Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 466: Study the method of cultivation together

The second function of the diamond circle is to restrain.

The specific introduction is as follows: The diamond circle can be large or small, and can bind people within the diamond circle. If the diamond circle suddenly shrinks, the monks bound within it can no longer struggle, and can only become a lamb to be slaughtered.

After seeing the effect of the diamond circle, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

To be honest, Lin Feng does not lack attack magic weapons here, so although the attacks released by the Diamond Circle are quite terrifying, for Lin Feng, the attack attributes of the Diamond Circle are the icing on the cake.

But the binding effect is different. Although magic weapons such as the Immortal Binding Rope also have a binding effect, this kind of magic weapon is not difficult to refine, but for top powerhouses, this kind of magic weapon has no effect at all. People can break this magic weapon with a little struggle.

But the Vajra Circle is different. It is absolutely impossible to break the Vajra Circle. Once a monk is bound by the Vajra Circle, it is not only their body that is bound, but also their magic power, magical powers, and everything else. Trapped.

This is the most critical point.

At that time, there is no way to use some special means to get rid of the shackles of the diamond circle.


If the treasure of the Diamond Circle can be used properly, it will definitely be a top-notch killer weapon.

But what effect can it have in the end?

It all depends on how Lin Feng uses this magic weapon later.

While Lin Feng was studying the precious treasure of the Diamond Circle, Qian Zihui was tossing and turning.

She knew that Lin Feng was probably going to return to the future era.

Through this period of getting along with Lin Feng, Qian Zihui had already discovered that she seemed to have fallen deeply in love with this man.

Of course, she also admitted that the change in her attitude towards Lin Feng at the beginning might be due to that heart-pounding misunderstanding.

That time was also the first time in Qianzi Hui's life.


Produces a feeling of accelerated heartbeat.

The whole heart felt as if it was about to jump out.

In addition, the relationship between Lin Feng and Shang Keer.

Qian Zihui is even more a little perverted in her inner world.

I think this is quite exciting.

But this was actually a bit unethical, and she was a bit sorry for herself, Shang Keer, but the devil-like voice in her heart kept urging her to do this, and she herself was stuck in it and couldn't extricate herself.

When she was alone, Qian Zihui also thought about her own orientation.

She was asking herself if her orientation had changed.

After interrogating her heart many times, Qian Zihui felt that in fact nothing had changed and she still liked Shang Keer.

However, she seemed to be able to accept Lin Feng.

A man other than Lin Feng.

She couldn't accept it.

Now that we are facing separation, who can say for sure what the future will be like after this separation? Even if we can look forward to seeing each other again in the future, too many things will definitely happen in such a long time. If Something unexpected happened and I wouldn't live until that time. Although I shouldn't be so pessimistic about my future.

However, objective facts are always irrefutable.

It should always be faced head on.

Therefore, after Qian Zihui had some ideological struggle, she decided to do something. If she did this thing, she would be completely sorry for Shang Keer, but if she didn't do this thing, then she might I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Don't look at Qian Zihui who is usually very aloof.

But since "a little devil" lived in her heart, she seemed to have changed.

Become proactive.


It becomes possible to do some seemingly crazy things.

So, Qian Zihui got up and dressed herself up. Qian Zihui looked so beautiful in the mirror.

This face, this figure, this temperament.

All women must like her.

Not to mention men.

Qian Zihui took a deep breath and said to herself, "Don't let yourself regret it!".

She headed outside.

Not long after, he arrived outside Lin Feng's room.

She knocked on the door.

After Lin Feng heard the knock on the door outside, he put away the precious treasure of the Diamond Circle.

He came to the door, opened the door, and saw Qian Zihui standing outside.

Qian Zihui also looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is a very sensitive and attentive person. He noticed that Qian Zihui's eyes changed when she looked at him.

Qian Zihui now.

His eyes turned shy and gentle.

It is completely different from the previous Qian Zihui.

"What does this little girl want to do?". Lin Feng couldn't help but murmur in his heart. Lin Feng had naturally noticed some changes in Qian Zihui during this period of time.

I thought I would all go back.

Everything will be calm.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Qian Zihui seemed to take the first step bravely.

Lin Feng seemed calm, but there was actually a turmoil inside.

"Have you not rested yet?". Lin Feng asked.


Qian Zihui said softly, "I came to you because...".

At this point, she got stuck.

She originally thought she was fully prepared, but when she really wanted to take that step, she realized that things were not as simple as she thought.

In particular, Shang Keer's appearance kept popping up in her mind.

How could she be sorry to Shang Keer.

Lin Feng naturally didn't know how complicated Qian Zihui's inner thoughts were. He saw that Qian Zihui was stuck and did not rush her.

Qian Zihui took a deep breath and said, "I'm here to ask you, have you completely recovered?".

Lin Feng's health has long since recovered. Qian Zihui's question was obviously asked casually in a panic and without careful consideration.

This proves that she must be struggling and uneasy in her heart right now, but also very lost.

Lin Feng said, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"How many days do we have before we can go back?" Qian Zihui asked a question again.

Lin Feng said, "I speeded up a bit, it will only take a day or two!"

"A day or two...". Qian Zihui sighed slightly in his heart.

Then he said, "Okay, I won't disturb your rest!".

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from behind, grabbed her palm, and pulled her directly into the room.


The door is closed.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Qian Zihui asked in a panic.

The sudden scene really caught her off guard.

Especially when the person who made such a move turned out to be Lin Feng, she seemed to have more expectations when she panicked.

Lin Feng said, "Didn't you learn a powerful method of cultivation? Anyway, now that we have time, we can study it together..."

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