Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 471: Emperor Zhou

When the black mist rises, there is an inexplicable power that spreads out. This power is the main reason why the master of Qilian Mountain has a creepy feeling.

Therefore, her voice sounded slightly trembling.

Lin Feng also squinted his eyes and looked at the surrounding black fog. He said, "How can it be simple in an area that even the Yin Soldiers of Desolation dare not enter at will? But we have no retreat now. Even if it is dangerous, we have to move forward." Okay, you can’t have the intention to retreat at this time. Once your will is not firm, there will be problems with your mental defense, and you may be taken advantage of."

Lin Feng's words were actually intended to give the Lord of Qilian Mountain confidence.

Even though the identity of the leader of Qilian Mountain is not simple, if she really tells it, her experience in facing danger may be far inferior to Lin Feng's. This is not Lin Feng's boasting. Over the years, Lin Feng has been to too many dangerous places. Experienced too many dangers.

Many dangerous places were even entered when he was not outstanding in strength. Therefore, Lin Feng's ability to deal with various dangers is outstanding. When facing various dangers, what kind of state or mentality should be used to deal with them is also unique. place.

In this regard, even the Lord of Qilian Mountain is far from being able to compare with Lin Feng.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain said, "Okay, then let's strengthen all our confidence and continue moving towards the depths. I want to see what secrets this place hides!".

Now the two of them have completely unified their thoughts.

So they continued to walk towards the depths. Of course, when walking towards the depths, they were actually extremely cautious. After all, this place did not give them a very good feeling.

For now, they don't know what dangers are hidden in the darkness.

Now we can only take one step at a time.

There is no other way.

As they continued to go deeper, Lin Feng and the Qilian Mountain Master's uneasiness became more and more serious. They wanted to speed up and quickly cross the mountain range.

Leave here from the other side of the mountain range.

However, when Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain were passing through an ancient forest, suddenly, a roar rang out, "You dare to plot against me, I will kill you!".

Then, in the mountains and forests ahead, a scene that looked like a lake appeared.

In the picture, a dozen strong men were besieging a monk.

This battle was quite fierce.

As the two sides fought fiercely, the heaven and earth were penetrated.

The monks who were besieged were helpless.

was eventually suppressed.

And here, from then on, there was a lot of resentment.

The picture disappeared, and a mass of black energy spread out from the depths. In the black energy, there was an aura that made people tremble and despair.

"No, leave quickly!".

Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, and with a wave of his hand, he directly caught the Qilian Mountain Lord and quickly swept away towards the distance, because the moment the opponent appeared, Lin Feng knew that together with the Qilian Mountain Lord, he and the Qilian Mountain Lord even included the undead army under his command. Even if he takes action, he may not be his opponent.

If you don't leave under such circumstances, you are just waiting for death.

But the speed of the black energy was too fast, and it swept in from all directions.

Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain were pushed back by the shock.

In the black energy, a twisted existence appeared.

The monster said with a smile, "I can't even remember how long it has been since anyone came to my place. Now that you are here, do you think I will let you go easily?"

Lin Feng and the Lord of Qilian Mountain could only smile bitterly.

Lin Feng said, "It's really unfair that you are being surrounded and killed here. Those people are really no good. I am willing to help you escape from this place. How can I help you?"

"Ha ha ha ha". After hearing what Lin Feng said, the being in the black energy laughed.

He said, "Then you mean to say that I am a good person?"

Lin Feng said, "That's natural. You are definitely a good person, and you were harmed by a traitor!".

This being continued to laugh.

Lin Feng smiled and felt a little scared in his heart.

After he stopped laughing, he said, "This is the first time I heard someone say that I am a good person. Your flattery has been slapped on the horse's hooves!".

After a pause, the being in the black air said, "Do you know who I am?".

"Who are you?". Lin Feng asked.

"I am Emperor Zhou!" said the being in the black energy.

Lin Feng was slightly startled, this guy is called Emperor Zhou? This name sounds awesome and quite domineering.

However, if you ask Lin Feng who Emperor Zhou is, Lin Feng really doesn’t know who Emperor Zhou is.

The name Di Zhou was unfamiliar to Lin Feng.

The Lord of Qilian Mountain said, "It is said that in the past, a top powerhouse created an immortal kingdom in the Supreme Divine Court. The leader of that immortal kingdom is called Zhou. Could it be you?".

"Yes, it's me!" The being in the black air directly acknowledged his identity.

Lin Feng was quite shocked in his heart, because Lin Feng knew very well what a terrifying world there was in the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God, and the existences there were quite powerful.

Lin Feng knew that there might be some different forces there.

But Lin Feng never thought that someone could form the Kingdom of God there.

From this, we can imagine how terrifyingly powerful this emperor was in the past.

But Lin Feng now also knows why Emperor Zhou said that he was the first person to say that Emperor Zhou was a good person.

The existence within the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God is the mastermind behind the decline of heaven and man, the destruction of the universe, and the change of reincarnation.

How could these guys be good people?

So when Emperor Zhou was besieged and killed, the real corpse made people feel very happy.

But at this time, you can't express the true emotions in your heart.

Lin Feng asked calmly, "Who are those people besieging you?".

"They are a group of despicable people! Shameless and untrustworthy people, they are extremely hateful and deserve to die!". Emperor Zhou shouted angrily.

Judging from Emperor Zhou's performance, it can basically be judged that the people who killed Emperor Zhou should have nothing to do with Lin Feng and the strong men on their side.

There is a high probability that it was an ally of Emperor Zhou who took action to kill Emperor Zhou, which made Emperor Zhou so mad and hateful.

Because being killed by one of your own people is the most embarrassing thing.

No matter how many years pass, even if he becomes an Inferi, he can never forget this hatred.

But for Lin Feng, Lin Feng just wanted to say that the other party did a great job.

It’s dog eat dog anyway.

It's a pity that both sides don't suffer. It would be better if they all died.

Lin Feng knew that it was best for him to delay as much time as possible. This would help him prepare more fully and help him and the Lord of Qilian Mountain escape from trouble.

So Lin Feng pretended not to know anything and asked, "Are those people your subordinates? They betrayed you? That's why you hate them so much?".

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