Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 476: Emperor Zhou's shock

Interest, in many cases, can drive some people to do things they don't want to do.

But don't worry that the other party will regret it. You only need to set a condition for the other party not to betray, such as making a poison oath to restrain the other party.

The more powerful one is, the less he will break his oath at will.

Because strong men at this level know very well that when you practice to their level, you must abide by certain rules. If you don't abide by these rules, terrible consequences may occur.

Those who do not abide by the rules are often those monks with average strength. They do not know how solemn and serious the rules are.

Lin Feng said, "Of course what I said is true, and there is no need for me to deceive you, right?".

Lin Feng's rhetorical question was the strongest guarantee.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Emperor Zhou's eyes became extremely bright.

He said, "I don't care what the forces behind you are, but I will not ally with the forces behind you. I only ally with you."

Lin Feng said, "Of course there is no problem. My request is simple. In the future, when I need you and ask for your help, you can't shirk it!"

Emperor Zhou thought for a while and said, "No problem, but there must be a prerequisite for this matter!".

"Say it!" Lin Feng said.

Emperor Zhou said, "I don't help with everything. Even if you call me for ordinary help, I won't do it. I will only do it if it is something more difficult!"

Lin Feng said, "You don't have to worry about this!".

"Okay, then we can sign a **** contract!". Emperor Zhou said.

"Can!". Lin Feng nodded.

The so-called blood contract will form a certain binding force on both parties.

The main binding force on Lin Feng is that the skills he taught are really what he said. If what Lin Feng said is deceiving people, then the oath will have a relatively large impact on Lin Feng, but it will not have any impact on the emperor. Influence.

It wasn't that Emperor Zhou didn't believe Lin Feng.

He also added Lin Feng to the oath, mainly because Emperor Zhou was more cautious now.

As for the constraints on Emperor Zhou, the main thing is that Emperor Zhou must help Lin Feng after hearing Lin Feng's call in the future, and cannot deal with Lin Feng.

After the two parties discussed the specific details, they signed the Blood Oath.

Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief and put away the mysterious iron box.

Emperor Zhou also put away the magic sword.

He looked at Lin Feng and asked, "What happened to the box you just got?".

Lin Feng said, "If you know something about it, it's okay to tell you, but if you don't know much about it, it's better not to know. After all, it may involve serious cause and effect! Even for a strong person like you It won’t do any good to say it!”.

Emperor Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly.

What Lin Feng said made sense, but he was indeed more interested in the mysterious iron box. He was considering whether to risk being involved in the corresponding cause and effect, and also wanted to know what happened to the mysterious iron box. Actually, he felt that the mysterious iron box looked like a coffin, and it definitely contained a shocking secret.

But he eventually gave up on the idea.

Mainly because he is still in the state of Inferi.

The most important thing now is to get out of trouble and get rid of the body of the Infernal Corpse. Other things are not important, and it must involve as few major causes and effects as possible.

Emperor Zhou said, "Forget it, it's okay if you don't know. Now you can teach me the skill you mentioned!".

Lin Feng took out a jade tube and threw it to Emperor Zhou.

After taking the jade tube, Emperor Zhou quickly sensed it.

For a powerful man of Di Zhou's level, his perceptive ability is naturally not to mention.

He only needed to check it to know whether what Lin Feng told him was really as powerful as what Lin Feng said.

The more he looked, the brighter his eyes became.

Because he knows the goods.

After reading the cultivation method of Xiaoyao Tian Gong, he knew that this Xiaoyao Tian Gong was really a heaven-defying skill.

This technique can indeed help monks greatly increase their breakthrough success rate.

For someone like him who is out of trouble, that is really too important.

It can save him a lot of time.

Thinking about it, it feels wonderful.

Emperor Zhou said with satisfaction, "Not bad, this technique can indeed play a very good role for me!".

Lin Feng said, "As long as you are satisfied, you said before that you would give us some good things as compensation!"

Emperor Zhou said, "I can't get you anything good here, but I can take you to some places to look for opportunities. The most indispensable thing in this wasteland is top-notch opportunities!"

Hearing this, the eyes of Lin Feng and Qilian Mountain Master suddenly became bright.

If Emperor Zhou takes them to look for opportunities, firstly, they can save a lot of time, and secondly, safety is guaranteed.

After all, Emperor Zhou was so powerful.

With him by their side, Lin Feng and the others don't have to be afraid even if they encounter extremely terrible dangers.

Lin Feng said, "That's great, now let's study how to help you get out of trouble!".

Emperor Zhou said, "The Emperor has arranged the Ninety-nine Heavenly Gods Formation here. He has arranged ninety-nine core formation eyes at ninety-nine positions in the mountain range. These ninety-nine core formation eyes are extremely hidden. Deep, even I only found a dozen core formation eyes, but I did not dare to destroy these dozen core formation eyes, because if I could not quickly destroy all the core formation eyes, it would definitely attract the attention of the emperor. At that time, the Emperor will use more terrifying methods to deal with me, and it will be even more difficult to escape!"

Lin Feng touched his chin. What Emperor Zhou said was indeed true. There was basically only one chance. If Emperor Zhou could not be rescued quickly, the emperor would definitely be attracted.

This is extremely troublesome.

But Lin Feng was still confident in breaking through the formation quickly.

Lin Feng said, "Tell me the dozens of formation eyes you have found. Using these formation eyes, I should be able to find other formation eyes soon. After all the formation eyes are found, we will find a way to break them." Formation!".

"good!". Emperor Zhou nodded.

Then he took out a map and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened the map and saw that the map was a full view of a mountain range.

There are more than a dozen red dots marked on the map.

These dozen red dots should be where the formation eye is.

It seemed that Emperor Zhou had been making preparations for a long time to get out of trouble.

However, Lin Feng guessed that Emperor Zhou's attainments in formations may not reach the top level, so he has not been able to find other formation eyes.

But this was nothing to Lin Feng.

It took Lin Feng a day to find all the remaining formation eyes. This speed shocked Emperor Zhou. After all, it was incredible that Lin Feng was so young and so powerful, but Lin Feng was so good at the formation. His attainments are so unfathomable.

Even a strong man like Emperor Zhou couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

What kind of monster is this kid?

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