Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 468: Dominate the imperial family tree!

Let’s not talk about the Lord of the Gods for now, let’s talk about Huang now.

Desolation, in some cases, represents time.

Lin Feng naturally knew something about this. He looked at the Lord of Qilian Mountain and said, "I have heard of Huang, or it can be said that I have heard of the power of Huang!".

"Yes, it is the Force of Desolation. The place we went to is related to the Force of Desolation. It is said that it is a place filled with terrible Force of Desolation, a place that truly makes people despair, but a place like that is also It contains countless opportunities. Whether a monk can get those opportunities when entering it depends entirely on his ability. In fact, for a long time, that place has never been closed, it is always open. Some ancient forces know how to enter it, but , that place is too dangerous, even those ancient forces will not enter it easily!" The Lord of Qilian Mountain said.

"Then do you have more clues? I mean, clues that are related to some opportunities and specific details. After all, a place like that is also an extremely dangerous place for us. If we enter it, we will be a headless fly. Who knows how terrible things will happen if you run around randomly, but if you have a clear goal, you can save a lot of trouble!" Lin Feng said.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain said, "I have a special token here, which is related to the pioneers. It should be able to have a good effect when the time comes!".

Saying this, the Lord of Qilian Mountain took out the token. The token was a piece of black iron that seemed to have fallen from some weapon.

“Pioneer blood?”. Lin Feng asked.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain said, "Maybe! I can't confirm it now. Let's wait and see if this thing can be effective!".

"Okay, so be it!". Lin Feng said.

The Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship continues to fly towards the target position. At this time, due to the suction of the black hole, the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship cannot continue to fly stably, so the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship changes from the invisible state to the visible state. This will allow you to fly more stably.

Lin Feng returned to his room, but some rumors about Emperor Huang could not help but appear in his mind.

For some reason, Lin Feng always felt that Emperor Huang, the ancestor who dominated the Imperial Clan, seemed to have some special connection with this place shrouded by the power of desolation. After all, the power of desolation was actually not just the power of time, but the power of time. The evolved version is much more complicated and terrifying than the power of time.

It is precisely because of this that there are very few places enveloped by the power of desolation, and places that can be called desolate places are even rarer. The place they are going to now can be called desolate land.

In the past, this ancestor was called Huangdi, which naturally makes people think a lot.

"Is this ancestor the fifth ancestor of the Dominion Imperial Clan?" Lin Feng couldn't help but murmured to himself.

In fact, in private, Lin Feng used the information he obtained to draw a family tree for the ancestors of the dominant imperial clan.

The first one on the list is naturally the Overlord Ancestor. After this ancestor woke up, he went to the Kunlun Universe.

The son of the dominant ancestor was called Ji Yi.

Ji Chaoge, the son of Ji Yi.

Ji Ning, the son of Ji Chaoge.

Ji Ning's son Ji Qianze is the fifth generation descendant of the Dominator Emperor Clan, Emperor Huang.

The son of Huangdi, the famous Lord of the Gods.

The son of the Lord of the Gods, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Lord.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Emperor is the grandson of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Lord (there are rumors that the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Emperor is the son of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Lord, but judging from some evidence Lin Feng has, he should be his grandson).

Lin Feng didn't know who the father of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Emperor was, and it was also unknown how many generations of the dominant imperial clan would be passed down after the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Emperor.

Lin Feng did not have any specific clues, but due to the strong bloodline of the dominant imperial clan, heirs have always been relatively rare. It is estimated that in the era when memory gaps occurred, they were not able to be passed down for several generations.

After the Devouring Demon Emperor, and until the ancient times, dark turmoil broke out.

The terrifying existences in the forbidden areas of life and the dead areas of death are wreaking havoc on the world.

The Luangu Emperor was born and suppressed the dark turmoil.

Then, there was another memory gap, until Ji Chen appeared.

Ji Luochuan, son of Ji Chen.

Ji Luochuan may not be that famous, but Ji Luochuan's son is so famous that some powerful people believe that his talent surpasses Ji Zixu, the ancestor of the ancestors such as the ancestor of the master and the lord of the gods.

Lin Feng had come into contact with Ji Zixu, and he was indeed incredibly powerful. He didn't know how powerful he was now.

After Ji Zixu, there was a memory gap again in the genealogy of the dominant imperial family.

Until Lin Feng's grandfather, the Great Demon God, appeared, and then Lin Feng's mother, Ji Long'er, passed down to Ji Long'er's generation, no male appeared in the generation of the dominant imperial clan, and after that, only a "grandson" like Lin Feng appeared.

But to be honest, whether it is a biological grandson or a grandson, in the final analysis, it is the same, because a child inherits the blood of both parents.

The grandson and grandson only have different surnames. Lin Feng also thought that if he had more children in the future, he would give a few children the surname Ji, which would be regarded as inheriting the great surname of the dominant imperial clan.

Of course, these are all things for later.

In other words, in this reincarnation (three thousand epochs), plus part of the epoch in the previous reincarnation, since the emergence of the Overlord Ancestor, at least more than thirty trillion years ago, there are only about ten people in the Overlord Imperial Clan whose information has been recorded .

I have to say that the number of people in this clan is really too small.

As far as Lin Feng knows, the people who are equally rare may be Beibei's lineage, and the descendants are also extremely rare.

"It would be great if it was really related to the ancestor Huangdi!" Lin Feng couldn't help but said to himself.

In fact, Lin Feng has been paying attention to the Huang Emperor for a long time. The main reason is because the Huang Emperor controls the power of "Huang". There may be many people in this world who have mastered the power of Huang, or have been exposed to the power of Huang, including Lin Feng. They have all come into contact with the power of desolation, but at most these people have only had initial contact with it, or have initially mastered the power of desolation.

But Emperor Huang is definitely different. What he masters is definitely the "Supreme Way of Huang!".

This is terrible.

It is said that when the wilderness comes, it can swallow up the life of a universe, causing the universe to rapidly age and die. Therefore, the five degenerations of heaven and man that cause the universe to collapse are probably integrated into the supreme path of wilderness.

Now that the Five Declines of Heaven and Man have appeared, many planets have begun to wither, decay and destroy, but this is only the early stage. In a few decades, countless worlds will collapse together, and countless lives will lose all their life spans in an instant. Yuan, this is the moment of real despair.

If you can master the Tao of Desolation inherited by the Emperor of Desolation, and if you can study a more profound Tao of Desolation based on this Tao of Desolation, it may be able to play a huge role in stopping the erosion of the universe by the Five Decays of Heaven and Man. effect.

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