monk should have seen through the reality of the formation.

In other words, he saw through the weakness of the formation.

After he saw through all this, he began to bluff, as if he wanted to drag Lin Feng to die with him.

Lin Feng didn't expect that he was just pretending.


Lin Feng didn't dare to gamble with his own life.

In the end, he was tricked by the evil monk.

After rushing out of the formation, the evil monk tore through the void. He roared filial piety with hatred and anger, "Boy, I have completely remembered you. I will write down today's hatred for the time being. You wait, I won't I will let you go, I swear here, if I can't kill you, I will never be able to become a normal human being!"

For the evil monk, his biggest wish before was to become a normal human being, and now he has made this vow.

It can be seen that in order to make himself remember to kill Lin Feng.

He drove himself into a corner.

If you are really cruel to your enemies, you are even more cruel to yourself.

Lin Feng was also a little helpless.

But to be honest, Lin Feng is not particularly worried. After all, it will be endless years before he meets the evil monk again. Lin Feng believes that with his strength, it may not be a problem to kill the evil monk, even if he cannot kill the evil monk. , and will not be afraid of evil monks.

After the evil monk escaped, Lin Feng flew in the direction of Qian Zihui.

On the way, Lin Feng had a conversation with the sisters.

He learned that the sisters were named Mingyue and Qingyue respectively.

Lin Feng had no way to bring them to the future world.

Lin Feng's idea was to let them wash inside the Book of the Dead for a while.

Then give them soul pills to swallow.

The Soul Body Pill has an outstanding effect on monks who have been resurrected from the dead, allowing their souls to reunite with their bodies.

It can also have a huge effect on evil spirits and ghosts, allowing them to shed their ghost bodies, get rid of endless pain and torture, and condense their flesh and blood again.

However, whether it is really possible to get rid of pain and condense flesh and blood has a lot to do with the individual. To put it bluntly, this itself is a matter of probability, and it also requires some luck.

But this is a feasible approach after all.

For example, some of the undead in Lin Feng's Book of the Dead, such as the Yin Ghost King and other Yin zombies who took the Soul Body Pill earlier, are already on the road of transformation.

Soon Lin Feng met Qian Zihui.

Qian Zihui asked, "How is it? Is the evil monk dead?".

Lin Feng said, "Let him run away."

He didn't say much more about the matter. Lin Feng said, "I'll take you back."

"Um!". Qian Zihui nodded, her mood suddenly became a little depressed.

Lin Feng and the others took the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship and returned the same way.

Lin Feng decided to relax for some time, so he did not plan to enter time and space to practice.

People always have to combine work and rest.

Lin Feng took out the bead. He refined the bead and learned the information about the bead.

That bead is indeed not simple. It is called the Resurrection Bead. When placed in the mouth of a dead person, it can immobilize the dead person's body so that the dead energy will not appear in the body. It will also gradually give the dead person new life. One day in the future, There is the possibility of resurrection.

Of course, at present, only part of the effect of the Resurrection Pearl has been confirmed, that is, the former part has been confirmed, and the rumor that it can resurrect people has not yet been confirmed.

But it is groundless. This thing is indeed a rare treasure. Once spread, it will inevitably cause a **** storm.

Whether you keep it as a spare or exchange it for something you need in the future, it is a good choice.

Lin Feng then took out the diamond circle.

He practiced the diamond circle.

After Lin Feng worshiped the diamond circle and obtained the information about the diamond circle, he couldn't help but be shocked. This diamond circle had two extremely heaven-defying effects.

The first function: a fatal blow. After throwing the diamond circle, the diamond circle instantly bursts out several times or even ten times the power of the monk, launching a fatal blow to the enemy.

No wonder this thing cracked the defensive light shield with one blow. The power is really terrifying. Especially, if this treasure is used at the critical moment, it can definitely catch the opponent off guard.

The second function of the diamond circle is even more amazing.

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