Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 470: Dark fog has arisen


From behind, an earth-shattering sound came.

The undead army is coming towards this side quickly. Needless to say, the strength of the undead army is needless to say, let alone the undead army that ranks so high.

Here, Lin Feng, has three legions sleeping.

But the key point is that these three legions are still recovering, and Lin Feng cannot get in touch with the three legions. If he can mobilize the power of the three legions, he will not be afraid of the Yin Soldiers of Desolation.

But now, they can only run away quickly, and it is not appropriate to confront the Yin Army of Desolation head-on. It will not be of any benefit to Lin Feng and the others, but only dangerous, and they may even die in the hands of the opponent.

The Yin Soldiers of Desolation were extremely fast. No matter how fast Lin Feng and Qilian Mountain Master accelerated, they could not get rid of the Yin Soldiers of Desolation.

Lin Feng said, "When I get out of this passage, I will immediately activate the Gate of Mind. Using the long-distance transmission of the Gate of Mind, I will definitely be able to get rid of the Yin Soldiers of Desolation!"

"If so, that would be great!" said the Lord of Qilian Mountain.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Feng saw light appearing in front of him.

He guessed that it was almost time to go out.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him and the Qilian Mountain Master to successfully rush out of this passage, but not long after they rushed out, the Yin Army of Desolation also rushed out quickly.

The Yin Soldier Legion of Huang was not the largest among the Yin Soldier Legions that Lin Feng had seen.

But this Yin Soldier Legion can be ranked among the top ten. This shows that the individual combat capabilities and comprehensive combat capabilities of the Yin Soldier Legion of Huang, including their senior leaders and the strength of the legion commander, may be extremely high. of prominence.

Otherwise, the ranking would not be so high.

After Lin Feng saw the Yin Soldiers of Desolation coming out, he quickly tried to activate the Gate of Mind so that he and the Lord of Qilian Mountain could be teleported out.


After activating it several times in succession, the Gate of Mind was unable to activate, which made Lin Feng's expression change slightly.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain noticed the situation on Lin Feng's side and asked, "What? Is there something wrong?".

Lin Feng said, "There are indeed some problems. The door of the mind cannot be activated. It may be related to the strong magnetic field in this place!".

The place of Desolate Land is really extremely weird. Just as Lin Feng said, this place is not only filled with the power of desolate land, but also has a strong magnetic field that envelopes the Desolate Land.

A place with a magnetic field itself can easily breed many unimaginable and terrifying existences, as well as some evil things. In addition, this place is also superimposed with the power of desolation, which makes it even more terrifying.

Lin Feng would not doubt anything that happened.

"Then let's escape on our own!"

The Lord of Qilian Mountain said.

Lin Feng nodded, that was all he could do now.

He and the Qilian Mountain Master rushed forward quickly, but the Yin Army of Desolation, like maggots on the tarsus, followed closely. They looked like they would give up unless Lin Feng was killed, which made Lin Feng extremely scared. Speechless.

As the saying goes, the evil soldiers take advantage of the way and the living beings avoid it.

Lin Feng knew very well that once he was overtaken by the Yin Army of Desolation, the Yin Army of Desolation would only have to crush him and the Lord of Qilian Mountain. He and the Lord of Qilian Mountain would most likely fall into the hands of the Yin Army of Desolation. .

It is almost impossible for one person to fight against a powerful army of Yin soldiers, and the strength of these Yin soldiers is constantly improving and growing.

Therefore, the current Yin Army of Desolation is definitely many times more powerful than the Yin Army of Desolation before.

Lin Feng thought that maybe he could have a chat with the commander of the Yin Army.

Lin Feng said while running away, "Commander of the Deserted Yin Soldiers, why do we have to make the relationship between the two parties so rigid? How about this? Let's each take a step back. I will remember your kindness. If you are useful in the future, I will definitely not shirk the place where I am concerned! How about it?"

In fact, Lin Feng felt that his conditions were quite good, but the commander of the Huangzhiyin Army did not pay attention to him at all.

The other party was determined to kill Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain.

Lin Feng was also a little helpless.

Don't argue with the opponent now, and run away with all your strength, hoping to quickly get rid of the Yin Army of Desolation.

Many places in this desolate land are shrouded in a large amount of desolate power. Most people cannot sense it, but Lin Feng can.

The power of desolation is an evolved and sublimated version of the power of time.

Any place where the power of time accumulates is extremely terrifying, not to mention the place where the power of desolation accumulates. Even Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain have to take a detour.

And once detoured.

It will delay a lot of time.

But looking at the Yin Soldiers of Desolation, they don't need to take a detour at all. Even if they pass through the place where the power of Desolation is strongest, they will not be affected in any way.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng almost had the urge to curse.

But that's the reality.

As a result, the Yin Army of Desolation got closer to Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain.

This is not a good sign.

If this continues, it is estimated that Lin Feng will have to be overtaken by the Yin Army of Desolation in more than an hour.

The face of the Qilian Mountain Master also became extremely ugly.

She also knew how bad the current situation between herself and Lin Feng was.

If she still couldn't think of a solution quickly, then she and Lin Feng would really be lost at the hands of the Yin Army of Desolation.

I originally came here to look for opportunities, but as soon as I came in, I encountered an almost irreversible danger to my life.

It really makes me want to cry.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain was also quite depressed.

"Hey, there seems to be something wrong with the mountains ahead. Come on, let's go in and take a look." Lin Feng said.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain looked ahead and saw a mountain range appearing among the clouds and mist.

At first glance, the mountain range seemed to be nothing, but when he sensed the mountain range carefully, the master of Qilian Mountain felt like an ant facing a sacred mountain.

This is an incredible feeling.

Soon, Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain rushed into the mountain range.

The Yin Army of Desolation behind them also quickly pursued them.

However, what shocked Lin Feng and the others was that when the Yin Army of Desolation pursued them to the outer area of ​​the mountain range, the Yin Army of Desolation actually stopped.

Those were the top ten super Yin soldiers, but they didn't even dare to charge into this mountain range.

This shows how weird this mountain range is.

"What should we do now?" The master of Qilian Mountain looked around in confusion.

Lin Feng said, "There is a legion of Yin soldiers guarding outside. We are afraid that we will not be able to get out, so we can only find a way out from the mountains!".

"The black mist has risen!" At this time, the master of Qilian Mountain said with a slight tremor in his voice.

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