Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 467: Possibly beyond the existence of the pioneers

After sending Qian Zihui back, Lin Feng and Shang Keer had a small gathering.

Then, Lin Feng left.

After all, the matters on the Qilian Mountain Lord's side still need to be resolved. It is not yet known whether the Qilian Mountain Lord has returned to the uninhabited planet agreed upon by both parties.

After Lin Feng left.

Shang Keer and Qian Zihui were lying on the bed chatting.

Both men looked at the roof.

His eyes were a little lost.

"Are you missing him?". Qian Zihui asked.

"Yeah!" Shang Keer responded softly.

She then sighed.

Qian Zihui knew why Shang Keer sighed. It was hard to say whether they would see each other again after this farewell, or even whether they would see each other again.

Her mood was actually the same as Shang Keer's.

Even now, she will still be immersed in that night of fierce storm and fierce offensive.

She knew what she was doing was wrong.

However, she couldn't control herself. She thought about whether she should confess this matter to Shang Keer. She felt that she should confess.

She believed that Shang Keer would definitely forgive her.

But I don’t know why, when the words came to my lips, I couldn’t say them out.

"Then stay with her and wait until the day we meet again in the future!". Qian Zihui told herself this in her heart.

On the other side, Lin Feng arrived on the agreed planet. At this time, Lin Feng discovered that the Lord of Qilian Mountain had not returned yet.

So Lin Feng waited here for the return of the Lord of Qilian Mountain.

While waiting for the master of Qilian Mountain to return, Lin Feng checked the cultivation status of the special seed.

That special seed has sprouted, but it's not growing too fast.

This kind of thing that goes against the will of heaven takes time.

Three days later.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain returns.

"How did things go?". Lin Feng looked at the Lord of Qilian Mountain and asked.

"It's almost done. Let me fix it and we can set off!" The Lord of Qilian Mountain said.

"good!". Lin Feng responded.

Lord Qilian spent a day repairing, and then Lin Feng and Lord Qilian set off. They also took the invisible Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship, which could save a lot of trouble.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain became somewhat taciturn, which surprised Lin Feng. This was not the character of the Lord of Qilian Mountain.

Lin Feng could probably sense that the Lord of Qilian Mountain was very nervous now.

Lin Feng estimated that the Lord of Qilian Mountain valued this operation extremely.

After all, after this operation, they will return to the real world. In the real world, the Lord of Qilian Mountain has been trapped for a long time and is already very old. If they can seize the opportunity this time and get a big opportunity, maybe he can quickly regain his youth. However, if he cannot seize the opportunity, it is hard to say when he will be able to recover. It is quite normal for the Qilian Mountain Master to be worried about this matter.

Lin Feng did not persuade her.

There is no point in persuading this kind of thing. The most important thing is to find the opportunity and resolve the knot on your own.

Ten days later, Lin Feng and the others were getting closer and closer to a cosmic dark starry sky. Deep in the dark starry sky, there seemed to be a cosmic black hole. Many small stars were even attracted by the cosmic black hole.

"What's happening here?". Lin Feng found the Lord of Qilian Mountain and asked with a frown.

The master of Qilian Mountain did not say before that they were going to enter the black hole of the universe.

And places like black holes in the universe are indeed extremely dangerous. Even the most powerful people may be swallowed up if they enter them.

It is hard to say where the black holes in the universe are connected.

Once lost in it, there is no way back.

This is actually not much different from committing suicide.

"I didn't say something clearly before because I was worried that you would think it was too dangerous and wouldn't want to take risks anymore!". The Lord of Qilian Mountain said, she said it very calmly.

Lin Feng said a little speechlessly, "Why do you need to play such a little trick? You can just say whatever you want."

He was indeed a little unhappy, not because of the upcoming danger.

After all, Lin Feng had been to many dangerous places and would not shrink from danger. He was angry because the Lord of Qilian Mountain did not tell him the truth.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain could also understand why Lin Feng was angry. She said sincerely, "I made a mistake in this matter, mainly because we were not particularly familiar with each other at the time, and this opportunity was really important to me, so I just I want to apologize to you for hiding the truth from you, I hope you can forgive me!".

Seeing that the Qilian Mountain Master's apology was considered sincere, Lin Feng no longer had the same experience as the Qilian Mountain Master. After all, he was not the kind of person with a small belly.

Lin Feng said, "The most valuable thing about getting along with friends is authenticity!".

"Okay, I'll keep your words in mind!". The Lord of Qilian Mountain said seriously.

In fact, after seeing that Lin Feng was not angry, she also breathed a sigh of relief, because she did regard Lin Feng as a friend, but she didn't have many friends herself. People who have no friends suddenly have a friend, and they are often extremely angry. precious.

Fortunately, Lin Feng didn't care about her that much.

"I think the place you mentioned is not only related to the original blood of the pioneers, right?" Lin Feng asked.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain nodded and said, "The original blood of the pioneers is actually just one of chance at best!".

"What kind of place is that? Is it so extraordinary?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain did not answer Lin Feng immediately, but asked Lin Feng a question, "Do you know Huang?".

When Lin Feng mentioned Huang, the words "Huang Emperor" popped into Lin Feng's mind.

This is an amazing person, his own strength is unfathomable.

Of course, he also has another important identity, that is, he is the ancestor of the dominant imperial clan.

He was also one of the strongest beings that emerged before the monastic system completely collapsed.

It's just that there aren't many rumors about Emperor Huang, because Emperor Huang disappeared mysteriously not long after he was born.

But what really made Huangdi famous was not what Huangdi himself did.

But because of his son.

The son of Emperor Huang is the lord of the gods.

The Lord of the Gods is the one who created a new system after the collapse of the monastic system. If he were not the Lord of the Gods, it can be said bluntly that after the collapse of the monastic system, there would be no future for countless people. .

The top powerhouses who were born later, such as Ji Zixu, Hongchen Xianzun, Lin Baitian, even Lin Feng, and of course many people from those ancient families, they were unable to grow up. This is because after the collapse of the monastic system , although their ancient forces have the most complete and powerful inheritance, the monastic system they inherited has actually conflicted with the great avenue of heaven and earth at that time. Although this conflict will not make them stagnate.

But it will also seriously affect the height of their growth.

Later, after the new monastic system emerged, the major forces also improved the monastic system inherited by their own forces based on the new monastic system created by the Lord of the Gods, and this resolved the crisis.

This is why there were rumors at the time that the Lord of the Gods was the greatest being after the pioneers. In a sense, the pioneers were just the first figures to achieve transcendence, allowing people to see the hope and practice of constantly transcending themselves. Where is the ceiling? But strictly speaking, the monastic system of that era was not the work of the pioneers alone.

This is what countless people have concluded after searching.

The pioneers were simply doing their part.

However, the cultivation system created by the Lord of the Gods was realized by the Lord of the Gods himself. Therefore, some people think that the Lord of the Gods is greater than the pioneers and is a figure who may surpass the pioneers.

This may be the most direct reason for the "fall" of the Lord of the Gods. How could those ancient beings see him continue to grow, and they will definitely kill the Lord of the Gods at all costs.

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